Chapter Twenty-one

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Liam woke up to the sound of voices coming from somewhere in the house. He peeled his eyes open slowly, swallowing back a yawn as he made out Amelia's voice from the jumbled up noise, there was a male voice too....Leo, of course, he thought.

There was another voice in the conversation and it took him some time to finally make it out to be Audrey's. He sat up, eyes still droopy as he looked around the room.

Amelia walked in a few minutes later, teasing smile on her face, taking a sit on the bed.

"Are CEOs supposed to still be in bed by this time of day?" She teased.

"CEOs need rest too and don't nag me when I spend most of the night being your cuddle buddy" He replied with a chuckle.

"C- cuddle buddy?!" She repeated, a short laugh bubbling out of her throat in disbelief.

"Of course, you don't remember? You were all over me the second you slept off. First, you snuggled into my arms..." He made a demonstration hugging an invincible body in his arms "and even after I gave in and cuddled with you, you still weren't content, you almost melted into me.

Don't worry, I understand I'm very cuddly, you don't have to thank me" He finished proudly.

" are so full of yourself and besides why would I believe that when you came here because you couldn't sleep alone in the first place" She replied, lips curling upwards.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?!" He blinked confusedly.

"I mean, your story was probably the other way around and you needed to cuddle to sleep but that's fine, I'll let you off this once" She replied, poking her tongue out before giggling and rushing out of the room.

Liam's mouth fell open at her words, "Amelia! AMELIA GET BACK HERE!"

He yelled out when her words finally sunk in, struggling to free himself from the weighted blanket he was under.

"Amelia, I swear, it was you who initiated it" He insisted, successfully freeing his legs from the blankets 'couldn't sleep alone?' he huffed to himself.

"Amelia!" He yelled again, finally rushing out of the room in a quest to defend himself.

Emma walk towards where her car was parked, leaving for work. She turned around when she heard footsteps behind her.

"Morning!" She said to Knox who halted in his steps, blinking in surprise as he wasn't expecting neither the greeting nor the cheery nature of it.

"Morning" He replied, eyes on her.
"Where's Liam?" She asked, looking behind him "He's not going to work?"

''Oh he didn't come home last night" he responded.

"Does that mean he slept at Amelia's place?" She asked, mouth forming a small 'o'

"Yeah" He replied.

"And.... you're going there too, aren't you? you're both not going to work today?" She asked, finally taking in his dressing.

"Yeah he cancelled all he had scheduled for today....." Knox trailed off, the sight of a car driving in distracting him. It was parked not long after, Audrey revealing herself from behind the wheel, waving at Knox with a bright smile. She started to walk towards him, Emma turned and went where she was on her way to initially, unlocking her car with the key as it made a small beeping sound, tossing her handbag in the back seat and getting into the driver's seat, driving off Immediately.

"Hi!" Audrey chirped, ignoring Emma's little display as she now stood in front of him.

"Hi" His gentle deep voice replied, looking away from Emma's disappearing car to Audrey.

"Wondering why I'm here?" She asked, still smiling.

"Yeah, I mean Amelia is at her house" He said.

"Of course I know that but I'm here for you" She beamed.

His brows unconsciously arches at that, he doesn't remember having any plans with her, her reason for coming was still very much unclear to him.

"Are we..... going out somewhere? I don't think-"

"No, no, I'm here to bring you to Amelia's, Liam said you were coming" She explained. He made a small sound of realization, nodding.

"Oh! Yeah, well, thanks....let me drive then" He offered with a small smile.

"Sure, I'd like that" She replied happily, dropping the keys into his open palm. They both walked to where she was parked, Knox got in, Audrey after him, they shared a quick glance, smiling at the other. His mind fleetingly trailed back to Emma before he started the ignition and drives them both out of the mansion.

Emily sat on one of the sofas in the living room, paper in hand. She looked up, hearing footsteps getting closer, almost rolling her eyes when it turned out to be Amelia, taking a seat next to her with a smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" Emily asked, giving her a questioning look.

''Sitting next to you, "she replied innocently.

"And why?!" Emily asked again.

"Nothing, I just wanted to. Do you really hate me that much?" She asked with a curious head tilt, making Emily look at her for a moment before closing the papers she was reading, turning to face Amelia properly.

"Did you really need to ask me such an obvious question?" Emily started "I'm sure you don't need to be told how much your presence in this household angers me, you're not right for my son and you never will be. Of course I won't be an ingrate and not appreciate what you did at the jewellery store but that works to change nothing. My first impression of you would always be there to remind me why I dislike you so much, acting like you own this house or anything in here. I mean, why even stay in a house you're not even wanted in, it's useless, especially this act of yours, you won't grow on me and I won't accept you for Liam....ever. So if I were you, I'd pack my bags and leave quietly to save myself from further humiliation. How's that for an answer?" She finished firmly, eyes fixed on Amelia's blank face as she eased back into the sofa.

So! What do you guys think?!
Will Amelia go back to her old method or stick with plan B?
Let me know what you think in the comments!

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