Chapter Ten

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I quickly opened my tent and crawled out on my hands and knees looking up into the darkness with nothing but the smell of a burning fire. My heart was pounding in my chest as I looked around to see no one. The camp site was empty, my breathing started speeding up as I ran to Floras tent opening it quickly, it was empty. I ran to the other side to look in Theos tent hoping to at least see someone but Larry and Yasmin was also missing. I stand up a panicked hand running down my face "Hello guys, where are you all?" I whimper, what the hell is going on? where did everyone go? I needed to get out of here something was not right. Surely it was safer to stay together so why would everyone just leave me abandoned like this. I run back inside my tent and quickly get dressed in a rush putting on my leggings and a long baggy top ignoring the bra and panties who even cared right now I just needed to hurry. I quickly stick my hair in a messy bun before running back out and started walking into the woods shouting as I go "Theo, Lexi" but all that answered back was the wind rushing through the trees, the sounds of the leaves shaking like they too knew the dangers that was happening around me. I walked in the darkness the only light I had was the torch that I held firmly in my shivering hands "Theo please answer me" I shout in the darkness begging for anything to answer me back. My whole body Shook in fear as I continued to walk, my feet dragging along the floor as the feeling of nothing but the atmosphere of the woods consumed me, everything no longer looked beautiful instead it looked dreary and frightening. The situation I was in right now reminded me of the old slasher films, the one where the woman was left alone and then she dies, it shook me to my core thinking that any moment I could be the next Ashley or even Ronan. The further I walked the more scared I became, "Please someone answer me" I shout again but this time I finally heard something, a scream coming from the west of me, it was a mans voice so it must of been Theo or Larry, I turned my torch and ran not thinking that I had nothing to defend myself with, but if it came to it maybe I could save the one I love or even someone who could possibly become a friend, maybe I could distract this wolf or whatever it was and run, I wasn't very fast but I was at least small and could maybe hide. Who was I kidding? I would be dead but at least that person would be alive. 

I ran as fast as my feet could take me following the sound of the screams that echoed through the wind, I could not breathe but it did not stop me, I needed to get there but slowly the screams disappeared and panic set in "No please not another one" I say in rushed breaths as I now sprinted but I was to late. I stopped my breathing coming out in rushed breaths as I looked Infront of me to see blood soaked dirt that was Larry, his body torn to pieces apart from his head that remained on the ground untouched unlike his body that was ripped open where something teared into him like a ravenous beast. I put my hands to my mouth as I cried, why was this happening to me? I was about to turn away and run again until my eyes caught the sharp knife clasped in his hand "He tried to fight" I say to myself before slowly waking towards the mutilated corpse bending down. I breathed in and closed my eyes only for a few seconds before forcing his hand open with all my strength and grabbing the knife, there was no blood on it so he either had not stood a chance or he froze to the spot in fear. "I am so sorry Larry you did not deserve death" I whisper to myself more then to him holding the knife to my chest as I breathed in the tears. I was to late, someone else had died in less then forty eight hours and I could not help but blame myself, they was only killed because whatever this thing was were after either me or my friends. I stand up and close my eyes about to walk away until I hear the growls from behind me, my eyes suddenly dart open again, the colour slowly draining from my face as sweat formed at the back of my neck, everything inside me screamed for me to run, I should of run but for some reason I could not help the need to look at whatever it was behind me slowly growling.  I swallow and slowly turn my body round just to see the most petrifying beast I have ever seen. He was on all fours, bright blue eyes staring at me, growling with sharp long teeth that could rip anything apart, blood poured out his mouth staining the canines which had just been ripping into Larry. His body was covered in dark grey fur, pointed ears standing on top of his head. He was at least five foot tall and that was just when he was crouched down observing me as prey, even I could not deny the strength that this beast held, his body was full of muscle on a five foot beast that if he stood he would of easily been nine, it was truly a werewolf that was hunting us all down. He slowly crawled towards me on strong arms as I stood  whimpering on the spot the knife firmly in my grasp just stab him, do it now I screamed to myself but I couldn't, fear had overtook my entire my body as I remained utterly frozen as slowly this wolf approached me. I closed my eyes and waited for death as tears quietly streamed down my face but instead of feeling the teeth rip into my flesh, I felt warm air tickling my skin, the smell of blood causing me to nearly throw up, he was right Infront of me, his going to kill me, I was next to die. I remained still my eyes firmly closed while I waited for this overpowered beast to kill me but to my surprise it does not happen instead I feel the wolf move and put his nose in the crook of my neck and breathe in. He was smelling me, a beast that just ripped open a man was breathing in my scent. I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't I was scared that if I moved or did one little thing he would change his mind and attack me but nothing like that happened instead a few moments went by and the warm air was replaced with the normal wind that teared through the woods as I felt the beast move away and then the sounds of  thundering gallops of the wolf ripping through the forest leaving me unharmed and to my surprise alive. 

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