Chapter 15

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The air was hot and sticky, the moisture clinging to my skin, causing my elbows and knees to sweat. The sun had set an hour ago, cooling off the harsh heat from the summer sun. Screams of laughter echoed throughout the corners of the boardwalk.

"Follow me anywhere?" I laughed, sprinting ahead into the sea of people that were gathering in the amusement park.

"Emerson!" Peter screamed, chasing after me as I zipped through the crowd. "Slow down! I can't keep up!"

"Come on!" I yelled, smiling as I took a sharp left turn, following the blinking lights from the Wonder Wheel. "If I make it there first, you owe me an ice cream!"

"Emerson, wait!" he yelled, his voice growing fainter as I ran faster.

The muscles in my legs were beginning to ache, but I didn't care. I was going to make it to the Ferris wheel first. My legs were longer than his.

I could see people waiting at the end of the line, shuffling forward as the ride loaded new passengers. I pushed myself harder, ignoring the cramp in my side as I looked over my shoulder. Peter was nowhere in sight.

That ice cream would be mine.

I sped into the line for the Ferris wheel, struggling to slow down in time to avoid a group of boys a few years older standing at the end of the row. I came crashing into the largest one, cursing under my breath as I collided with him.

"What the hell," he growled as his body was pushed forward, my arm connecting with his back.

"Sorry," I gasped, smiling as I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I turned around, panting for air as I searched the crowd for Peter.

"What is wrong with you?" he spat, taking a few steps closer to where I was hunched over. His friends slowly started to circle me, blocking any path of escape.

"I- I said I was sorry," I stressed, my eyes darting to the side, counting to see how many of them there were.


"You ran into me," the biggest one seethed through gritted teeth. He reached his arm out, shoving me backward. "You're gonna pay for that."

I steadied myself, holding my ground.

Okay, Emerson. You got this. Punch the skinny one that's standing slightly behind you to the right in the groin and run like hell.

"L-leave her alone!" Peter's voice called from somewhere behind the group.

All four boys turned their heads to stare at the person who was making skittish threats. They burst into a fit of taunting laughter when they saw Peter. His head barely reached their shoulders.

"Who is this?" the biggest one scoffed. "Your brother?"

"No," I stated, taking a step forward. "Leave him out of this."

"Your boyfriend?" the skinny one teased, making a kissy face while the others sneered.

"I told you to leave her alone," Peter said, this time sounding more confident. He stuck out his chin, trying to make himself appear taller.

This sent the group into another laughing fit. The biggest one shook his head, looking down at Peter. "Or what?" he taunted, placing his hands on his hips.

Peter looked around, nervously. "Or-" he stammered, slowly lifting his fists into the air. "Or I'll make you."

"Boys, get a load of this loser," the biggest one laughed, pointing at Peter. "Piss off."

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