Bitter sweet reunion

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Cookie: Thanks for the votes and comments! I've been getting really busy lately so I might not be able to upload as fast as I usually do but i'll try. All depends how long it'll take for me to get my personal situation resolved. Wish me luck!

Pic is of Fay

Song "I'm with you" by Avril who happens to play Fay

P.s: Didnt have time to do any editing. I wasn't gonna upload today either but you fans are getting antsy. lol, so yeah...excuse any mistakes ^_^


(Fays POV)

When the gun went off, my body reacted, the instict to fling itself on the ground and duck for cover took over. Beside me, Angela screamed.

Oh god! Had she been hit?

I glanced to my left and sighed with relief. She was terrified, but she was okay, kneeling down not too far from me. I looked behind us at Stan, who tried to stand but staggered under his weight.

Thank god he missed. He hadn't been focused enough to make a perfect shot. I grabbed Angela, pulling her up, ignoring the ache of my own battered body. "Come on." There was no way in hell I'd wait for him to come to his senses enough to make his shots accurate.

"Stop!" Stan screamed behind us, struggling to stand. We didn't listen of couse. For all we cared, he can kiss our white asses.

Another shot rang out and Angela screamed again. We took off towards the exit, running to the only door in the cemented room. There were two options for us to turn when we got to the door. Right and left. I ran to the right, ducking as Stan fired another wild shot. I didn't even look back. I ran like the hounds of hell themselves were after me.

It seemed like forever, like running in a long tunnel that never seemed to end. I felt my legs getting heavier and my lungs ached, burning with the lack of proper air. I stumbled a couple of times but kept going, ignoring the echoing shots from behind me, which sounded for away now.

Than I realized something. Angela was no longer next to me.

I skidded to a holt and looked back, gasping for air. The only lighting that guided me were the dim lights coming from flickering lamps that hung above me. I still didn't know where I was. In a sewer tunnel? I don't know but what I did know is that Angela was no where in sight. Maybe she hadn't been for a while. Maybe she had turned the opposite direction from me.

I pressed my back against the cold damp cemented wall of the tunnel. I closed my eyes, pushing away the nausia that tried to take over. I could hear the annoying sound of dripping water.


I opened my eyes.

This was all my fault, no denying it. If my stubborn ass had just gone to the police and took my chances with them this would have never happened. Angela wouldn't have never been hurt because of me. We wouldn't be in this situation...but instead, like a fool, I had walked into an obvious trap.

If Austen knew, he'd be seriously pissed. I could hear him now. "Vals, you idiot! Why the hell did you go into the woods alone? Why the hell did you try to do this on your own? Are you stupid?"

And Luis would snort "she obviously had a death wish."

Than Dean would say boredly "My sister acts before she thinks. It's one of her many flaws. I could list them all if you want, she has many."

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