When Austens "Vals" turns to "Fay"

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Cookie: Hmm, some of you guys might wanna kill me for this chapter...*hides from the readers* You know who you are after you read this chapter...something didn't happen like you wanted to. *hint hint*

Anywhooo on the right you'll see a fabulous black and white pic of Fay plus the song "Without You" By Mariah Carey. That woman can sing! :)

VOTE! COMMENT! la de dah


(Fays POV)

I was about to climb in bed when the damn phone rang.

I glared at the phone on the small dresser next to my bed and sighed. Who could be calling so late at night? Don't they know that I need my sleep? Everyone knows I'm even more of a bitch in the morning when I don't get any sleep.

I snatched up the phone, ready to growl at the person on the other end but stopped short when I heard Austen's familiar voice. Even when he wasn't around, the sound of his voice was enough to send shivers down my body. I didn't see that as a good sign seeing as the feeling wasn't unpleasant. Damn.

"Vals? Hello?"

I sighed dreamily.

He such a nice voice. I could listen to it forever. You know, it was one of those silky melodic voices that just melts your bones. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself. Throw yourself at him and beg him to do whatever he wanted with you or freeze at the spot, too scared that he'd disappear.

"Vals? Are you there?"


I heard him chuckle. "Oh really?"



I sat on my bed, leaning my back against the backboard. The only light the brightened my room was the light coming from the full moon peaking out from my window. The image of Austen in my room looking the way he did this morning with nothing but boxers on, basked in the moonlite made me blush. I was so glad that he couldn't see me, I'd die from embarrassment. I'm becoming such a perv.

"Vals, I know you're still there. I can hear you breathing Miss Darth Vader."

I blinked. Had I been breathing that loud? "Oh har har, Austen. What do you want?"


"Nothing? So you called to disturb my rest for nothing? Boy, do you have a death wish? You know I need my beauty sleep."

He laughed. "Sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice."

That made me freeze. He called cause he wanted to hear my voice? Something must be wrong. "Austen, what's wrong? Was someone picking on you? Who was it? Tell me, I'll take care of them."

"I'm fine Ms. Hercules. Besides, from the way I was dressed today, you only have yourself to blame if I was being picked on."

I winched. Damn, he was right. I made him look like some creepy bum on his first day of school all because I didn't want them too see his new transformation. What did that lead to? Me getting into a fight with Angela, starting a food fight and almost getting busted for it. If it hadn't been for Austen...

I'm such a bad friend. I put him thru all of that and it was only his first day back in school too. Thats me, the lousy friend of the year.

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