Chapter 65

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"You don't get to live forever just because you are a cute kid or the hero's best friend or the hero. Sometimes the hero dies-"
- George RR Martin (my favorite writer).


Y/N finally could see it was all Taemin. They never doubted him at all because he was family, they all trusted him and he could easily use it to his advantage.

Now, Jimin is trapped under accusation of being a suspect.

"What do you mean?" Jin frowned.

Y/N took a deep breath. "It's Taemin. It's always been him." She finally said it out loud, but it was too late. The moment she realized it, Grandma was gone and Jimin was brought away.

She could understand that Krystal found out about this, that was the reason she was missing but Taemin used her pregnancy problems to hide it. He must have threatened her so she didn't say anything.

Grandma's accident must be related to Taemin. He planned everything to attack the Park family.


Y/N kept trying to see Jimin but the police didn't let her. She then asked Jungkook to ask his mother to help her. Finally two days later, she was able to meet him.

She went there with Taehyung. Jimin's hands were cuffed to the table and he couldn't stand up. All she wanted to do was to hug him but it was impossible. She could only stare at him, his clothes were all wrinkled, his hair was a mess. She never saw him like this.

Grandma's death had given him a great attack.

"Jimin." Y/N held his hand. "How are you?"

Jimin raised his head to look at her: "Grandma, she..."

"Jimin, she is gone."

Y/N didn't want to tell him about the problem in the Park company. There was a scandal saying that it was all Jimin's doing because she kicked him out of the family. They said that he didn't want to and had a fight with Grandma that led to her death.

She kept staring at him, Jimin's gaze was empty. She couldn't tell what he was thinking about. "The police think that you are a main suspect in this case."

Jimin just pursed his lips and didn't say anything but she could tell that he was hurt and sad. He looked vulnerable. She never thought she would see this sorrowful expression of him.

He didn't even get to see Grandma for the last time.

"Jimin, please say something." Y/N clutched his hand but it was really cold.

"Mr Park, I will give you a brief summary of your current situation." The lawyer placed the material on the table. "The police investigated the crime scene and found your phone. One of the nurses testified that before the accident you were indeed in a crime scene with the deceased and Park Joo Hyuk. You were fighting to the extent you used your fist. With all of these testimonies and proofs, they were all indicated to you." He explained.

"From the police report, it says that Madame Park's death was at 5.25 PM while she was discovered around 4.10 PM. The crime probably happened between half past three." He added. "Mr Park, what time did you leave the hospital? Did you return after that? Did you have anyone witness your leaving?"

Even though the lawyer kept asking Jimin questions, he was still silent.

Y/N looked at the lawyer: "He left the hospital around three and never returned. I can be his witness because I was there when he left and I was looking and kept calling him but it was unanswered because he accidentally left his phone inside Grandma's room."

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