Chapter Twelve

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We was running as far as our legs could take us, both me and Alexis panting as we stormed through the trees the sound of howls storming through the trees causing us to push ourselves even faster. I grabbed Alexis hand pulling her into the middle of the trees, I had no idea where I was taking us but I knew deep down this was the best plan, Alexis was panting nest to me as we ran even further into the darkness a branch cutting the side of my cheek causing me to wince, Alexis still held my hand firmly in hers lacking behind me as I pulled her behind me. After what seemed like hours we stopped near a bank panting before I saw a burrow surrounded by branches and grass , we both looked at each other before crawling inside our hands on our mouths to stop us from making any noise, we slid our way further down only just fitting in with Alexis. My heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline swimming through my veins as sweat poured down my back and front. My top was ripped in places and I was covered in dirt but right now I didn't care. We was crouched in low, me and Alexis tight against each other, she was shaking and terrified as the loud steps of something came. A huge beast came thundering down past us its black hairy body standing right in front of us, Alexis gasped in surprise as we both saw the beast stand up on its hind legs while we remained lying down in the soft dirt tears streaming down our dirt covered face. I stared at the creature Infront of me but something was not right, the wolf I saw was dark grey not black, or was my eyes playing tricking on me. It didn't move the only sounds heard was the beast breathing in loud huffs, I could slightly see its body moving but not sure what it was doing as all we could see was its legs. Slowly the beast walked away before we heard him run into the trees, we remained silent for a few minutes before Alexia whispered "Is he gone?" I didn't answer straight away I just breathed in and slowly crawled out the small cave into the darkness of the trees again. All that was heard was the wind in the trees, I couldn't hear nothing else I take a little further forward, trying hard to keep my step silent but as I turned my head left, dark green eyes stared back at me through the trees before lifting its head and howling into the night sky, the sound rippling through the trees before running at me on all four in a fast pace.

I screamed in place before the wolf started galloping towards me, I turn round and run back to the burrow but before I could slide back down the hole, excruciating pain rips down my back causing me to scream, it was like someone had cut me sharply with a triple bladed knife, I was trying hard to move but the pain was to much. I felt Alexis grabbing me by the arm and pulling us both down as far as we can go in no less then the five seconds I was attacked but all I could do was cry out in pain as nothing but stinging torment ripped through my body, what made it worse was that I was now lying on the dirt, I was sure my back was bleeding and now the dirt had gotten in which was not good for my wound. A clawed hairy hand slashes out at us in aggressive fury, Its claws dripping of my own blood from slashing my back, its green eyes staring at us both, all I can tell you was they was filled with nothing but evil, its sharped teeth exposed with froth coming from his mouth as a terrifying growl rippled out from his chest "Leave us alone" Alexis shouts as she pulled out Larry's knife stabbing the sharp blade into the wolfs hand and then pulls it out again, the wolf howls in a screech of pain as he pulls back his clawed hand that now poured of blood. We stay silent for a bit before Alexis holds out the knife in front of us, red blood poured from the blade as all that was heard was our breathing. We stayed hidden for a while neither one of us risking to talk, I look at Alexis and she looks back nodding her head to the side, tears ran down my cheek as my back was still stinging in agony, it was the worse pain I ever felt and that included when I fell from the balcony last year, at least I didn't remember that, this right now, all the horror and death I have seen would stay in my memories forever and that's if I even survive this and right now that seemed unlikely. Alexis slowly crawled out the burrow as I remained slouched on my back breathing in and out the pain that was slowly getting hard to handle. Alexis disappeared from view until she quickly came back "Its gone, come on Demi we need to get out of here" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out putting my arm over her shoulder and quickly walking us through the trees again. I was wobbling on my legs, they was struggling underneath me as I put most my weight on Alexis, "I don't think I can make it any further" I say struggling to get my words fully out. Slowly I started feeling more and more tired, my eyes was becoming heavy as Alexis walked me further on "we can't stop Demi we need to keep moving" I slowly fall on the ground onto my knees trying my hardest to stay awake "Oh my god Demi please....we need to go" Alexis started to beg trying to pull me back up but everything around me was slowly going darker. The sounds of something thundering towards us was all I could hear and Alexis screaming as she dropped me back to the ground and pulled out her knife, the last thing I saw before everything went black was the sky lighting up red and the howling of a wolf. 

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