Chapter Forty

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"Amelia~" Justin's voice singsonged as he walked closer to where Amelia was laid on the bed, her eyes tore open the moment he sat on the bed and they widened in shock the very next moment.

What was going on. Was this another one of her nightmares? An illusion? She was springing up from the bed the moment he reached a hand towards her and his displeasure was obvious by the way his face twisted into a frown.

She frantically looked around the room, where was everyone? Where's Audrey? Where's mom? Did they really leave? She swallowed harshly, sweat starting to form on her forehead as she now stood on the bed, starting to walk on it, dodging his hands that kept reaching out to grab her.

"I'm sure you're wondering how I got in" he chuckled darkly, still stylishly walking after her, "they all left, and now it's just us alone, did you think they were going to keep me away from you forever?"

He grew agitated at the continuous dodges and viciously tried to reach for her leg, but she skipped, a squeal escaping her lips when he landed on his stomach on the bed.

"Are you trying to wake your brother up? Have him listen to us while I take you?" He chuckled darkly, being more calculated with his attacks now, angered by how they were practically dancing around the room. When he got up unto the bed, Amelia jumped down from the soft surface, and he sighed before getting down too, but she was now at the other side of the room. Amelia looked around for an escape, but he was closer to the door now than she was. She was feeling the weight of being forced to be alone with him in a room again, the implications of the situation making her airways close up but she took solace in the fact that he hadn't gotten his hands on her yet. She would do this all night or atleast until things finally work in her favour for once in her life. Oh, how she wished someone would come to her rescue, desperately so.

"I thought you were married" his voice pulled her out of her thoughts again. "You've been here for a while, shouldn't you be in your husband's house? Oh, don't tell me you don't want me meeting him, don't want him finding out how messed up you are?" He asked with a taunting smile.

"And whose fault is that, you sick bastard!" Amelia finally spoke for the first time that night, tears already streaming down her eyes.

"Oh come on, sweetheart, all I did was make you a woman. And you enjoyed it too, tell me, has anyone made you feel as good? Does he fuck you as good as I did?" His eyes grew wider when Amelia's sobs grew louder at that.

"Oh? Don't tell me you haven't let him? You're still the way I left you? Oh this just keeps getting better and better" he clapped in amusement.

"Shut up! You disgusting pervert. You think I can think about such things without the memories of how you traumatized me for years filling my brain instead? You are sick in the head! You violated and abused me for years! I had to go to therapy for years because of all the fucked up things you did and said to me! I'm finally living like a normal person after so long and now you're here again. Why are you back? What do you want from me! What exactly did I do to deserve this! Oh God, why me" she was now on the verge of a mental breakdown as she finally sank to her knees, surprising even Justin as she was never one for such outbursts, so used to just numbing the horrible incidents out that even he had grown accustomed to just watching the silent tears roll down her cheeks. As she was now sat on the floor, wailing, he edged closer, Amelia already growing alert the closer he got.

"That is all in the past, Amelia" he appeased, still reaching to touch her now wet face as she scrambled on her butt. "I never wanted to hurt you, don't cry, you're all grown up now. Uncle will make you feel good, I promise. This time, we'll both enjoy it and I'm sure you'll be begging for more when I remind you how good I make you feel"

"W- what" it wasn't rocket science that he was here for the same reason he'd always came to her room back when she was younger but her heart was almost beating out of her chest at the raw admittance and she was shaking her head vigorously, legs flailing as she pushed away on her butt "No! No, no please don't come any closer"

"Oh for God's sake! You already wasted so much of my time with your whining, come here and don't piss me off more than I already am, Amelia" he hissed, immediately grabbing her legs and pulling a loud scream from Amelia when he finally got atop her, scrambling to grab her arms that now fought to push at him, scratching his face in the process.

"Quiet down, you fucking b-"

BANG! The sound of the door hitting the wall startled Justin enough to turn around so fast he'd have gotten whiplash if he wasn't already dropping unto his ass due to the sight he was greeted with. The figure that he would recognize anywhere reached blindly around the wall, eyes fixed on the figures on the floor before the switch was finally flipped, light finally filling the previously dark room and Justin felt his heart drop to his ass.

"L -Lisa-" he stuttered out, his wife stood by the door, tears streaming down the visible part of her face as her palm that was over her mouth covered the lower part, Amelia rushing to wrap her arms around herself, thankfully she was still fully clothed.

"Police! Put your hands where I can see em" the sounds of heavy boots were heard first before 6 armed men were filing into the room, the man who had been crawling towards where his wife stood, looking up in horror.

A man he didn't recognize, dressed in a suit, walked in, face red in rage and he was immediately landing a hard punch on the other's face, sending him to the floor immediately. He was crouching the next minute, grabbing Justin by his shirt but before he could land the next punch, two officers grabbed onto him, calls of "Calm down" and "Get a hold of yourself" immediately following.

Amelia felt her breathing slowly as for the first time since she'd been forced to share a space with Justin, she sighed in relief, when Liam looked up at her from where he was still struggling to kick at Justin, she swallowed back a loud sob before everything went dark.

"AMELIA!" Liam's eyes widened when Amelia landed on the floor with a soft thud, pushing the officers off himself before he rushed to where she was now laying on the floor. "Amelia! Amelia?" He called continuously, pulling her unto his lap before he was yelling out "Someone call a fucking ambulance! Don't just stand there"
Justin closed his eyes, shaking his head as it dawned on him that, that had been Amelia's husband. The loud wails of his wife who was now on her knees at the door still filled his ears as he realized this had been a set up. He hadn't even seen Leo walk in as the other was now knelt down in front of him, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him but he could do nothing about it with his hands bound, looking up at the man whose face was stained with tears, fat dollops of it still rolling down his cheeks.

"How could you!" He cried. "What kind of a fucking monster are you! How could you do this to her" the other hissed under his breath after a while and swung hard at him, his already busted lip bleeding out more before the officers pulled the younger male away from him and Leo, just like Liam, was immediately rushing to Amelia and joining Liam as they continuously called out her name and she remained unconscious.

"The ambulance will be here soon" Knox informed, glaring at the man on the floor with fists clenched.

"You are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent as whatever you say will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to a lawyer and if you can't afford a lawyer and want one, one will be provided for you" one of the officers said animatedly, another one going to check on the camera that had been strategically placed in a corner of Amelia's closet, with a view of the whole room. He turned to another one of the officers. "Take him"

Amelia, the war is really over 😔

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