Chapter Six

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The drive back was quiet, Theo was staring at the road his eyes focused but I myself know he was thinking about what happened an hour ago. We already went to get the food all in complete silence, I really wanted to tell him that the woman in the road was not the only thing I have seen but I didn't want him thinking I was losing my mind so I didn't say nothing and just stayed silent. We was only about ten minutes away from camp so right now my hands was fidgeting nervously in my lap, I lifted my head and looked at Theo "What do we say to the rest of the gang" Theo finally broke his focus and looked at me quickly "We say nothing" He tells me before looking back at the now dirt road "What? But Theo this is important we need to tell them what happened" Theo suddenly pulled the car to a stop on the side of the road before leaning forward grasping my face in his hands "Demi we cannot say anything they will all think we lost our minds. Promise me you wont say anything" I couldn't help but swallow the nerves that was bubbling up inside me, but the way his blue eyes shined into mine was also bringing other feelings to the surface, feeling I was still not used to when Theo was around me, why did he have to be so handsome "But.." before I could finish his lips slammed onto mine kissing me with such force that I swear we could of started a fire, the heat inside me burned into passion as our mouths played a dangerous game, slowly he pulled back and looked at me again "Promise me Demi" He says again this time with a little more urgency in his voice  his hands caressing my face in such a loving touch "Theo there our friends we should tell them" My voice was quiet and breathless as he put his hands down and looked away "Demi when has Flora ever been your friend" He didn't have to say more we both know that Flora was cruel and had never liked me since I got in to the university she wanted, she had a strong hate for me and even though I have never done anything to her or even after the accident that happened to me Flora still holds nothing but dislike "I know but what about the others" I say to him but he just looks up at me and smiles "Demi just trust me, you do trust me right?" He asks and straight away I answer "Of course I do Theo" He strokes the side of my cheek with his hand and then whispers "Promise me then" I look at him and I could not help the answer I gave  "I promise" I say before he kissed me again this time a bit more forceful before laying me down on the drivers seat. I swear I couldn't breathe he was making me dizzy, he kissed me like I was the only woman in the world, his lips going down to my jaw before kissing me at the base of my neck. I don't know what happened but I must of lost all my consciousness "Be my first" I told him as he looked me deep in the eyes "You mean it Demi?" he asked me and I don't know what happened but I quickly said "Yes Theo its always been you I been in love with" Before I could say another word he attacked my lips again in a frenzy. The next hour was a bliss, all my fantasies came true and for the first time in my life I felt what it meant to be in love, my body felt nothing but pure blissful pleasure while my mind forgotten everything that happened the last few days. 

Me and Theo walked back into camp later that day and by the huge smile on Alexia she knew exactly what we did or maybe I made it obvious with how my walking was a little staggered but who the hell cared I just lost my virginity to the man I loved and better then that he was so amazing that I missed the few more people that was surrounded by the fire. Theo stopped and looked causing me to follow his gaze, three more people was sat round our fire all of them chatting like they been our friends a while "Uhm hey everyone who are these guests?" Theo hand gripped mine tightly walking us slowly to the others before sitting down on the floor with me between his lap "Hey you must be Demi and Theo" A middle aged gentleman asked his hand extended "I am Larry nice to meet you" He was a bald man but very tall even sat down you could see the height he held, he had dark brown eyes that only showed kindness but what caught my eyes was the camera round his neck "I am Ashley and this is Yasmin" The woman who spoke was also round the same age as Larry but she was very pretty with long black hair tied in a pony tail and bright green eyes that's also showed a kindness, Yasmin however was the one catching my attention. The blonde haired lady who had streaks of brown running through the long strands could not stop staring at Theo her hazel eyes sparkling in what could only be described as want. Demi never felt jealousy really but for some reason she already hated this woman, "we are here to investigate the murders of the three people who died in this forest" That soon got my attention which made my head whip round back to Ashley and asked "Murders?" Ashley nodded before Yasmin answered her Irish accent seeping through her words "Three young people got murdered here there bodies was mutilated. They say it was a wild animal but we are not to sure" three people? It must be the three I didn't want to say but it must be, it was the three ghosts that was following me around "What do you think it is?" I ask as everyone else around me sat entranced in everything they was saying "Well we investigate the paranormal, the myths even the urban legends. There is one that is connected to this place" I leaned forward as I felt Theo hold me tightly "What exactly do you do?" Flora asked from the side of me before I could ask the most important question, Alexia scolded as I leaned back again "We are youtubers" Ashley answered and before flora could ask another worthless question I quickly asked mine "what do you think it is? You know that killed the three people" All three of them smiled at me before answering in unison "Werewolf." I did not expect that. 

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