Could it be, that it's true...that it's you?

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(Fays POV)

"Tell him you're in love with him."

My head snapped up, turning slightly behind me to glare at Dean, who was sitting in the back seat of Luis' black Poniac Grand Prix. My mind had been wandering again, thinking about my psycho stalker. I had totally forgotten about my other problem. Clearly my brother hadn't. "Be quiet Mr. Nosy."

He shrugged. "Not like what I said wasn't true. You're in love with him."

"Yeah, Fay," Luis said from the drivers seat, "face the music, babe. You're head over heels for the guy."

"I'm not in love with him."


"I'm not!"

Luis stopped at the red light and glanced at the review mirror at Dean. They both had that "she's totally in denial" look on their faces. Freaking bastards. I swear they were both conspiring against me.

"Fay, my dear, dear friend," Luis began, driving the car on green. "Tell me this, when you see Austen surrounded by girls, what do you think?"

"I wanna rip their heads off and feed it into an errupting volcanoe." I blinked. Whoa did I say that? Oops.

"Uh-huh," Luis nodded. "Now is that a normal response of a woman who insists that she isn't in love?"

"Shut up," I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Just admit it," Dean said, "you love him. You probably have from the beginning. It's common for close friends to become more over the years."

I turned to look at him again. "Who are you, Doctor Phil?"

Dean looked me straight in the face, completely expressionless. "I prefer to be compared to Oprah. I find that her way of thinking is more logical."

"You go boy," Luis hooted. "Oprah is the shit!"

"Maybe I should throw you two into a volcanoe instead," I muttered darkly, sitting back on my seat.

"Don't be such a downer, Fay," Luis turned the car on the corner. "Today is Saturday, no school, and we're going to a killer beach party. Be a little bit more cheerful Miss Gloomy."

"Yeah, if there is something to be cheerful about." You don't have a nutty psycho after your ass.

A slow smile twitched on his lips. "Weeeeell, I heard Austen's gonna be there."

I grimaced. "Oh joy, praise the lord, to be graced in the presence of a guy who hates my guts is such a blessing. Yay."

Luis rolled his eyes. "No need for sarcasm. And he doesn't hate you."

"He probably does now."

"Over reacting again," Dean said from the back seat. "My sister isn't very tackful."

"Pretty clueless," Luis nodded.

"Yes," Dean sighed as if thinking about it caused him pain. "Very."

"Uh, yeah, I'm still in the car you bastards."

"Love you too, hun," Luis wiggled his brows at me.

I snorted. Why are the men in my life so pushy? Anyway, time to change the subject. "Hey, what's up with you and Angela?"

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