Chapter Three

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"I swear if you ever leave me in the back seat again your never hearing the end of it" here we go again, Flora was stamping her feet her hands fisted by her sides staring down Ronan, her face scrunched up in fury. All the rest of us was unpacking stuff out the car trying our best not to listen, well I will be honest I was sort of listening and I think the other two was too, I mean how can we not. Ronan himself never took any of Floras crap "Baby I told you Theo needed to be in front to give me directions" He took a box of cigarettes out his pocket and started to light one up as Flora stomped her feet and got into his face "He didn't need to be up front he could of been at the back to give you directions. You know I hate sitting at the back, You said I would be having fun so far I am angry, hungry and cold" She screamed as Roman took a long drag of his cigarette and then he looked her in the eyes his face stoic "Don't like it go home" He turns away from her and heads to the car where we all continued to unpack Flora completely shocked "Ronan, I have not finished talking" Flora was screaming from the patch of grass they was once standing on. Ronan  just ignores her and stands next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I notice Theo glances our way but doesn't say anything, "Need help setting your tent up Demi?" He asks smiling down at me his cap lowered down in front of his eyes. I don't answer straight away instead I just smile and shake my head not sure what to say, he is obviously just trying to get Flora annoyed and by the way she had her arms folded and was glaring at me it was working. Theo comes walking over and taps Ronan on the back "Come on dude we need to set these up before it gets dark" he says. Ronan sighs and lets me go grabbing a bag with one of the tents in before walking away. It takes us a while to set everything up and right now me and Alexia was out getting the fire wood while Theo and Ronan set up the tents and Flora was sulking on a log she was seriously pathetic. Alexia was talking about the argument I wasn't really listening until she says one thing "I mean its Theos fault why invite them anyways" She held a few sticks in her hand her red hair tied in a loose pony "Was not Theos fault he just wanted to get us all together" I say quietly holding my own handful of wood "Your just saying that because you have a crush on him" She turns to me and smiles "Go for it this weekend Demi, its the perfect opportunity. Alone in the woods, only the light of fire. Its so romantic" She gives me a wink and then continues to walk. I start to blush then laugh "Your such a bitch Alex" This was going be an interesting trip. 

Everything was set up we had all the tents around the camp, I would be sleeping with Alexia, Flora and Ronan was in a tent and Theo was by himself, I mean I wouldn't of minded sleeping with Theo but you know whatever, Ahem. Anyways we was all sitting down on our camping chairs by the campfire all of us wearing our coats eating toasted marshmallows when Ronan gives us a smile pulls out a small plastic bag with weed inside shaking it in the air "Anyone up for it?" He asks in a sing song voice "Hell yes" Flora says in a much better mood then a few hours ago seemed like they made up, don't know when that was but who knows with these two. I put another marshmallow on my stick and put it near the fire "Not for me thankyou" I say but Flora just laughs "We all know your a wet blanket" she snipes "I will have a joint but Flora keep your bitchy attitude to yourself right" Alexia says turning her head directly to Flora who just smiles, Ronan looks towards Theo and shakes the bag in offering "I don't want one" Theo answers standing up from his place and walking towards me, "Can I sit here?" He asks his smile lifting slightly, "" I stutter like an absolute fool, my cheeks turn pink and I want to go to hell right now, why can I not talk to him normal. As he sits next to me he turns his head towards me as the smell of weed starts to fill the air, oh my lord thankyou for letting me be in the presence of this gorgeous prince. He starts to laugh and I don't know why because I haven't said anything but when he reaches out and grabs my arm pulling it back I see my once beautiful puffy sweet marshmallow had gone completely black "Oh" Is the only thing I can manage but this just causes Theo to burst out in the biggest belly laugh I have ever heard. It is so adorable and causes me to go completely red "You.... are....too... cute" He says in laboured breaths as he wipes a tear from his eye. I turn my face away in utter embarrassment as I see my best friend smiling like a fool and the couple eating each others faces , geez have they ever heard of PDA. I turn back to see Theo has leaned in a bit closer his face near mine, he smiles those gorgeous blue eyes eating at my soul "Kind of awkward right" He whispers "A little bit" I say quietly as he scoots a bit closer putting his lips near my ear, feeling the hot breath on my skin leaving little goosebumps "Why don't we go for a walk in the woods?" He asks huskily, I swear I feel like I am about to pass out. I  back up slightly and just nods because I forgot how to produce words quickly he stands up and grabs my hand but before we walk away a loud cute voice shouts out "Go get him you minx you" and then  Alexia just starts laughing again. Oh help me please before I die of embarrassment.  

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