Chapter Five

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The next few hours went by pretty normal, we all went for a hike Flora tripping a few times making the day for me even better, even more when Alexia pointed our that its her own fault for wearing sandals on a hike. What did feel different was how me and Theo was starting to have the habit of holding hands, he even kissed my cheek and called me beautiful when we are staring at the view of the lake, I was becoming more then infatuated with him probably more now I knew his lips tasted but even so right in the pit of my stomach was the feeling of worry. Something my imagination or maybe even a ghost...No it must of been my imagination but either way it kept coming back to me, the woman white dead eyes, the way she screeched "Don't trust" was spinning round in my head, what did she mean? was it flora she meant Flora was the only one who seemed to dislike me. Either way it was getting to me and I had no idea why but what I did know was that right now I was holding hands with the guy I been in love with since we was at school and nothing was going to stop me from enjoying it. Right now we was back to our camp looking through what we was going to have for dinner "So two people need to head into town and get some burgers we don't have enough here" Ronan was saying looking through the food that was right now in a carrier bag, "Ronan we have chicken, we have sausages what more do you want?" Alexia said standing next to him her eyebrow raised "We also need something for me to eat?" Flora spoke up from the log she was sitting on painting a long fake nail "Ugh yes I forgot you gave up meat" Alexia mumbled then soon she looked right at me with a huge smile on her face "Why don't Theo and Demi go" Soon as she said my head darted up and my heart fluttering. I was going to kill her I mean yes we was sort of acting like a couple but either way going on a small car journey to the town was something an actual couple would do and that got my anxiety up. Flora stood up and faced me "She wont know what I like" She was glaring at me for no reason hell I didn't suggest it "Yes but I do and I would love to go with Demi to the town" Theo say next to me automatically wrapping a arm round my shoulder causing my face to flush "Then its settled us three will stay here and get what we have cooked while you two go to town" Alexia shot me a wink before talking to Ronan again, Flora sat back down mumbling to herself probably insults about me. I really hated her.

Omg omg omg I am sitting in a car alone with Theo driving past the most beautiful views and my heart has not stopped beating like a rockstar on drums. I was staring out the window trying my hardest not to stop breathing, "What you thinking about?" Theo asks glancing my way, I swallowed and tried to think of a lie but instead I ended up sprouting something truly embarrassing "I not really thinking just trying to control my breathing" Instead of laughing he just looked my way and I braved a look at him myself his blue eyes becoming intense "Theo look at the road" I breathed out but he just laughed and did as I said "Your beyond cute Demi" I swear my face could cook a fried egg with how hot it had become in this car "Demi about the kiss..." before he could finish I faced him "We don't need to talk about it" I said in a rush "You want to forget about it?" his hands suddenly grasping the wheel "No its just...well...I well.."I stuttered not being able to get the words out "I really like you Demi I thought that was obvious" I sat there completely speechless, my mouth wide open as stared at that gorgeous face "I mean I really like you and I don't want to be friends no more, I have wanted more for a long time" he glanced at me and all I could do was just stare at him "Do you feel the same?" he asked me and my god I really wanted to answer him but everything inside me was screaming and for some reason I could not speak "Demi?" I was about to speak when my eyes caught a woman standing in the middle of the road "Watch out" I screamed. Theo quickly slammed on the breaks causing us both to slam forward the seat belt cutting into my chest, we didn't feel anything hit the car. Theo was soon getting the seat belt off me and putting his hands on my face "Are you okay?" he asks, I winced and held my chest "Yes I am fine...Oh my god the woman we need to see if she's okay" Theo nodded and opened the door getting out and walking a few paces before he stood there frozen. Everything inside me was going on hard drive, what if we just killed someone? All because we was not concentrating on the road. A tear dropped down my cheek as I breathed in and opened my side of the door walking out slowly not being able to look. I walked next to Theo and looked down. "What the fuck" I breathed seeing nothing but a empty road, I turned and looked behind me running to the back of the car, maybe she went over the bonnet but again nothing was there but an empty road. Theo joined me his face pale "You saw her right you saw the woman standing in the road?" I asked him but he didn't answer he just turned and started looking the care over "The car don't seem to have been hit" I stand there looking around, there was no sign of anyone but I saw her she was standing there wearing a pair of jeans and crop top, I am sure her hair was short but because of how fast everything was I didn't get a good look at her. I slowly walk to Theo and bend down to him as he examined the front of the car "Theo please tell me you saw her too. I am not going crazy right" He looked up at me his face white, his eyes filled with what I can only describe as fear "I saw her Demi" I put a hand to my mouth "Then where the hell is she?" My voice was shaken my whole body trembling "I don't know this is not normal" He says before standing up and getting back in the car. I stand up and walk to my side getting in the passenger seat. None of us talk as we drive to the town all I could think was maybe everything that's happened may not be my imagination anymore. 

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