Chapter 39.

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I groan, and move, but I almost fall of the bed. God, since when is my bed so small? I open my eyes with a struggle, they are burning, and a quick memory of me crying flashes in my head. I rub them agressively, and regret it almost immediately. I check the surroundings, and realize I'm in the place... His.

I'm in Sebastian's apartment. Now everything flashes fast in front of my eyes - him taking me to have an ice cream, then taking me to his apartment and leaving me.

I rub my eyes for the last time, and get up from the bed, realizing that it's not small yet super big, but my stupid ass decided to sleep at its edge instead of the centre where is the sofest. Yep, you guessed it, it's a king size bed. I can confirm that any student who used to live here was a lucky bastard. Why didn't I have such a student life? Oh, yeah because I didn't even finish high school.

I get up, and decide to search for some coffee. And I realize that not only I have coffee (and by the smell, I can safely say it's probably the most expensive one), but the whole fridge is filled with food. I don't wanna even bother myself with thinking when did he find time to fill it. But I mentally thank him, and allow myself to slightly smile.

Once the coffee is ready, and the whole apartment is filled with its scent, I sit on the terrace, and inhale. The freshness the morning air is so good, and I let it fill my lungs as I enjoy the peace for what feels an eternity.

I just can't believe this is where I live now. Will I really be able to do this every morning? To inhale fresh air instead of the dusty one in my old apartment?

I make myself to stop daydreaming and I decide to get ready for work. Didn't see Mr. Benson in a while. I do miss him. But do not tell him. Especially do not tell Nanny.




I got up and of course, the first thing that came to my mind was her. How she got up in what used to be my bed, how she was probably shocked to see that the fridge is full, and how she got ready in that enormous and lavish bathroom. I tried to shake her out of my mind, and just when I opened the door to walk to job, I bump into Merry who was just about to knock.

"Good morning", she greets me, smiling, and reaches for my cheek to kiss. I don't move even though I considered to. This just needs to stop or be paused.

I started feeling guilty even though Esther and I have nothing going on. Yet. No, no, and NO. We will never have anything going on.

"Hi. I'm kinda late."

A lie. I shouldn't lie. Merry doesn't deserve this. Ingrid doesn't deserve this. But unless I don't find out something more about her, this isn't going to work.

"Yeah, well, I..."

"Ingrid", I place my palms on her shoulders, "we have to talk. I don't want to lie to you. But this isn't going to work anymore. This...", I shake my head. "Relationship, or whatever this is to you. I don't want to be mean, but neither do I want to act around you. You deserve better than that. But..." I lift my finger in the air in front of her face when she opens her lips to interrupt me. "Don't you dare dissappear on me because I'll find you, Ingrid. I promise you that. I want to be your friend. You need one. I need it too. I think we can work as two lonely friends, don't you thing so, huh?" I wink, smiling.

She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes, it's just formal. "I do, Sebastian. I do. Believe it or not, I came here to tell you the exact same thing. I'm done play these games with you. If you want, when you finish your shift, we can take a walk, and I'm finally going to revel everything to you. Or, at least, things I feel ready to."

"Deal." I squeeze her shoulders, and hug her briefly. She pats my back. "See you, later."

"See ya."


"Ava, I need an update, okay?", I ask her as soon as she appears next to me, running to keep up with my step.

"Sure, sir. Um..."

I listen to her, and scrabble important things, and asks her to make me coffee before I enter my office. I almost startle when I see a back of a man in chair.

Don't be scared. It's just Conor.

"Good morning, Conor", I greet, and he startles, waking up from what must have been a short nap he took.

"Ughhh", he groans, "morning it is, but is it good or bad, that's for me to decide."

I call Ava to make us two coffees instead, and wave my hand through the air, motioning for Conor to tell me what is the problem now.

"Wendy?", I try to guess.

"Ugh, no. I mean, yes, but I try to back up from my love", he air quotes word love, "problems. I think it's better if I just, you know, ride solo."

"Well, that could be a good thing." I nod, surprised that he made that decision. "I mean, not forever, just until you decide what road is for you to take, and until you calm down a little, and focus on yourself. Also your job. Take it seriously, please. The order came from above", I add, knowing he knows what I mean. His father did contact me, trying to make me reach Conor. I mean, reach deeper.

"Acknowledged." He nods. "No more drinking. But, Seb, what do I do instead at nights? I'm used to going out, partying, and ending up with some sexy woman or chick."

"Do something for yourself instead. I would say read a book, but..."

"Yeah", he confirms my thought.

"Prepare dinner for yourself..."

"It's not funny cooking for yourself", he tsks.

"Try to work."

"Nah." He shakes his head.

"Sleep instead. You need it."

He smacks his lips. "Sleep is overrated."


"Okay, okay. I'll try it." He rolls his eyes slightly, thinking that I bought his lie.

"You won't do it forever. You can do it this whole week, and then..." I don't think twice before suggesting it. "We could go out together this weekend."

"You and I?"

Yeah, it sounded better in my head. His lips are grinning widely, and I regret it the moment it slid over my tongue.

"Well, maybe no..."

"Deal. Thanks, bro. I really need your support right now. I think I'm going to succeed in this, having this motivation on my mind."

"Great. I'm so glad this is your motivation", I joke sarcastically.

"Yeah, the biggest one so far." He walks out of the office, laughing loudly on purpose, mocking me.

Way to go Sebastian, you have crazy ideas. Never mind, what's done is done. Back to work. Today is going to be a long day.


Things are gonna heat up soon. Stay tuned.

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