Chapter Thirty-three

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[Few Years ago]

"Justin will take care of you and your brother starting today" A middle-aged man said to the younger Amelia, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as he looked at her with sad eyes, the living room littered with relatives who all seemed to be avoiding her eyes.

Losing both her parents in a single day still felt like a nightmare to her, she'd desperately hoped it was a sick prank that'd end with her parent's wide grins and laughter but none of that happened. She just became of the legal age a few months ago, she hasn't even gotten the chance to plan out the course of her life and now every one of her non-existent dreams were shattered right in front of her eyes.

Her mom was supposed to be there, guiding her along the path as she'd grow to become a 'beautiful and independent' woman, she promised, but she was no more. Her Dad was like an anchor, she could never fear the uncertainties that comes with stepping into the 'real world' as he'd call it if she had him, supporting and cheering her on with his wise words and fun stories, but he was gone. Her baby brother who was still finding it hard to understand the whole situation shattered her heart even more.

She wondered if it'd have been easier for them if they were born with a silver spoon. Would uncle Justin be able to cater for them? What about their education, would they have to stop schooling? Can he carry the burden two kids that were not even his? It did bring her some relief that someone was willing to help, she just hopes he treats them as he always had at least.

Her uncle, Justin walked into the room, sparing a glance at Amelia before clearing his throat and saying a greeting to the other elders in the room, taking a seat. They quickly fell into a discussion, which lasted for about an hour while one of the aunties comforted Amelia who had a sleeping Leo's head on her laps. When they seemed to have finally finished, beginning to bid farewell to the grieving kids before filing out of the room slowly, finally leaving Justin who got up from his seat and walked up to Amelia.

"Take your brother and go get dressed. Let go get dinner and some fresh air, hm?" He said with a smile and a clap of his hands, making Amelia nod, albeit hesitant before tapping Leo and they both went to their separate rooms to change.

They all came back from dinner, with bags in their hands, the kids having bright smiles on their faces as Justin had managed to make them comfortable and happy during their outing.

"Thank you so much for today Uncle" Amelia's voice came as she looked up at her much taller uncle who nodded, eyes fixed on hers.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, sweetheart. I'm sure my sister would want me to take care of you both, it's nothing. I'll put some money in your account by tomorrow. Take care of yourself and your brother, just focus on your studies now, okay? I want you both to be very good to each other, you understand?" He said eyes now flitting between both of them and they nodded the affirmative. Amelia wasn't sure how to feel about the name, she had met with her uncle numerous times as he seemed close with his sister, her mother when she was still alive. He seemed nice and fun but he hadn't been one to call them petnames. She brushed it off, thinking he was probably just being extra nice since they now had only him. She also missed the way his eyes roamed over her body, stopping at her cleavage before he returned his focus back to her face as she looked up at him, a distracted Leo already looking through his bag of snacks.

He clapped his hands again, standing to his full height. "I'll be back to check on you guys, make sure you give me a call if something comes up or if you need anything, okay?" He looked down at Leo, ruffling his hair as he didn't get a reply from him "C'mon, aren't you gonna pay uncle some attention atleast?" He chuckled before embracing the other "Give uncle a hug, promise to be good, okay?" Leo nodded, giggling a bit as his uncle crouched so his arms could go around his broad shoulders. He pulled away after a while, turning to Amelia, arms open in invitation and she wrapped her arms around his neck innocently, breath hitching when his arm around her waist pulled her impossibly closer, her growing breasts pressing unto his chest as he buried his nose in her neck, taking a long drag and this time she didn't miss the groan that followed the hot breath that warmed the side of her neck. After a while of being uncomfortably pressed up on him, she tried to push at him, her arms coming up between them.

"U- uncle...." She said, and that seemed to bring him out of his trance as he was hurriedly releasing her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Amelia" He cleared his throat. "I got a bit emotional there, I just.... really miss my sister" he said, lips downturned, making Amelia feel guilty as she pulled him into another hug.

"I'm sorry. We all miss her" she said and he nodded, quickly releasing her this time and huffing out a breath.

"I have to go, take care of yourselves, ,okay, don't forget to lock the doors" he reminded before walking out, the siblings silently trailing behind him and standing by the door while he walked to his car and they waved at him before walking back in, door shutting behind them.

Justin sat in his car, smile plastered on his face as the image of her soft body in his hands sent sick thoughts flying around his head. He groaned again, looking down at his pants, he muttered curses to himself before finally gathering his thoughts and driving away from the house.

The siblings walked straight to their respective rooms, Amelia rushing back out of hers to help Leo get ready for bed and whispering a silent 'goodnight' into his hair when he was tucked in. She went into her room, getting ready for bed while blocking out every thought of her parent that could lead her to tears and end in a sleepless night. She sighed before slowly drifting into sleep.

Amelia and Leo silently ate lunch before the sound of the doorbell came, Leo immediately jumping out of his seat to get the door.

"Uncle!" The younger squealed happily before jumping into his arms.
Amelia bit her lip as she heard who it was. These days his presence proved to be more and more of a discomfort to her as he seemed to grow more touchy as the days went by.

She adjusted on her seat as he walked into the dining area, mumbling a greeting and sighing in resignation when he took a seat right next to her.

She had been praying silently that he didn't but it seemed like a behavioral pattern for him these days, always gravitating towards wherever she was and a rapidly growing inability to keep his hands to himself. It'd progressed from the persistent hugging, to grabbing her waist, to a hand around her shoulder that always ends with his palm resting on the growing swell of her chest. When his hand brushed over the supple flesh of her ass after he'd pulled her into a hug one day, she'd thought it was a mistake but it clearly wasn't, if the amount of times that has happened in more bolder instances was anything to go by.

She forced a smile, dishing some food for him as he joined them in the table, Leo excitedly telling the older about his week which he hummed to. The sound of Amelia's cutleries dropping onto her plate unceremoniously had Leo's words stopping, looking at her worriedly.

"Amelia, what's wrong?" He asked with wide eyes

"I'm.... I'm fine, it's nothing" She hurriedly replied, breath coming out ragged as her uncle's hand which was now boldly resting on her thigh remained in it's position. Beads of sweat started to form on her forehead, the food she was chewing loosing it's taste as he started to massage the flesh, fingers working their way up, causing her to swallow before turning to look at him. He looked different than she'd ever seen him, eyes predatory with a brow raised but her hand landed on his under the table, shaking her head as she tried to get it off her thigh only for his grip to become firmer, causing her to wince lowly and he looked to her with a satisfied smirk before turning back to Leo and pretending to listen to what he was saying, his ministrations never stopping.

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