Chapter Fourteen

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Sasha stared at me watching my face as I tried to just process everything she just said, Theo is a werewolf, impossible, no way, Theo was the most gentle man I ever met, he looked after me since we met. I looked down and bit my lip feeling a little blood in my mouth, I did not want to argue, I hated arguing "Demi I understand that Theo is your boyfriend or someone you really in love with but please try and put that behind you and just listen to me" She stepped closer to me "Impossible" I whisper to her clenching my fists by my side "Then I will ask you this, every time someone has died or you seen the wolf, where was Theo?" I snap my neck up and start to think, I was so confused, I tried to answer her but now thinking about it, she was right there was no time he was there but wait..."Our car" I tell her she tilts her head to the side "What?" she asks keeping her eyes on me "When we found Ashley, Theo was with you all he, he, he was not able to do that to Ashley if he was with you, it would be impossible" Sasha stares at me a sad look to her face "Sit down hunny" She grabs my hand and sits me back on the sofa before speaking to me "Theo disappeared that night" I pull my hands out her grasp but I do not speak "He said he needed to calm down and go for a walk no one bothered to question it because we all had a tough time processing it all but he went missing for a good while before you got back" I turned my head away from her now staring outside towards the woods "He was there when we did get get back" I quietly say to more myself then her "He came back five minutes before you did" she answers "Look I understand this is a lot to take in and its just my thoughts but everything I said is true. I think Theo is the other wolf" I don't know what to say everything was going around in my head, spinning around like a rollercoaster. I felt sick, I could not understand any of it, she was insane, she lost the plot, there was no way Theo was the other wolf, it was not true it can't be. She was wrong surely she was wrong but as I thought about it more and more it made me question everything "He would never kill his friends and Ronan was his best friend, no way in hell he would hurt someone who was like a brother to him" I tell her quietly my anger slowly burning inside me "He might not have Demi remember there's a wolf I'm trying to kill" I turn to face her with this fire that was in her eyes, she held deep hatred whenever she mentioned this killing machine that attacked me but it did not stop me from hating her for everything she just said "Your wrong Theo is not the wolf" I say as Sasha again puts her hand on my shoulder "I don't know for sure but please be careful around him" I didn't know anymore even when she said that it didn't feel right, Theo would never hurt me, I had now me the two wolves, one that didn't even hurt me but then again it did kill Ronan from just the blood that dripped from his mouth but then why did it not hurt me maybe it didn't maybe it ate something else but either way the wolf with the bright blue eyes did not attack me unlike the other one that Sasha was trying to kill that actually did try to kill me and Alexia. All I could say to her was "Noo it was not true Theo was not the wolf" but even me saying it or thinking that it was a impossible speculation that the one person I had I loved all my life was some sort of killing machine there was something in the pit of my stomach that was saying otherwise. That scared me the most. 

It had been a few hours now and I had decided not to talk to Sasha no more instead I laid on the sofa and fell asleep, and thanks to the stupid conversation all I could dream about was Theo slowly changing into a majestic wolf with bright blue eyes that was surrounded by the dead, three of them that haunted my dreams every night was lying underneath him but they was not how I had seen them now they was young and covered in blood, the next was Larry and Ashley lying on the ground holding onto each other in a frightened embrace, then there was Ronan his head in between the wolfs legs. I was in a long white night gown and slowly I walked over to him my eyes only on the red headed woman that was grasped in his teeth "Alexia" I whispered in the darkness. My voice was heard however which caused the wolf that was Theo stopped and dropped my best friend on the floor and now stared at me like something changed that stopped him from devouring the bodies but instead held eye contact with me that filled with not intent to kill but something more that scared me more. I woke up in cold sweats, my breathing quickening, I seriously had to stop thinking so much it was becoming detrimental to my health. It was not long after Alexia came storming back inside "We cannot find her" Alexia shouts worry slapped across her face as Theo came in after his light blue eyes scanning the room and landing on me. In a way it made my heart jump but at the same time I could not stop the distrust from everything that Sasha said "we looked everywhere, we scanned all through the woods and nothing. I don't know where she is" Theo says walking towards me but when he sat next to me and went to put his arm over me I flinched causing him to stop and look at me with confusion "Everything okay?" He asks as the two other women in the room looked at us "Oh yes its, well, my back still hurts" I lie feeling absolutely horrible within myself. I cant believe I actually could think of something so stupid could be real but I could not help it "Well we think its best we get out of here maybe we could get help and they can find Flora" Alexia says as she grabs a leather jacket off the chair putting it over her shoulders" I stand up quickly "Wait where are you going?" I ask her, Alexia smiles at me "I am going to find some sort of security shed" I looked outside and saw the sky that was now becoming dull as the sun was setting behind the trees, it was a beautiful sight with orange and yellow lighting the sky as the sunset glowed behind the trees but right now it didn't fill me with calm like it used to, now it filled me with fear. I looked at my best friend as she went towards the door "No the suns going down you know what that means" I scream at her as she now stood by the door "Don't worry I have this" She pulls out a flare gun and then the knife of Larry's, "No please Alexia you cant go alone, I will come with you" I say grabbing my jacket but then Theo jumps in and stops me "No your hurt" he says "Look one of us needs to go" Alexia says glaring at me but I know her to well she was as scared like us all. I look down then look at everyone in the little wooden house.  "Then we will all go in the morning, its not safe right now" I tell her but instead of listening to me she continues to argue "No Flora is out there she could be hurt, she could be dead we need to find her and the best way is by getting help" now I was fuming and I could not help but let all of my anger out "I am not losing no more fucking people" Alexia just stands there looking utterly defeated, when she looks back up at me and begins to talk a howl rips through the trees. I stand there silent as I turn my head and look at the sky which was now only displaying a little light, well shit. 

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