Kill the Ogre

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Currently, the Boss, Akame, Leone, Tatsumi and Y/N were sitting around a table as Leone was talking about a contract. They were supposed to assassinate an Imperial Captain, Ogre, and an Oil Merchant, Gamal.

Akame was suggesting that we should wait until the others get back from their own mission to go after Ogre, however, Tatsumi volunteered himself to do it. For some reason, he got arrogant before even meeting the target, let alone killing him. This caused Akame to warn him, stating "The way you are now, you'll die.".

It was easy to tell that this annoyed Tatsumi. However, before anything else, Najenda stated,

"Y/N, you can go with him. Try not to help him unless he needs it."

Y/N nodded, not really wanting to talk much.

Time skip

On the way to the main streets, Leone decided to tell us about Akames childhood, letting us know that she was sold to the Empire and trained into being an assassin.

'I see. That's why she's like this...' Y/N thought, thinking about how Akame always seems so cold.

Forgetting about it. Getting on top of a roof, he looked down in the alley that Tatsumi and Ogre were currently in, but got surprised when Tatsumi started...groveling?

'What's that idiot doing now?'

However, noticing that Ogre was turning his back, Y/N realized his plan. After Ogre started walking away, Tatsumi dashed out and slashed Ogres back. Sheathing his blade, he started walking away cockily. However, he didn't notice Ogre get back up, preparing to slice him in two.

Y/N quickly dropped down behind him and blocked Ogres attack with a katana he formed.

(The one in the photo)

Pushing Ogre back, Y/N walked to the side, stating,

"Always make sure your target is actually dead. Now, you can finish this."

Tatsumi nodded, dashing forward and killing Ogre. After which, he quickly thanked Y/N and they walked off.

*In Y/N's Imperial Arms. *

"It's almost time, little Y/N... you may not know it yet, but you'll soon turn."

*Back to reality. *

(A/N: I'm skipping the Lokal stuff as its boring af to write and at least to me it's boring to read.)

It was a few days after killing Ogre, Y/N pretty much sticking to himself the entire time. There were multiple occasions where someone wanted to speak with Y/N, however, unless it was something that could get him stronger, he ignored them. Currently, he's in the training grounds practicing his swordsmanship as it was lacking. That came to his attention after using his blade against Ogre, even if only on defense.

Hearing a voice behind him, he turned and looked, "Hey Y/N. Would you like me to help you with learning the sword? It being my weapon, I think you could learn a lot." Rather than answering, Y/N simply nodded his head, standing next to Akame as she grabbed a wooden sword. She told Y/N to get into his form, with Akame adjusting it and moving him to the right position.

Then she got into her own, and started showing him how to swing, block, run with it, etc. Y/N picked it up fairly quickly, the only words he spoke the whole time being 'Ok, Thanks, Got it, Hm.' This made Akame a little upset, opting her to ask, "Why are you so distant? Do you not trust us?"

This made Y/N sigh and look at her, responding,

"It's not that...I am just focused on my goal. I would rather not have people attached to me and vice versa, as after I complete my goal, I will be leaving this world."

For some reason this made Akame quite upset. She walked over to Y/N and grabbed his hand, him, in turn, gaining a confused look.

"No, you're not." Y/N followed this up with another look of confusion.

"I won't allow you to." Akame stated, unsure herself as to why she was being like this. Y/N replied after hearing that, "Why do you care?" Akame hearing this, stood up, bonking Y/N's head, causing him to pout.

"Because were teammates!" Akame smiled at him, causing Y/N to blush.

'Why the hell am I blushing?! Stop! I don't need to get to know these people!' Y/N thought, trying to get the blush off his face, but failing in doing so.

"I-I see." Y/N replied, still blushing. Looking up at Akame, Y/N noticed that she was looking away, also blushing. Y/N stood up and looked down at her, grabbing her shoulder. However, before he could say anything, Leone busted the door open and walked outside, about to say something when she noticed what was going on-

"Ah, sorry. 'I'm so gonna tease them!' Didn't know we had a couple now! Anyways, the Boss wants us, we got another mission."

After Leone said this, both Y/N and Akame quickly backed away from eachother, blushing madly, causing Leone to bust her ass laughing.

"W-we should pr-probably go..." Y/N said, receiving a nod in return.

Time skip

Najenda had told us about our target, how they were walking around the capital and killing people at random, cutting off their heads.

Mine explained that it must be Zanku the Beheader, however both Tatsumi and Y/N were confused. Explaining who it was, Tatsumi got pumped, "Let's go get him!" Bulat chuckled, responding with "Cool it, tiger. Zanku is an Imperial Arms user."

After stating this, Tatsumi had yet another question. "What is an Imperial Arms?" After hearing that, both Akame and Y/N said 'this', pointing to his armor and her sword.

"That doesn't help..."

Night Raid gave him a rundown and told him the rule of fighting as Imperial Arms users.

"If two Imperials Arms users fight each other with the intent to kill, without fail, at least one will die. There cannot be two survivors."

Tatsumi suddenly got really optimistic, stating "Maybe there is an Imperial Arms that can bring back the dead!"

After saying this, everyone had a look of gloom, followed by Y/N walking out, saying "I'll meet you guys out there. I'll be fine on my own."

Najenda nodded, allowing him to leave.


A/N: Multiple more chapters coming out today.

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