Chapter Thirty-eight

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He broke out in cold sweat, swallowing down so thickly as he felt the gaze of the menacing man in the back seat on him.

"Do you mind answering me? I asked what you're doing"

"It's my wife. A call.....from my wife, haha" he chuckled nervously, praying to any higher force that might be listening that the man buys it. "I told her not to disturb me while I'm at work, so I'm just texting to see if there's an emergency, you know"

"Oh, well then you can do that outside, I don't mind" the man replied, finally easing back onto the back seat.

He almost sighed visibly at that "Thank you Sir, I'll speak to her quickly and be right back" he rushed to say, hurriedly pulling the door open as the other's tone and presence suffocated him. As he now stood in front of the car, he made a call to the officers.

"What's going on, why are you outside?" They were quick to ask, seeing as they could see the man in visible distress from where they were parked. If Justin had been more observant, his body language was enough to ruin the whole plan.

"He almost caught me" he said, looking back at the car to see Justin had gone back to looking out the window.

"Try to relax, so he doesn't start to suspect you, you don't have to text us anymore, we'll handle it from here. What is he doing now"

"Still nothing. I think there's people in the house and he doesn't want to meet them" the cab driver replied, nervously biting his nails.

"Yes, I think so too. You can go back in now, and act natural so he doesn't start to suspect you. Don't worry we're watching his every move, he can't hurt you"

"O- okay, thank you officers, I'll hang up now"

"That was a pretty long conversation" Justin commented when the door shut behind the cab driver as he got in, making the man smile at him.

"Women, you know how they are" Justin let out a chuckle at that before looking back at the house again.

"Let's go. To the last place you took me yesterday" He said, the cab driver turned to look at him, a surprise written on his face.

"You're not going in?"

"Nah, I'll just come back later" Justin said and the man was nodding before the engine roared to life, slowly driving away from Amelia's residence and the officers waited a few minutes, quickly resuming following the cab before it went out of sight. The cab man letting out an inaudible sigh when he finally found the officer's car in the side mirror.

On getting to the house now tagged as Justin's hideout, there was a woman standing in front of it, sequin dress on her as she released thick lumps of smoke from the cigarette that was held between her fingers.

She dropped the cigarette, stepping on it when Justin alighted and approached her, opening her arms and the man was quick to seal their lips together, immediately dragging her inside the house and shutting the door behind them, but not before the officers got candids of him and the woman.

They scrolled through the pictures they collected so far, a shared glance between themselves before they started to drive with a new destination in mind.

Still in a crouched position next to Emma's bed, Knox watched as she swallowed the pills he'd given to her, before returning the half empty glass of water to him, wiping the drops of water that went down her chin.

She was right when she said she was coming down with something, having been running a temperature for a while now, her skin also loosing it's color. He had suggested to take her to a hospital, but the stubborn one, Emma refused, the latter giving up on an argument when she simply went under the covers to prevent further discussions.

He placed the glass on the bedside drawer before standing back to his full height.

"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" He tried again, watching how she shook her head in disagreement, again.

"I already told you, I'll be fine. I already got some medication, didn't I? By tomorrow I'd be back on my feet. I never expected Liam to send you here though, I told him to nevermind coming, I didn't know he'll be making you come here, I don't mean to bother you" she said apologetically.

"He didn't send me, I volunteered to come" Knox said, making Emma's brows hit her hairline.

"Oh? Why, if I may ask?" She said, she hoped it wasn't obvious how unreasonably giddy that information was making her, but a small smile was evident on her face.

"It's nothing serious, you should rest-"

"But I want to know" she cut in, not missing the way Knox sighed, tongue licking over his dry lips before a frown was forming on his face.

"I..... I don't know, I'm not sure, I guess I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he said, unable to piece together the reasons for his own actions too, and he missed the way Emma's smile grew wider, raising his head on hearing the rustling.

"Alright, guess I'll rest now" Emma said, lifting herself up slightly as she tried to fix the pillow that was under her head to get in a more comfortable position.

"Here, let me" Knox said, rushing next to her head and supporting it with his open palm while he smoothened the pillow down, slowly easing her head onto it.

"How's that" he asked lowly, now looking down at the other's face in the dim light of the room and at such close proximity, he could see Emma's eyes fixed on him too, she swallowed, looking down at his lips as her heart started to beat wildly in her chest.

"H-huh? It's fine, thank you" she muttered, eyes falling shut when Knox began to edge closer, melting into the mattress and sighing in content when their lips finally met.

The kiss was nothing if not innocent, both of them slowly tasting the other's lips with the exception of tongues clashing or spit mixing and yet Emma found it to be the most electric kiss she'd ever had, her eager arms going around his neck while Knox confidently led the kiss, keeping his hands to himself.

When he slowly pulled away, he was met with the sight of Emma who still chased after the softness of those chapped lips, the pale skin of her face now blooming with color while her lips looked redder and a bit swollen.

He pulled away completely, her lax hands now falling from his next and her eyes peeled open, she blinked for a bit, the upward curl of Knox's lips making her cheeks grow redder before she was pulling the sheets over herself in embarrassment, making the other shake his head before making his way to the door.

And when he looked back at her covered figure before shutting the door to the room, he couldn't help but feel lucky, for some reason.


"No! I will never allow that to happen again, how could you even suggest that!" Liam angrily fumed, the officers still looking more calm than ever as they tried to explain the situation to him.

"We're not going to let it happen too, Mr Walker, we need a scene like that to happen again so we can have concrete evidence against him if we want to throw him behind bars for a long time"

What scene are they planning?

SHE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora