Chapter Sixteen

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We walked for a good hour and I could see we was all getting tired, I was now walking and refused to be carried the entire way there to the annoyance of Theo who kept telling me he was fine and that I needed to be carried and to rest, but I was not going to be carried like a maiden all the way there, that was ridiculous and unfair to Theo. Finally we reached the security shed or what was supposed to be the way out of this nightmare we was all in but now it was nothing but a crime scene, the door was wide open and there laid two rangers both ripped to pieces just like a ravaged beast feasted on the bodies in a ravenous intent. Two middle aged men laid across a wooden floor there guts hanging out there stomachs, one of them had half his skull showing as flesh was ripped from his face, the other had a leg missing his femur the only evidence that it was there to start. I quickly put my hand to my mouth and began to heave, the smell was intense and caused nothing but my stomach to turn as the potent smell flew up into my nostrils, there was fly's around the bodies which only meant this men was killed a while ago, there skin grey while there eyes remained lifeless, it was a gruesome scene but even so all I could think was how scared they must of been they had no chance. What did not make sense was that why did the wolf use the door? it smashed through the wall to come at us but now it went through a door, it was obvious that the wolf became human first to kill these men. Alexia stood outside heaving as she leaned up the wood of the shed while Theo and Sasha looked around in the office, it seemed the gory scene did not bother them much "It must of killed them when we first arrived" Theo shouted from inside the home "no it was way before we got here, but why?" Alexia asked as she wiped the sick off her mouth "it does not want us leaving" I say as I wiped the sweat off my forehead "Hello can anyone hear me, come on anyone" I hear Sasha shout down the phone from what looked like a office that was in this small wooden security shed. It was not long that she came back out aggravated "The lines are cut no one is responding to me" We all stood outside dread sweeping us all "What are we going to do now? we have no where to sleep, nothing to eat and no where to go" I say in nothing but panic, everything inside me was drained and I couldn't help but let the panic take over as my breathing came out in quick succession "We will get out of this Demi" Alexia walks over to me and rubs my back as I lean my head on her small shoulder, "Well lets get out of here first I am sure there is a outhouse not far from this shed that these security guards go to for breaks and lunches maybe we can stay there for the night" Sasha points further up the dirt road that we was now on before pointing to the north of where we was standing, we had no choice we needed a safe place to be and so far Sasha seemed to know where to go so we did as she said and followed. it only took another half hour to get to the building Sasha was talking about which was just a small wooden house that in the woods just off the road. Unsurprisingly the door was locked but Sasha was smart enough to grab the key out of one of the security men's pockets, she was a braver and more stronger person then I would ever be. We stepped inside and honestly it was nothing amazing it was just a small building with only two rooms with a kitchen a small living room with a shabby black sofa and chair and a ugly red rug that laid in the middle of the room, at the side of us was a wooden fireplace. Next to the living room was a basic kitchen with only a simple white microwave, a tall white fridge and a kettle with white cupboards above. Alexia walked straight into the kitchen and started looking inside the cupboard "There's food in here I think we all need something to eat" she started grabbing tins out the cupboard that looked like soup and a loaf of bread, she also pulled out tea bags before heading to the fridge pulling out milk. I didn't know I was hungry until I smelled vegetable soup, it showed with the growl of my stomach. Damn I could not wait to eat. 

It had been a couple of house since we came into the small building, we had all eaten the vegetable soup with bread sadly there was no butter but either way it was delicious, we also had a steaming hot cup of tea that warmed all of us up. Right now we was all fighting sleep, my eyes was demanding to close but with will power I kept them open, my back was still throbbing but I fought the pain, every time one of us thought it was safe we would hear the howls from outside but it didn't seem like the wolf knew where we was, not once did we see it appear out the trees, it also didn't come and smash through this building like the last one. I was sitting on the small chair while Theo sat on the floor in front of me, Alexia and Sasha was sitting on the sofa while the fire burned, heat filling the room as we sat and waited for the sun to come up, it seemed the only time we was a hundred percent safe was when the sun was shining in the sky. We was all silent all of us in our own thoughts, the only thing that I was thinking about was how we can get out of these woods "We need a plan" Alexia announced looking around the room to us, glancing from one to the other "We could keep walking up the road when the sun comes back up maybe a car will come" I say biting my lip, this was the only thing that made sense, no one had a phone, the security shed was a no go and right now we had no cars, "Demi it took us at least half hour to drive up the road and we saw not one car" Alexia responds back lifting her legs up to her chest looking as vulnerable as I felt "We have no other choice" I snap at her causing Alexia eyes to go wide as my voiced echoed off the walls. I look down feeling a more then guilty, my anger was rising but Alexia was my best friend she did not deserve me being a bitch to her "I'm sorry" I mutter feeling Theos hand caressing my leg in a reassuring gesture "Its fine" Alexia smiles at me "I know you didn't mean it like that" I was about to respond when a scream was heard outside "Oh my god that is Flora" I jump up out my seat as both Sasha and Alexia did "We need to find her now we know she's alive" Alexia stated running out the door as Sasha ran behind her. I went to do the same but instead Theo grabbed my hand pulling me into him "You cant go out there" I ignore him pulling myself back "She's in danger I need to go and help them find her" I start to run to the door but again Theo grabbed my hand "No please Demi" He begged but again I pull my hand back as I watch Alexia and Sasha run into the trees both of them holding guns "Theo we can't leave them" I was basically demanding him at this point my hand fisted by my side. He leg go of my hand with a sigh then started walking "Lets go then" he says but for some reason he sounded different, it was like he was someone else, his voice was rough and unlike him "Ok" I whisper walking out behind him into the darkness.

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