Chapter Thirty

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"Heard you're married too, you got married, Amelia? Wow, that's shocking" He chuckled, his mocking tone evident as he continued to taunt Amelia who had not uttered a word ever since his voice came from the other end.

"Does your husband know some of the most interesting things about you? I bet he doesn't" he laughed again after that, that sound replaying in Amelia's head like it did whenever he would justify his disgusting actions, following it with laughter as if it was the most natural conversations. She was already shaking at this point, frozen in her spot as she was forced to listen to him speak. There was a bit of silence after his last words, before he finally clicked his tongue and spoke again.

"So, did you miss me? I know I did and I want to see you. Let's meet?." He asked but it sounded like a statement, he never really needed her opinons anyways, what followed after was the beep of the call ending, releasing Amelia from the iron grip that voice still had on her. She landed on her ass, head shaking, refusing to believe this was really happening as the tears continued to fall in a steady stream.

She would look crazy from an outsider's eyes as her palms were on either sides of her head, clutching her ears as she tried to silence his voice that kept making rounds in her head.

When her eyes landed on the door again, remembering the encounter of the night before and how Liam could walk in at anytime, she swallowed and pulled herself to her feet, she couldn't let him see her like this, not again. With all the energy left in her, she dragged herself to the bed and got under the covers, shielding herself with the filmsy material that did nothing to provide her a sense of safety or comfort as she still felt cold and vulnerable.

Her helpless words from the days she was forced to endure, making more silent tears fall from her eyes as she used the back of her hand to prevent her own tears from coming out too loud.

"Stop. Please stop, please"

The drive from the meeting back to the office was so quiet, Liam might be a man of few words, but he was quite observant.

Knox has always been the quiet and reserved type but they've spent enough time together for him to immediately notice any behavioral changes in the other. He had stop seeing him with Audrey these days and wondered if his unusual changes was caused by that. Clearing his throat, he turned to look at Knox who had his hand on the wheel, the other elbow sitting on the open window, eyes focused on the road.

"Is everything okay?" He finally asked, earning a quick glance from Knox before he turned his focus back on the road.

"Yeah! Why?!"

"Nothing, just- you seem bothered. And I haven't seen Audrey around in a while, is everything okay with you guys?" He asked, making Knox look back at him with a small smile.

"I'm all good, don't worry about me."
He paused, "I think you should be worried about your wife instead" he added cautiously, not missing how Liam's eyes widened, scooting closer in interest.

"You.... You see it too, right?"

"Yes I do, I'm sure everyone does, it's been almost a week now, she's acting different, that's for sure. Did something happen between you guys?'' Knox spared him another questioning look and saw as he shook his head.

"No, of course not. We haven't even talked enough to get in an argument these days. I feel like she's hiding something from me, she's been avoiding me. I don't know what to do to make her talk to me. I really want her to share whatever it is that's bothering her so much" Liam finished sadly, easing back onto his seat.

Knox sighed at the other's words. He had no idea what to say after that, he was never really good at consoling others after all. The driving fell back to silence after that, with Knox casting an occasional worried glance at Liam who just wordlessly looked out the window.

Amelia sat alone at the dining table, her untouched bowl of cereal staring back at her. Her sigh turned into a breath caught in her throat when her phone dinged with a text again. She closed her eyes, breathing harshly before grabbing the device that now seemed to be an agent for the torture of her mind.

  -Amelia, it's been two days since I sent you that text and you seem to be ignoring me. I see you think you can disrespect your uncle since you're so grown now. You can't escape me, sweetheart, no matter what you do, I'll always be your first. Since you won't come to me, I'll come to you. I'll be waiting at your home and I better see you there if you don't want me meeting your 'husband' in your new mansion. See you soon. 

Tears were already brimming in her eyes as the device dropped back on the table unceremoniously. She hated the fact that that was becoming a daily occurrence for her again these days.

She dipped the spoon into the bowl of soggy cereal that sat in her front, shoving it into her mouth as she fought back the tears and following it up with spoon after spoon, not even tasting the cereal as she swallowed it all down. But it all came crumbling down when she choked on the food in her throat, spitting it back in the bowl as the dam finally broke, she cried, continuously hitting at her chest as the tears seemed to have closed up her airways and made breathing difficult.

She was quick to sniffle, forcing the tears to stop as she drank from her glass of water. Wiping her face and pushing her chair back, she stood up and made her way to the bedroom.

On getting there and dropping her phone on the bed, she went to the dressing mirror, clearing her throat as if to collect herself and desperately rubbing the wet stains off her cheeks. With a nod of determination, she walked into her closet, dragging out an empty luggage bag and immediately beginning to toss randomly selected clothes into it.

Liam arrived back at home, entering the room to find Amelia sitting on the edge of the bed, her luggage bag and a carry on sitting next to her feet.

"What's going on?!" Liam asked, expression immediately morphing into a frown as he looked at the luggage and back at her.

"I'm leaving" She said with a small smile that did not reach her eyes.

"Leaving? Why?" Liam asked, his heart already beginning to beat in an unsteady rhythm.

"What do you mean why? Mum is good, your sister is well behaved for the most of it, you have a stable relationship with your family now, you were able to get the culprit that tried to hurt Mum, I think it's safe to say I successfully completed my job here" She listed, keeping her tone steady and hoping it does not sound as fragile as it does in her head.

Silence ensued, Liam seemed to having problem processing her words. Of course it was stated in the agreement. She had to leave, Amelia was to leave once her job was completed but that was before he got to taste what it would be like to have Amelia in his life. He can't do it. He can't bring himself to let go, to let go of her after he'd gotten a feel of the life they'd have together. The life he could have with her. The contract and it's terms were the last thing he thought of whenever he spent time or did something for Amelia. That was him just acting on his feelings, the feelings that he developed in just a few weeks of getting to know the staunch, hypnotic and beautifully endowed woman that she was. He'd fallen for everything that she was. But he swallowed. Imposing his feelings on her would be wrong. She'd requested time, to work out her own feelings, the only string on hope he was now holding unto. He desperately hoped it hadn't just been about a piece of paper for her. That even if not the same, she felt even a little of how he felt for her. And before he could stop himself, he was nodding.

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