Chapter Thirty-four

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"Seems you forgot who's paying your tuition huh?! You and your brother both?" Justin roared, making Amelia flinch at the sound.

She stood in the middle of her room, tears falling from her eyes with her uniform all ruffled, hair sticking out in every which way as Justin had made her take an excuse and leave school earlier, lying to the teacher that she had an emergency at home and promising to have someone come pick Leo up.

Ever since he'd made his intentions known and could now touch her however and whenever he wants to, it seemed to only get worse with each passing day. From the use of every derogatory term possible to threatening to pull her and her brother out of school to hitting her when he didn't get his way, he had done everything to make Amelia bend to his whims. Now, he touches and fondles every part of her body like it was his daily bread and sometimes, late at night, he'd have her sit in his car where he would guide her hand on his naked hard length until he was spilling unto her palm.

No amount of crying or begging seemed to make him stop, only working to strengthen his angry threats. When Amelia had enough, she resorted to calling a few of her relatives, atleast someone would see the wrong in what he was doing right? But ignoring her jerky voice over the phone, they all ended the calls with hurried calls of 'baby, talk to Justin if you need anything' the rustling that came before the life went dead before she could get another word in always has her wailing louder. They were all adults afterall, busy with their own lives, their own jobs and their own kids.
Now, she had no other option but to bite back her sounds of protests whenever he comes at her, if she didn't want to be pulled out of school and sent out to the streets with her brother. She was all he had, having no idea what was going on between his sick, twisted uncle and Amelia who always looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

She hurried home after he'd given her exactly twenty minutes to get home from school, still struggling to catch her breath and was still wiping the beads of sweat that collected on her forehead when she shrieked as she felt herself being pulled into a tight embrace. She could never get used to this, there was no getting used to being violated continuously by a person who was supposed to be a guardian. He was supposed to protect and provide for them, be a source of comfort, not force her into being a tool for his sick pleasure. She was struggling in his hold before she knew it and he groaned in annoyance, striking her across the face before grabbing her jaw in a bruising grip and smashing their lips together, all while his calloused hands roamed all over her body like a starved predator.

She was already bawling by the time he pulled away and dragged her to her room, and on getting there, he started to pull at her shirt and skirt, making her scream and move to put some distance between them, holding unto the shirt in places that the buttons had given up. She knew where this was going and she couldn't bring herself to accept it.

"Seems you forgot who's paying your tuition huh?! You and your brother both?"

His jaw clenched as he stalked closer, while she shook her head, more tears streaming down her face.

"Please, uncle I can't! I can't do this, not this, please, I'll do anything else, please, I don't want to do this" she was on the verge of a breakdown, the continuous stream of tears already giving her a headache as she rubbed her palms profusely in front of her face, begging for mercy.

Justin scoffed loudly, 'fucking bitch' he muttered under his breath, and Amelia struggled to process the loud ringing in her ear afterwards, making her fall back into the bed.

"You listen to me, and listen to me well. Your parents didn't leave shit for you or your brother before they died. You know who's been feeding and taking care of you and your brother all this time? That's right you ungrateful little brat. Me! You think I'm spending so much money on you both cause of the goodness of my heart? I'm already doing so much for you both, don't you think I deserve something in return? Don't you think I've held back for long enough? Don't you think this is unfair to me too? Now, I'm already showing you mercy by doing this while your brother is away. Just be a good girl and I promise I won't hurt you" He ended with a sickeningly sweet smile, his features blurred by Amelia's tears as she still muttered streams of 'pleases', shaking her head as she did.

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