Chapter 27

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A week had passed and things were starting to feel like they did before. Peter and I spent almost every day together since the incident at Oscorp, barely leaving the other's side. The moments that weren't spent with Peter consisted of tiresome hours of research and writing with Eddie at The Bugle.

Peter insisted on walking me to work every day, claiming to have things to do that would help him stay busy. I wanted to believe him, but I honestly had no idea what he was doing. I had my doubts that he was swinging around the city, stopping crime. It had been days since anyone had seen Spider-Man.

The city was still buzzing about Dr. Connors and the events that took place across town. More and more people came forward, claiming to have worked with Dr. Connors and stating they were never comfortable with the work the mad scientist attempted at Oscorp. I didn't believe every story that came through our doors, but I still listened regardless. Sometimes people just want to feel heard.

Dr. Connors was currently awaiting trial. He was somehow allowed to be removed from his prison cell and was transported to Beloit Psychiatric Asylum, per a deal with his attorney. He was being charged with twenty counts of murder. Rumor was no one was willing to represent him for fear of it ruining their reputation, so he was stuck with some newly barred attorney. I was looking forward to meeting her whenever we scored that interview with Connors.

Coverage of Connor's trial was set to start next week. It was sure to take up a lot of my time. I was already spending countless hours researching the legalities of the case, attempting to understand everything that I could before Connors took the stand. Eddie and I were planning to take turns covering the trial, working around one another's schedules. He was beginning to prepare for finals at ESU and would need extra time to study.

I continued to get on him about taking his education more seriously, claiming that he couldn't lie his way around a career forever. That comment had granted me several hours of huffs and intense glares. Me being my stubborn self, I habitually pestered Eddie about setting up a time to meet with his lawyer informant. I tried to persuade Eddie that we could benefit from someone in our inner circle with legal expertise to help proofread our report of the case. He continued to say no, but I was hopeful I would wear him down eventually.

Like a moth to a flame, I returned home to Peter every night, curling up beside him while we slept. He told me a few days ago that he and Gwen had broken up, but he was still withholding information about why. Knowing they weren't together made falling asleep in the same bed as him easy, albeit there was still this sting of guilt tugging at my stomach.

We had both experienced a lot over the past few weeks, although neither one of us fully addressed it. I tried my best to remind myself that Peter needed someone to be there for him and that I was simply around for his support. The lie became harder and harder to believe with every embrace and late-night conversation. We were a good distraction for each other, allowing ourselves to retreat into a simpler time when it was us against the world. I knew our little cocoon wouldn't exist forever, but I was soaking in every moment while it lasted.

For me, I wasn't just there to support Peter. My motivation for staying each night was purely fueled by selfish desires. I felt safe laying next to him. I knew I was protected when I was with him. His arms allowed me shelter from the horrible things going on in the world. I slept better when he was near. There was something indescribably comforting about the sounds of his heartbeat and the slow breaths he exhaled while he slept.

Peter would sometimes cry out in his sleep, mumbling fragments of sentences or shouting incoherent words. I tried my best to make sense of what was subconsciously on his mind, but it was difficult to decipher. It was the same routine every night; come home late, get ready for sleep, crash on the bed, and talk about our day until one of us passed out from pure exhaustion. The sleep was eventually interrupted by Peter's night terrors, resulting in me comforting him and helping to soothe him back to sleep.

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