Chapter Twenty One

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Slowly my vision started to come come back, a blurred face coming into view as my head pounded, the pain causing me to wince as I tried to open my eyes, it was like the worse migraine anyone could have and when I tried to rub my temples I then realised I couldn't. I was tied up by a rope against a large cold surface, I stirred violently but it didn't help, all that I managed to do was burn my skin as I fought against the rope trying to loosen it but it did nothing "Demi I am sorry" I closed my eyes and opened them slowly. Theos bright blue eyes scorched into my own his face as handsome as always but now it no longer effected me in the ways that I would feel warmth between my legs, or that everything inside me would burn alive from the utter chemistry we once had, but now, well now I felt nothing but disdain for this man that was not actually a man, he destroyed everything inside me , made me empty and full of anger, I fought the tears that threatened to roll down my face that would of been fear but now they was caused by my fire, by the aggression that laid deep within me,  "how can you do this to me?" I ask him my voice full of acid, he reaches out and caresses his finger down my cheek "I love you more then anyone in this world, when you realise this you will love me again" I glare at him before turning my face away, ignoring the touch "I hate you" I say through clenched teeth but he didn't respond instead he forcefully grabs my chin, turns my head to face him before putting his lips on mine, his kiss was angry, it was staking a claim, one that I did not want but I could not move, I could not push him back so I just waited till he was done, not responding and not giving into what his mouth wanted to do. After a few seconds he stopped putting his forehead against mine "You will become mine again Demi. You belong to me" I don't answer him instead I just spit right in his face, I watched as he backed away and at one moment I was waiting for him to slap  me or at least shout at me but he doesn't, instead he just stands there my saliva dripping from his face before he turns and walks away. The place I was now trapped was a cave, it was dreary and even though there was oil lamps around the room I was in, it did nothing to hide the damp covering the walls, or the cold that ran down my skin. I always thought caves was beautiful but this one was nothing but intimidating by the minimal light in the middle of the room from the blazing fire. Right next to the fire was two sleeping bags which causes my eyes  to go wide "its was the other wolf" I say and even though Theo does not answer me and just looks at me, it was not him I was speaking too, it was the three dead teenagers behind him, all of there white eyes staring right behind his shoulders and straight at me. 

The two young women stood there tilting there heads, the one with the brown hair, the long white dress still covered in blood, the one on the right with the blond hair and matching white dress that was also splattered in blood. My heart ached as they both would of been nothing but beautiful. In the middle was the young man his blonde spiky hair soaked in blood as a thin line across his neck was still visible, he looked at me straight in the eyes with his cold dead eyes. I watched them as they remained still "they was not your first kill was they Theo?" I ask him as he bites his bottom lip "What are you talking about?" he asks me back as I direct my gaze to him "Those three people that Ashley and Larry was talking about, the ones that was killed by a beast. It was you" My voice was quiet but Theo heard every word. He takes a step closer "That was not me" he says before walking back to me and putting a hand above my head leaning close "I would never kill without reason" I look him in his bright blue eyes before saying the one thing he would hate "How can I even trust you" I state as he closes his eyes and breathes in "It all makes sense, the reason you killed them, you did not want them knowing that you was the killer of those three teenagers" I then stop as he faces away from me as I start to remember "The reason you did not want us telling anyone what we saw when we was in the car" Suddenly my voice cracks as I realise something that was just plain cruel "The reason we had sex was to shut me up, it was to hide your secret. You used me" He slams his other hand next to my face leaning in so close that his breath tickled my face "I would never do that. You giving yourself to me was the most happiest day of my existence" he seethes looking me deep in the eyes "Then why would you not want me telling anyone Theo if you did not kill them?" I ask him quietly as he continues to stare me in the eyes "It was not me" He says again and this time I seem to believe him "Then who did Theo?" I ask him quietly before a loud voice echo's through the cave behind Theo stopping him from answering. Theo looks behind his shoulder at the man that I recognised. The second wolf. 

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