✧ Chapter 1

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"How did things turn out like this?"
The girl was struggling to get through the snow, with her older brother unconscious on her back.
"Tanjiro... don't die, you can't die."
"I'll save you, so don't die yet.".


"Nezuko!" Said girl turns in the direction of the voice,
"Its getting late and its snowing, you don't have to go." Kie looked at her daughter in concern,
"Don't worry, I'll only get a few vegetables and I'll be back before dark." Nezuko smiled reassuringly at her mother,
"Alright, be careful." Kie returned the smile.

"Nezuko are you going to go pick vegetables?"
"I want to go too!" Takeo, Hanako and Shigeru ran up to Nezuko and Kie.
"No, Nezuko is only going to get a few vegetables and won't take long."
"But mum!" Hanako and Shigeru protested,
"No, It's snowing so Nezuko has to be more weary of her surroundings, she can't look after all of you and herself at the same time". Kie turns to Takeo "Takeo could you chop down a few trees?"
"I guess... I could." he huffs.

Nezuko smiles and grabs her basket, she turns to her family,
"I'll be back soon!"
"Please come back quickly!"
"Be careful!"
Nezuko waves and starts to walk in the direction of the mountain.

"Nezuko!" Nezuko walked up to her older brother, who had mostly likely came back from selling coal,
"Tanjiro, I was on my way to go collect some vegetables for dinner tonight."
"Alright, come back quickly its going to get dark soon." Tanjiro smiled at his younger sister
"I'll see you once you get back". He waved and
Nezuko continued her quick journey to collect vegetables.


The sun was starting to set and Nezuko was making her way back home.
'It's getting late' she thought as she looked up at the sky.

"Hey Nezuko! You aren't... going back up the mountain are you?" Nezuko looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a man inside his house already looking in her direction,
"It's too dangerous!"
"I don't have to walk far, so I'll be fine!" She called back,
"I'll let you stay the night!"
"Enough of that, come here!"
"It's safer to be inside when they appear.".


Nezuko was sitting in front of a small table eating some food Saburo prepared for her,
"Since long ago, human eating demons have come out to prowl at night." He started to explain,
"Because of that, it's not safe to walk around at night. You'll be killed and eaten, it's best if you sleep here and then wake up early tomorrow and return home." Saburo finished explaining.
Nezuko turned to look at him,
"Can demons not enter houses?" She asked,
"No, they can enter." he replied facing away from her.
"But... then... why don't they eat everyone?"
"Because demon slayers cut them down, have for ages..." After that Nezuko drifted off to sleep.
(Future editing update: I just realised Nezuko low key teleports into the bed. So pretend when the two where speaking Nezuko got into bed).


It was morning and Nezuko was just leaving Saburos' house.
"Bye Mr Saburo, thank you for letting me stay the night." Nezuko waved,
"Take care Nezuko." he waved back.

Nezuko was getting closer to her house, she had an unsettling feeling in her stomach but didn't think much of it. She started to approached the front of the house.
'Is that Tanjiro and Rokuta? Why are they on the floor' She started to approach the two, and that's when she saw it.

She ran up to there bodies which were lying in the snow,
"Tanjiro, Rokuta!"
"What happened?! Are you alright?!" She slowly turned to look inside of the house.
It was a horrible sight to see, there was blood everywhere the door was broken and everyone was dead.

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