Chapter Twenty two

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"I knew you hated me but I never knew it was this much"  Amelia started "Really? You said all that to me because.... because you don't like me for your son? Of course I know our first meeting wasn't it but you know well that we were both at fault on that day, I mean you didn't welcome or even treat me like I was a human with feelings. Did you ever think about it? What if I was your daughter and....and someone was treating me this way because I got married to her son, would that have made you happy? I know my mother would never treat a person that way even if she left me at a young age and I had to raise myself so why would you? It's so unfair"

Emily did not know how to feel about the outburst. Amelia was now looking down at her fingers but her words broke and her tone was so different from the usual confident or newly debuted overly cheery Amelia, guilt crept up on her at that and try to play it off as she may, she did feel a tinge bad about how she'd treated the other now that it was put that way. When Amelia looked up, there was tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"It would've been nice to have someone who'd fill in that void. I know you didn't birth me but it's not too much to not treat me like I was trash. When I first walked in through that door, you gave me a welcome I could've never expected, I'm not justifying my actions back then but i was left with no other option than to match your energy that day. If you thought I wanted to 'take the house' or your son away from you then you have the wrong idea about me again, Liam is your son, but you need to accept that he has another woman in his life now. You love him, we both do so why can we not find a neutral ground and just..... respect each other. We're both his women, we don't have to make things harder for him because of our stubbornness. You have as much right over him as I do so if I have hurt you in a quest to make that known then I am sorry, those were not my intentions. I just want a peaceful life and home and a bit of motherly love on the side wouldn't hurt too." She finished softly, looking at Emily, eyes beseeching.

Emily seemed to have snapped out of it when she stopped speaking. She exhaled sharply before tearing her eyes away from Amelia's. She was still too stunned to speak when Amelia stood up from where she was sat and walked out of the room wordlessly.

She hated how Amelia's words still played in her head even after she'd left. Her words were not just thrown out, they were more than that, sincere and all spoken with a purpose. Of course she knew what Amelia meant by her mother leaving, the guilt washed over her as she thought about how incredibly lonely she must've been, with Liam gone all day, alone in a house with no one who knew or understood her or even tried to. She look at the path Amelia walked out from, 'You love him, I do too', 'we're both his women' those words found a place in her mind and head and wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

Amelia's presence in this house has changed something, Emily could lie to everyone else but not to herself, Amelia has been making an impact from the moment she stepped into the Walker's Mansion and at first it irked her but now, she couldn't help but be Intrigued.

"Hey, asleep?" Knox read over the message again. He was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling and waiting for sleep to take him but it wasn't coming, his phone lit up with a message and grabbed it to check, he was met with a text from Audrey.

About to, you?-
The three dots that signified an open keyboard from the other side immediately popped up after he hit send.

-Same, wanted to say goodnight.
A small appreciative smile appeared on his face. From the day he and Audrey had started talking, she'd been nothing but nice to him. She was good company to be around too and sometimes by her words and actions, he wondered if he was just dumb or failing to see if she was trying to say something.

He wasn't about to jump to any conclusions, maybe that was just how she was, he thought before typing in a reply, returning the phone to where he'd picked it from atop the bedside drawer.

   Thank you, goodnight to you too-

Emily dropped her spoon back into the plate with a small clang, hand going to cup her stomach that started to rumble with unease. She coughed into her palm, eyes widening as she pulled her hand back to see a blood stain. Her throat felt clogged, struggling to breathe as her eyes welled up with tears, words refusing to form. She reached her hands towards the one who stood in front of her, a silent call for help but she remained unmoving, wicked smile on her face as she watched the other struggle before she fell limp, head landing on the table with a soft thud.

Amelia sprang up in cold sweat, she looked to her side, finding Liam sound asleep. She looked around the room, Amelia hardly ever had dreams, it was such a rare occurrence that it was hard to forget every single one, coupled with the fact that they always....always came to pass. She remembered crying on the morning of her parent's trip, it gave her a sense of deja Vu, awfully familiar with the dream she had of their road accident.

They waved it off, 'it was only just a dream' they said. Only for her to lose them both at the same time, just like in the dream.

Was this going to happen to Emily too? Was it up to her to prevent it from happening this time? She pulled the blanket over herself. Sleep wasn't coming anytime soon.
The next morning, Amelia prepared breakfast for Liam, his eyes followed her every move, she placed a few slices of bread in a plate, pouring a cup of tea. The sound of heels walking into the dinning distracted her, looking back at the same moment the jug slipped from her hold, landing on the table but not before spilling some of it's content. Liam quickly jumped out of his seat, luckily avoiding being burnt by it.

Amelia's mouth hung open, unable to pay attention to anything else. The footsteps were Emily's, and there she stood in front of Amelia, dressed in the exact same outfit from her dream.

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