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"Wake up, Eve," Prince says, throwing the sheets off me. "No," I groan, covering myself with another pillow. Prince looks at me. Then pulls my pillow from under my head, causing me to crash onto the mattress. "Eve, we need to go to the airport," Prince reminds me. "No," I groan as I roll onto the other side, "Eve, we have less than an hour. When we have to get to the airport," Prince states as he sits on the other end of the bed. "I hate the airport," I admit as I sit up on the bed. "I know Eve but we have to get to Japan," Prince says in a calm voice, "I know," I give in as I get off the bed and I walk over to the restroom.

Prince and I are siblings but we never wanted to ruin each others wrestling plans until he asked me to join the Bullet Club back in 2013, I joined the group of Nick and Matt Jackson, Kenny Omega, Anderson and Gallows back in July of 2013 and I have grown to love them like a big family. Nick and Matt gives me guidance on how to grow my character. Anderson and Gallows helps me to be comfortable with the heel persona. Kenny is just the shoulder for me to lean on when I get down, he's the person for me to talk to, he's my person in the group, my favourite member.

I grab my brush and start to brush my long blonde hair with the pink ends then I put it in a high ponytail. I brush my teeth then walk out to my closet I grab a pair of jeans and a Bullet Club t-shirt then I grab my bags and walk downstairs. "You ready Eve" Prince asks as he grabs his bags. "yes sir" I say saluting him. Prince chuckles then opens the door. He lets me out first. I walk out with my hundred bags. Prince pops the trunk of his Challenger, I walk over to the trunk and put my bags in the trunk. Prince joins me. We are done putting our bags in the trunk, I get into the passenger seat as Prince jumps into the driver seat and we're off to the airport.

I'm looking out the window as we listen to music. "Hey Prince, please remind me why we decided to take a straight flight from Florida to Nakano again," I ask looking over to him. "It was the easiest even though it's roughly a 15 hour flight," Prince says. I roll my eyes "Eve you get to fight Kana so don't be like that, how long have you been wanting this" Prince asks "Ever since I've known she was in New Japan" I express "well there you go" Prince says.

Finally we arrive at the airport. Prince pops the trunk and we grab our bags, we walk into the airport and just then a swarm of people comes running up to us. The only thing I could say was shit, "hey Prince I love you" "Eve you're amazing" people say as they shove objects at us, Prince looks down at me as I look up at him. "Hey give them some air" a person from the far says and the mob walks off, a security guard walks up to us "are you okay" the man says "yeah" Prince nods then looks down at me "yeah I'm okay" I say short of breath the guard walks away and we continue to walk away, just then I notice someone at the baggage claim area when they turn around, it was Kenny "we have 30 minutes," Prince says when he notice who I'm looking at.

I run over to Kenny then tap him on the arm, he turns around and looks down and sees me his face lights up I jump into Kenny's arms "Kenny" I say hugging him "Eve, how are you" Kenny says putting my hair behind my ear "you changed the black hair, I liked it' I say ruffling his hair "I just needed change. But I'm happy you kept the pink ends" Kenny says I jump off him "so you have a layover" I ask "yeah is Prince here" Kenny asks "yeah" I say "well sweetie I don't want you to miss your flight now I'll see you in Nakano" Kenny says I give him one last hug but he needs to lean down a lot just to give me a real, full hug  because of the height difference. "I'll see you later Eve" Kenny says then I walk away back to Prince "we ready" Prince asks "yeah" I say with a big smile on my face Prince nods and we walk over to our gate, go through security and we get onto the plane.

After a long 15 hours, we make it to Nakano Japan, Prince and I get out of the plane and walk over to the baggage claim area. We are now waiting for our bags, then we see a person with one of my bags Prince I say looking up at him "hey Eve" Prince says looking down on me I nod over to the person with my bag Prince nods then walks over to the guy as I pick up the rest of our bags we now have a total of eight bags and I'm waiting for the bag that Prince is getting back, I watch Prince as he talks to the guy "hey that's my bag" Prince says "not true this is mine" the guy says "I can tell you exactly what's in that bag" Prince says, the guy does the most he sits down on the floor and unzips the bag and it was my gear bag the guy looks down at the bag then up at Prince "I'm sorry bro" the guy says zipping up the bag and handing it to Prince "thanks" Prince says grabbing the bag then he walks back to me. "Got your bag back" Prince says handing me the bag "thanks" I say with a smile we walk out then find our driver we walk to the trunk put our bags into it then jump into the back seat and we were on our way to the hotel.

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