Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm fine, it's just a cut" Amelia said as Liam held her arm in a soft grip, looking intently at the bandaged cut.

He still had his work clothes on, he had abruptly gotten off work after all, Emily's jittering while she explained the situation to him on the phone was definitely of no help, busting into the hospital room she was being sewn up and waiting through it, driving her home and then picking her up bridal style afterwards all the way into their shared bedroom and tucking her into bed after hastily arranging a cluster of pillows behind her to 'support her back' she found it all endearing.

"You're not fine" He insisted, Amelia sighed softly at that. "He barely missed your radial artery, you lost so much blood and look at're looking so pale" He counts.

"I'll be fine after I take a nap, I already got the drip and all the medications, don't worry" She assured, almost groaning out when Liam shook his head again.

"Why would you grab a man with a knife?" He exasperated.

"I had no idea that he had one!" She defended.

"But still you can't just grab a man like that... God, I was so worried when Mum called, she sounded so panicked"

"Is that why you left the office? Your work?" She asked, a faint smile playing her lips.

"I'd go crazy if something happened to don't know what you mean to me Amelia, I rainchecked on a meeting worth millions" He chuckled softly, holding her gaze for a moment as Amelia met his.

"Well it's not like I'm like.... your real wife, you don't have to be so worried about me" She said, breaking the silence between them as she felt the tension build up.

"Well, you're still mine" He finalized.

"No I'm not! I belong to myself" She countered.

"I'll make you mine.....I promise" He said firm but soft, gentle smile on his face.

"Tch....You can always try" She challenged with an airy laugh, "I think you should go check on your mother, let her know I'm fine" She said.

"Sure, yeah, try to take a nap, you need to rest" He nodded, getting up from the bed to help her lay down properly before draping the duvet over her and quickly planting a kiss on her forehead, causing Amelia to blink rapidly, not realizing when he walked out of the room, shutting the door after himself.

Amelia let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding, placing her hand over her chest, the organ beneath it seeming to be doing some kind of acrobatics, she bit her lips looking towards the door where he had just left, "He just does whatever he wants" she muttered lowly, palm now going to her forehead where the spot he kissed seemed to be burning, "Jerk" She mumbled.

Liam walked into the living room, a smile on his face as the sight of Amelia's flustered face replayed in his mind, almost punching the air at the fact that he was the cause. He cleared his throat when he saw his Mum and Emma seated on separate couches, Emily picking at her fingers, guilt written on her face.

"She's fine Mum, you don't need to be worried" He said to her, noting how Emily almost sighed in relief before her brows pulled together again.

"I- I never asked her to do that, I warned her not to come with me in the first place!" She said, Liam shaking his head as he'd expected that reaction.

"It's okay Mum, just go to your room and take some medicine for your knees, you need to rest against tomorrow, it's your birthday afterall" Emma finally spoke, voice soft. The older looked at her before nodding and getting up. She turned to look at Liam again.

"Tell her I mean it, that little stunt she pulled back there does not automatically make me pleased with her" She said firmly, causing Emma to shut her eyes for a moment, opening them to find Knox leisurely strolling into the room. Her eyes grew wide as she abruptly stood up and grabbed Emily by the shoulders; "Let's go Mum, I'll walk you to your room" She said, before starting to walk with a confused Emily who later just decided to go with it as Emma avoided Knox.

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