Chapter Twenty

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I don't know how long we sat there but as soon as I awoke the sun was blazing through the windows. The best Idea we have was killing Theo when he was human and less strong, the only problem with that is I didn't know if I could kill Theo at all but I had to push all those emotions down, it was the only chance I had to stop all this, to at least find some retribution in all the deaths that only happened because of me. I stood up stretching my back as I walked to the small kitchen filling a glass up of water as I waited for the others to awake, as soon as the cool liquid entered my mouth I already felt refreshed. Flora slept on the sofa as Alexia and Sasha was lying on the floor, I guess I fell asleep next to Flora, the small hatred was slowly rising again but I pushed it back down as I walked into the only bathroom and shut the door. I stared at myself in the mirror, my face was covered in dirt, I looked a complete mess, there was a bruise across my cheek that I have no idea where it came from, under my eye was a slim cut that could of been from me running through my trees. I breathed in a sigh removing my now dirty clothes and examined the rest of my body, it was covered in bruises and scratches and as I slowly turned round there was the nastiest looking mark on my back that was slowly healing into a disgusting scar of claw marks. Ignoring all of that for now I turned on the tap, grabbed a cloth from under the sink and slowly started to wash my body and face, trying my hardest to get rid of every grime and dirt off me, when I was happy that I was clean enough I took my purple hair in my hands and tied it into a tight pony tail. With no care in the world I walked in the living room completely naked as the rest of the girls stood up wiping there eyes "Good morning...Oh my lord Demi why are you walking around naked" Alexia gasped grabbing some spare jogging bottoms and a crop top throwing them to me, I catch them and smile "my clothes was filthy I was just coming to grab some spares" I turned my gaze at Sasha who was just staring at me her cheeks slowly turning pink "Are you okay?" she suddenly shakes her head coughing "Yes sorry I just well..." Alexia raises a eye brow and suddenly starts to smirk "She is hot naked right Sasha" Sasha does not speak straight away instead she just turns her head away looking very much red and stares out the window instead, "We best hurry if we want to find Theo and the other wolf" She choaks out as I quickly dress myself. As Alexia laughed, Flora remaining quiet and Sasha hiding her utter embarrassment I only have one thing on my mind. I must kill my boyfriend and end this. After an hour we was all now walking through the woods all of us armed with a weapon, even now I held a knife firmly in my grasp, I would of liked a gun but I have no idea how to use them so I decided to stick to a knife. The woods even though the the sun gazed down on all four of us, the grass and trees a beautiful green and the sounds of bird chirping through the leaves, we all felt the same, nothing but dread, fear grasping us all in its mighty grasp when the scenery should of been admired in awe. We was hunting down a human being, we was hunting down someone that we all cared about at least mine and Alexia, was never sure if Flora cared about anyone but Ronan. We was going to kill him and for me it was worse because this friend of ours is the person I loved the most. I choked back the thought of that as we continued to walk "Maybe we should of left her in the house" Sasha says to me as we both trailed behind watching the backs of Alexia and Flora, "We couldn't, what if Theo knew we would leave her and kill her while we went out without her" Sasha looks down on the ground before stopping me holding me by the arms making me look into her hazel coloured eyes "I know this is going to be hard for you but what I heard about that woman" She says the last part in a hiss, "Maybe she deserves to.." before she could finish her sentence I pull my body back aggressively and glare at her "No one deserves to die not even Flora. I know what she did was evil and when this is over I am going to force her to tell the truth. She will go to prison" Sasha shakes her head "She would never admit it" she tells me before walking again making me quickly catch up with her "She has to admit it, I now have two witnesses with me who heard her confession" I glance at Sasha who just continues to look ahead "Well lets hope it don't come to that" She simply says before we stop talking and just carry on walking. 

"We need to split up" I say sitting on a log drinking from a flask of cold water, it had been a few hours already and we was all exhausted, there was no sign of Theo or the other wolf, the only thing we even saw was the large paw marks of a wolf which might not of even been Theos. "I agree we need to split up" Sasha says eating a sandwich that Alexia made for all of us. I was not very hungry so after I eaten a few bites I gave the rest to Alexia who happily accepted and eaten it all including hers "I cannot be by myself he will kill me" Flora whimpers sitting on the log next to Sasha who by the looks of it did not like that "You will stay with me" Alexia tells her as I stand up wiping my self down from the dirt "Then better start now" I announce starting to walk ahead "Wait Demi that's not a great idea being on your own" Alexia stood up and ran towards me holding my shoulders "Your in danger too" She whispers but all I do is smile before hugging her tightly "If there's one person out of all of us that's the safest its me, he wont hurt me" I say into her ear as a single tear drops down on Alexia chin "I promise I am fine" I loose her before walking away on my own as Alexia starts shouting my name "Just split up and stay safe" I shout before walking away alone. It had been at least half hour and there was still no sign of Theo, it was starting to seem that this whole plan was useless. Theo was not a idiot he knew we was after him probably even knew that I was planning to kill him but still there should of been some sign of him somewhere but there was none. I lean up a tree and start to breathe in before I hear a voice "I know what your doing Demi" Theos voice echoed above me, his voice sending shivers down my body "I love you and I know you hate me right now but I did this all for you" he says his voice getting eerily close from above. I lean off the tree and hold the knife out looking round up at the trees "You have murdered people Theo I wont let you kill someone else" I shout back at the trees as the leaves start to rustle from one to the other "I killed for you" he shouts making me turn my gaze to a tree not far from where I stood "You should never kill not even for me. You killed your best friend" I shout back hoping to get him to come closer "Ronan knew about it demi he could of gotten you justice but he didn't. He watched that evil skank push you, watched you fall to your death and he did nothing he deserved to die and I would kill him all over again to get the justice you deserve" I stopped and looked down "well now you lost me Theo" I whisper to the ground before strong arm grabs me from behind putting a cloth to my mouth causing everything around me to slowly spin "I would never lose you Demi you are mine forever" he whispers in my ear as everything around me suddenly goes black.   

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