The Execution

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A/N: WARNING! This part will be quite graphic! Not only will sexual harassment be implied, but I will also write about explicit torture, Ie, when Lubbo was tortured in the Manga. Consider yourself warned. Also, for the story's sake, everyone is obviously 18+.


"Ohhhh, ~ Y/N you're so dirty!"

Screamed Dorothea, enjoying the current situation-

"! Just leave me alone!"

Y/N yelled, trying to get the two girls away from him. Not being able to do anything as he was chained up, Y/N begged for them, but that made it arguably worse.

"Yes, keep crying Y/N! I love the sound of your voice ~" Dorothea again, taunted him.

Suzuka suddenly joined in, further tormenting the poor boy,

"Mmmmmmm!" Y/N continued.

After an hour or so of this, the girls finally left, but not before saying, "We'll be back later, Y/N~"

Y/N breathed heavily, trying to regain his bearings.

'Akame...please help me...'

"You know, you wouldn't be in this situation right now if you hadn't grown weak, little Y/N. You know this, right? I haven't even taken your arm as payment, and I can already tell you will need more. What could I take next? A leg? Part of your face, maybe?"

The dragon taunted Y/N, trying to make him lose his mind.

However, as soon as Y/N thought of Akame, the dragon disappeared. Seemingly non-existent, Akame is the only reason Y/N was able to stay sane.

However, he heard another voice talking to him.

"Hahaha! How about you save us both some time and save yourself the pain...where is Night Raids hideout?" Syura himself had showed up, laughing at his current state. However, Y/N, with his dragon eyes, glared at him.

"Fine, be like that then. I'll start off easy."

As he said this, he quickly punched Y/N in the gut, making him cough blood.

Then again, and again, and again, and again, and again and again. Over and over, he beat into Y/N. Not just his stomach. His chest and back to, moving him around on the chain that now dangled him from the ceiling.

"C'mon! Spill the beans! My specialty is killing people little by little by hitting 'em."

"Just tell me! Night Raids hideout, the Imperial Arms, their trump cards, everything!"

Y/N didn't even give him the luxury of responding, simply lying there, taking it.

'Akame will get me out of these chains. When she does....'

Y/N's eyes glowed a bright red, making even Syura notice,

"I'll kill you all."

At this, Syura laughed, then continued his torture.

"Come on! If you tell me, I'll spare you! I might even make you my protege! You know, you're being executed tomorrow, but I can get you out of that. One word to my father and you'll be a free man, you know?"

Y/N again ignored him causing him to shout in frustration.

"Fine! Die then." Syura said, but as he was leaving, Y/N heard something that Syura would regret saying.

"I'll just have to talk to that bitch Akame myself...Hahaha!"


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