Chapter Thirty-one

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"I don't know what to do, Mum, I can't believe she really left me" Liam had ran to his mother like a child that got hurt the moment Amelia left, Emily was still in utter disbelief as Liam, in his tearful state had explained the whole situation to her, from the moment they'd met in the supermarket to the contract and it's clauses.

If the news wasn't coming from her son himself, she would never had believed it. It sounded like a bad joke, she'd seen them together, it was so much more than a contract marriage, at least for her son who was now crying into her shoulder, even though he was very much bigger than her, his broad shoulders shielding her own frame, she still ran her fingers through his hair, the other hand patting his back comfortingly. He was still her little boy after all and seeing him so broken made her tear up too.

"Liam it's okay" She said, tone soft as she continued to pat his back.

"Mum, what do I do?" He sniffled.

"You can go to her" She encouraged, finally pulling away to look at his face.

"I can't say exactly what's happening, Liam but this is more than just ending a contract. Trust me, I see it too. I know she feels for you too, only a blind man wouldn't see it...... Go to her, talk about it, figure out what is going on with her" Emily encouraged, using her thumb to wipe his tears before Liam sniffled again, now using the back of his palm to clean his face, Emily teared up again at that, she wondered how much he loves Amelia. It looks like a lot.

"But," he exhaled shakily, collecting himself before he spoke again, voice still shaky. "I have asked her Mum, I have but she doesn't tell me anything whenever I do. And today she just made the decision to leave me, like my feelings are nothing, did I do something wrong, Mum? Tell me" He was tearing up again, Emily sighed.

For some reason, Emily was glad he trusted her enough to be like this in her presence, she felt like the Mum of that little fragile boy again, the one that cried in search of his mother whenever Emma would tease him, but it still made her heart ache to see him like this and she would do anything to make it stop.

"Liam" She said sternly, "Listen to me, you can't get her back by being like this! If you love her so much and you want her back in your life, you have to stop crying over spilled milk and fight to have her back, you hear me?" She watched him nod enthusiastically, sniffling again and she continued when he looked at her, seemingly more composed. "Now, I thought I was wrong at first, and I thought it'd be right to talk to her about it before telling you, but, something happened the other day when Amelia and I were out and if i'm not wrong, she changed since then" Liam's ears perked at that, fixing his posture on the hard surface of his mom's Queen sized bed, eyes widening as he stared at her expectantly.

"What happened, tell me please"
"Sitting alone?" Emma walked closer to the other who was nursing a cup of orange juice as he sat in the garden.

"Yeah," was all he managed to say, staring into the distance as she took a seat next to him.

Knox, who had never really been one to involve himself in other people's businesses saw Amelia walking out of the Mansion, some of the girls pulling her luggage as Liam slowly trailed behind her.

"My contract terms have been met" was all she said with a tiny smile when he tried to talk to her. He saw Liam struggling to hold back his tears as he ordered one of the boys to drive her home safely, the other had rushed back in after the car drove out of sight, the door to his mum's room shutting behind him before Knox could get to him.

It was night time now, and Knox couldn't sleep, so he came to the garden, maybe the fresh air would help clear his head. Emma who had the same problem sleeping also came out to receive some air.

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