Chapter Nine

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"Oh you are so dead today, Lucas" Emma murmured as she chewed harshly on her fingernails, stepping on the gas to accelerate as she trailed after a very familiar car. She made a U-turn a few seconds after it did and followed steadily at a safe distance.

She watched the car drive into a hotel, ripping her hands out of her mouth as she tried to compose herself, waited for a total of 10 minutes before driving in too.

She was able to get the room number he went into after a few threats and slipping of bills on the counter, she took a breath as she stood in front of the room, a part of her mind still praying....hoping she was mistaken, and then she knocked, her heart dropping to her feet at the sound of the very familiar voice that called "Just a minute", it was undoubtedly Lucas.

In a few seconds, the door was opened, revealing the one she had prayed it not to be, her eyes widening in disbelief as her 'boyfriend' stood in front of her in nothing but a pair of obviously just thrown on boxer shorts, she felt tears well up as she peeked into the room, an unknown female laying on the bed with the large duvet covering her obviously naked body, shooting questions their way as Lucas fell on his ass the moment the door opened.

Emma did not utter a word, shaking her head in disgust as she swiftly turned on her heels, walking away as she fought back the tears that threatened to spill.

Lucas muttered a curse before grabbing his trousers off the floor where it was previously discarded, roughly tugging in on as he dashed after her retreating figure, successfully catching up to her as he grabbed her by the elbow, another apology at the tip of his tongue as he turned her to face him but that was cut off as she landed a slap across his face, tears now falling as she glared at him.

"I hate you!" She said in between short intakes of breath.

"Emma, I'm sorry I-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it!" She sharply cut in, "I knew you never changed, you never have and you never will and that was why I had to put someone on you, the moment I got a call about you picking a woman up , I had hoped for it not to be true, to not be what I thought it was even though I knew damn well that it's just who you are! So this is what you do with all the money I give you? Take your sluts to expensive hotels? Is that it, Lucas?" She yelled through her tears.

"I....I don't know how this happened, Emma please..."

"You don't know how what happened?Do you know how fucking stupid you sound right now?" She asked ludicrously before sniffling loudly, clearing her throat, "you know what? I believe we're officially done now, never show your face to me or even try to talk to me unless you want to spend the rest of your life in jail, go back to what you were doing, I'm sorry I interrupted" She said before nodding furiously and walking out on him. 

Liam glanced at Amelia for what felt like the nth time that day, she was sat on the passengers side as they were on their way to see Leo. He noticed the silence and it concerned him, checking to see if he could read her expression every now and then but it was always blank.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked after minutes of hesitation.

She turned to face him with a small smile gracing her features, "I am, why?"

"You haven't really said anything since yesterday.....I know it's about what Mum did, I'm sorry about that, I had no idea she would get physical" He said, tone soft as he turned to hold her gaze, shifting between looking at the road and at her.

"I'm fine, you don't have to keep apologizing for what she did. I saw it coming, you know.....but I said what needed to be said and I'm sure she's going to be thinking about it for a while, I just want you to know that you really are doing your best, you provide and care for her so don't let her words get to you, she's also still your mom so you have to keep trying to make her see, no matter her attitude don't get tired of her, she's your mother after all" She finished with a tender smile, taking Liam by surprise as he was impressed by her words, respectful even though the woman had acted so rash.

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