Chapter 39

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I stared into the room from the other side of the mirrored window. I pulled my hair that was tied back over my shoulder, twirling the ends nervously between my fingers. I whipped around to stare at Matt and Anne, who were watching me cautiously.

"And you promise you'll both be here, watching the entire time?" I pleaded, my eyes growing wide.

"Promise," Matt assured, nodding his head once. The grip on his mobility cane was so tight, that his knuckles were turning white.

"You'll be safe," Anne insisted as she ran her hand up and down my arm. "I've talked to the man dozens of times. He really looks more intimidating than he actually is."

I closed my eyes, nodding my head as I tried to focus on my breathing.

"Miss Weying," Matt sighed from somewhere behind me. "Do you think I could have a moment with my client, alone, before she enters?"

"Of course," Anne chirped. "I'll go grab us some coffee. Sugar?"

"No thanks," Matt said as he took a step toward me. "Em," he whispered while placing his hand gently on my back. "You don't have to do this. You don't have to interview him," Matt noted, shaking his head. "You just say the word and we walk. We'll put this place behind us, act like it never existed."

I leaned my head back, exhaling loudly. "It's not that simple," I protested, shaking my head.

"Maybe not," Matt agreed, sighing softly. "But it can be. You haven't entered the room yet, you wouldn't be breaking any part of the contract if we leave now."

I ran my tongue over my lips before leaning against the window frame. I opened my eyes and stared into the room.

Dr. Connors was sitting in a chair placed in the middle of the space. He was sitting with his hand in his lap, tapping lightly on his thigh. His eyes were wide and darting across the room. He looked nervous.

Maybe he's as anxious about the interview as you.

"If you're having second thoughts about this," Matt muttered, shaking his head.

Or maybe he's plotting his grand escape, using the interview as a cover for his diabolical plan.

"I'm not," I lied, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I think you are," Matt stated before forcing a smile on his face when I turned to stare at him. How does he know things? "Your tone fluctuates slightly when you lie," he explained before turning his head to the side to attempt and hide his flushed cheeks.

"It does?" I whispered, leaning toward him. "How can you tell?"

A smirk tugged at the corner of Matt's mouth. "When you lose one sense, the others sometimes strengthen," he stated before exhaling loudly. "It's like they try to accommodate for what was lost."

"So you have super hearing?" I questioned, tilting my head. "Will you be able to hear me in there?" I asked, nodding at the room Dr. Connors was sitting in.

"It doesn't quite work like that," Matt smiled, shaking his head. "I'll be right here the entire time."

"But how will you know if something goes wrong?" I whined, fighting back the urge to cry.

"I have my ways," he nodded, patting my shoulder lightly.

"Super senses," I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"No," Matt laughed, shaking his head. "I'll have Anne," he insisted, raising his eyebrows. "And good intuition."

I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes as I nodded in agreement.

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