Chapter Five

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Amelia placed two cups containing orange juice in front of the strangers she had shut out a few minutes ago, taking a seat opposite them with a blank face, waiting.....

                7 MINUTES AGO

"Why did you do that?" Leo asked after she'd shut the door, both of them standing behind it.

"Because I don't know them," She said.

"Still, shouldn't you hear them out first? of course you don't know them but I'm sure if they didn't know you, they wouldn't be here. They are here for a purpose, just listen to them and hear then you can decide?" Leo reasoned with an assuring smile.

Amelia took a moment to process what he had said before taking a deep breath and opening the door, both men still standing where she'd left them.

Leo flashed them a small smile before walking past them, hailing a cab almost immediately as he was more than a few minutes late for his classes. Both men turned their heads back to Amelia as they watched the boy leave as she finally muttered; "Come in" and opened the door a little wider.

"So.... that's all you want me to do?" She inquired after they had fully explained their purpose of coming, not sparing a detail about the little supermarket scene.

"Yes, and this is a blank cheque" Knox stated, placing it on the table and shifting it towards her, "you can write down any amount you'd like and it's all yours"

She slowly took it, staring at it intensively, still in disbelief as this whole situation seems a bit overwhelming. A thought suddenly came to her mind, raising her head to look at them.

"I have a condition though," She said.

"Sure you should have your own conditions too, name them" Liam nodded.

"My saw him leave, he's my only family and if I'm going to be your house.......fake, wife" She quickly corrected.

"I would love it if my brother could always come over there and i want to be able to come here whenever I want to. It's my parents home and I don't want to be too far from home, i don't mind once or twice a month." She finished firmly.

"Don't you want him to come with you and live there with you....?"

"No I don't want to, I....I don't want him to be uncomfortable, I also don't want him over there as a distraction, just......if there's a way for someone to look after him, I mean, I know he can take care of himself, but I'd appreciate some sort of protection for him, since he's going to be here alone" She said worriedly.

"We got you on that, besides, you can always come home whenever you want to, we're not taking your freedom away" Liam said with a small smile.

"Fine. crazy are they?"


"Your Mother and your sister, how crazy are they? On a scale of 1 to 10?" She said as she finally eased into the chair, crossing her legs.

"No, they are not crazy," Liam said.

"Oh really?! If they are not, why are you here seeking a crazy person to deal with them? it shows they are crazy just like me, right? So.....go on, give em a rating, your sister? She asked.

"Uhhhh....a 6?" Liam said skeptically, drawing a smile from Knox causing Liam to give him a side glare.

"Hm, and your Mother?"

"A solid 10!''

"Ohhhhhhh! My Mother-in-law is! I have another condition-" She abruptly said.

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