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Wh-what is going on?! 

Looking around, we find ourselves in quite the predicament. Our village...everyone in it...was dead or dying. Covered in ice. 

What is this?! 

We see a 6-year-old boy, snow white hair with E/C glowing eyes. Running through the village, he attempts to find his parents. 

"Mama! Papa! Where are you?!" He screams, hoping to hear a response. 

"Looks like we missed one, General Esdeath." 

Looking up, Y/N noticed her. 'Wh-who is that?" Long blue hair and the most sadistic eyes he has ever seen. E/C meets blue as she looks him in the eyes.

Looking down, he saw his mother and father, that being the village chief, dead under her feet.

Y/N, thinking quickly (But not intelligently) pulled out a dagger his father gave him a year ago, teaching him how to protect himself. The boy charges at the General, small dagger in hand, causing her to look at him and smile sadistically. 

As Y/N reaches her, he attempts to stab her in the gut, however, she side steps and kicks him in the gut sending him flying. Y/N skips across the ground like a stone on water, coughing blood as he lands.  

"Hm?" Esdeath seemed intrigued, seeing the boy stand up again.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" The boy screams, blinded by absolute rage. This made the general laugh, enjoying this child's pain. The boy charges her again and attempts to stab her again, but she dodges going for the same move. The boy, learning from his last attempt, ducked her kick and went to stab her in the back. She chuckles at this and back kicks him in the head, causing him to yet again fly off, this time blood coming out of his head. 

"I-I'll kill you..." Was the last thing he said before Esdeath walked up to him. "To bad. I'll leave you here, if you want to kill me so badly, get stronger. Seek me out and kill me."

After saying this, she calls her soldiers and left, leaving a beaten child. 

'I'll kill her. I'll kill her. I'll kill her! I'LL HILL HER!' 

These words kept repeating in his head, seeming to get louder each time he thought them, when-

"Boy. If you want the power to defeat her...the power to slay your foes...come to me. Follow my voice."

Y/N, hearing this voice, slowly stood up. As he did, he wobbled around a little, heading in the direction of the voice.

"This way, boy. Come this way.

Following the voice, he walks seemingly miles. After a while of walking, he sees a large cave.

'This didn't used to be here...the hunters would have seen it.' 

"Inside." The voice said. Y/N walked in and started wandering, eventually finding a large open room. In the middle of the room there was a golden goblet sitting on top of a rock. Heading over to it, he asked, 

"Where are you? Who are you?" 

The voice never replied. Y/N, not knowing what to do, looked at the goblet. There was a strange red liquid inside the goblet, but it seemed to call to him. As if telling him to drink it. 

Y/N picked up the goblet and took a sip. Not feeling anything, he downed the rest of it. 

"GAH! Wh-what is this feeling?!" After finishing the whole goblet, he felt an immeasurable pain. Coughing blood and screaming as he fell to the ground, curling into a ball.  

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! IT HURTS!" His entire body was on fire, ripping itself apart. After a few minutes of agony, it just stopped. Y/N was curled in a ball, crying. However, he suddenly stopped, feeling an uncontrollable rage. All he could see was red. Standing up, he gripped his head and squeezed, trying to think.

"Enough. Let it happen, little Y/N. Allow me to control you. I can defeat the Empire. I can kill that woman."

A few moments later Y/N returned to normal, passing out.

"I'll take control eventually, little Y/N. Whether I need to make you a beast or will happen.

Akame Ga Kill x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now