Chapter Eleven

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I stood there alone, my body shaking from head to toe, everything around me was dark, the wind aggressively hitting me in my face, causing me to wince at the cold, my eyes was still closed shut, it still did not register that I was still alive. I was face to face with a werewolf, the smell of blood still lingered on my face, "Demi" the voice of Alexia came from behind me "Oh my god" she whispered as she wrapped her arms round my neck from behind "What happened?" she asked as I still could not open my eyes or even speak, all I could do was stand there frozen to the spot feeling the coldness run down my back, "Larry, oh my god we need to go right now. Demi I am so glad your safe" I feel her hand softly on my cheek and finally I open my eyes and see the gentle brown eyes  staring at me, her cheeks were pink, her hair blowing aggressively in her face. I look down and see her jeans torn at her knees "I woke up and you was all gone" I whisper, she pulls me into a hug and holds me tight, I feel her hand runs down my hair slowly whispering that everything was okay. Slowly I was feeling more calm, my best friends warmth was relaxing me. Suddenly she starts to cry and I feel the tears hitting my neck as she speaks "I don't know what happened me and flora woke up to screams and when we went out to check the place was empty. We went to check on Yasmin but she went missing so me and Flora went to find her" she takes a step back and I could see she like me was petrified. I look at her and then at the floor "where is Flora and Theo now?" I ask my voice still shaking and quiet "Me and Flora split up, she saw something behind me and ran for her life I tried to keep up but I lost her. I have not seen Theo, Oh god I hope his okay" I run my hand down my face and not know what else to do. The knife was still firmly grasped in my hand and Alexia looked at me as I stepped forward "We need to find Theo and Flora" I say as I walk past her "Demi" I stop and turn my head slightly round now remembering that Larry body was still there on the ground "Did you see..." before she could finish her question I interrupt her "I did not see Larry die but...I saw the werewolf" Alexia gasped as I turned and carried on walking hearing Alexia rushed steps behind me. 

"Fucking Hell Demi, that's just...I don't even know" I explained everything that happened to Alexia, she listened to everything I said with a open mouth "I don't know why it didn't kill me but I am lucky" I say as we walked slowly in the woods, I was not as scared as I was before, now I had someone with me it didn't feel so lonely but the sense of danger still lingered in the air as we walked in between the trees, there leaves shaking in the wind, we could hear the sound of the owls hooting in the distance, the cry's of the grass as it was crushed beneath our feet but the only thing we wanted to hear was the voices of our two missing friends. I no longer had the knife I mean it did nothing for me, even when I had it I still froze in fear when I needed to use it most, I guess I was not brave enough to be in any situation that including my life being in danger. I am surprised I was not the first to die. Well now Alexia had it and she was much better then me with it. She held it in her right hand tightly as both of us was looking everywhere for any signs of anyone or that one thing we was hoping not to meet and for me that would be meet again "Maybe because and I hate saying this but maybe because it already ate" I swallow the vomit that came up in my mouth as the thought of the wolf only keeping me alive because it ate another human sickened me. "You know Demi you really do have a tough life" I stop and look at Alexia who also stops "What do you mean?" I ask her as she looked at me with sorrow eyes "Demi this time last year you was lying in a hospital bed because you fell off a four story floor balcony and now your in danger again by a fucking wolf" I remembered that time everyone said I fell but I felt the hands on my back as I was pushed viciously off that balcony landing hard on the concrete floor, I was lucky to still be alive. I don't remember much, I just remember waking up in hospital with a broken shoulder, my legs was also broken in numerous places, a bandage was wrapped round my head where I hit the ground with a cracked skull. I should have been dead, the doctors was gobsmacked I even made it out alive and recovered in a few months, I had no idea who I did either. There was a whole investigation but nothing was found that anyone id push me, I constantly and still to this day believe I was pushed but because of a lack of evidence I was not believe, they put it to amnesia which I did have due to not remembering anything, the only thing I was sure of was I was pushed. For months I slowly healed and even got back to being able to live my life again but last year was the worse part of my nineteen years of life. I couldn't even step out of my front door without being scared, this was supposed to of been a way of me living my life again but instead I was in danger again but this time I didn't care about myself I just wanted my friends safe. I walked up to Alexia and grabbed her hands in mine smiling slightly as a tear dropped down her cheek "We will get out alive Lexi with Theo and Flora" Alexia smiled at me before pulling me with her as we walked again. We continued to hold hands,  feeling the comfort of each other as we searched for our friends, "Was Theo not with you when you woke up then?" Alexia asked. I shook my head "No, everyone was gone when I woken up" Alexia pursed her lips "He was not there when we woke either I thought he would still be with you" I shook my head again "No he wasn't, maybe he went to search for Larry to try and make up with him" I suggest as Alexia looked down "Maybe" is all she says as we hear the howls of the wolf behind us causing us both to look at each and then running for our lives. 

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