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The casino battle royale is close, Kenny and the bucks are getting ready for the trios titles, when the boys are finish getting ready we walk out of the locker room and make our way to Gorilla, Kenny wraps his arm around me and I lean my head on his chest, "you guys are going to win these titles tonight" I say "I don't know Eve" Kenny says resting his head on mine. The Dark Order theme starts to play first; John Silver, Alex Reynolds then Hangman's theme hits and he walks out, and they make their way to the ring. I could feel my heart racing, then the young bucks music hits "good luck" I say and they nod then walk out with Brandon. I kiss Kenny he makes his way to the stairs "no you're coming with me" Kenny says "are you sure" I ask "yeah you're part of the Elite too" Kenny says "and now he is 2 and 0 since returning to AEW from a 277 day absence, well Hangman may have been first pick to team with the bucks, he is the number one wrestler in the 2018 and 2021 PWI 500, he is Kevin Nash's new favorite wrestler and some might say he is Will Ospreay's favorite as well, Will Ospreay has taken his ball and gone home while he is still here, he is appearing in his first pay-per-view since November's Full Gear, tonight in Chicago he could become the first wrestler to hold three AEW titles and both represent Winnipeg Manitoba and NORTH CAROLINA, he is KENNY OOOOOOOOOOOMEGA" Justin Roberts announces Kenny's music hits I kiss him and we walk out with Don and Nakazawa, we stop at the stage, Kenny poses the pyro goes off and Kenny, Nakazawa and I make our way to the ring while Don goes to commentary. 

The match starts with Nick and Hangman. I was getting so nervous when Nick tags in Matt and Hangman tags in Alex. Alex goes in for a handshake and Matt spits at him.

Kenny is on fire, hits both Hangman and Alex with a snap dragon suplex then one for John Silver. I couldn't help but smile but then a triple team by Dark Order and Hangman and they go in for a pin, I started freaking out, but then the bucks come in and sweep the legs of Silver and Kenny hits Silver with a BTE Trigger, Kenny flies to the outside, Nick and Kenny kicks Matt in the face, they lift up Matt for the pendulum bomb, My heart is racing. Brandon sprays down Kenny. Kenny gets up and Hangman walks over to Kenny, Knox doesn't allow them because they're not legal, Kenny pulls Matt and Hangman pulls Alex and they tag in themselves and Kenny has all the action until he goes up to the top, and Hangman gets the advantage.

Hangman goes for a bugshot but Kenny drops knowing what was to come and Nick goes for a bugshot of his own. Matt and Nick set Hangman up for a BTE Trigger Kenny goes for the pin and a 2 Alex breaks it up. Kenny is the first man on his feet, he runs to one side of the ring and then the other but before Kenny could hit his move Hangman drops to the ground, Silver kicks Kenny in the face, The bucks try to get in the ring but they can't Silver rolls up Kenny, I start freaking out and as a joke Brandon sprays me with the cold spray. Kenny kicks out, I take a sigh of relief. Silver tries to go for a Discus to pay tribute to Mr. Brodie Lee but Kenny hits him with a knee to the face. Kenny gets Silver up for the One-Winged Angel but Silver rolls him up. Kenny kicks at 2. Kenny gets up and grabs Silver, but Silver hits him with a back elbow. Silver holds Kenny steady as Hangman goes for a bugshot lariat, Kenny drops and Hangman hits Silver. Kenny goes for the pin on Silver and Matt holds back Hangman. And a 1,2,3 I jump with excitement, roll into the ring "the winners of this match and the inaugural trios world champions The Young Bucks and Kenny OMEGA" Justin Roberts announces, Knox gives the boys the titles, I walk over to Kenny Don goes as well "are you okay" I ask Kenny nods, Kenny just sits there and Knox walks up to Kenny, I sit down on the mat next to him, Don and Knox talk to Kenny seeing if he's alright. Kenny eventually stands up Knox raises the new champs hands, I hug Kenny, he hugs me back then leans down and whispers "I really want to kiss you" "I want to kiss you too but we can't come out to the fans like this" I whisper back "ah fuck I know" Kenny says, "but I'm so proud of you baby" I say releasing the hug, Kenny drops to the ground and just hugs the title and we surround him I hug Matt "I'm so proud of you" I say, we make our way to the outside of the ring, Alex, Silver and Hangman just looks at us we make our way up the ramp Kenny grabs my hand as we walk up to the stage and the boys pose then we make our way to the back. 

As soon as we get backstage I just wrap my arms around Kenny, Kenny hugs me back "I'm so proud of you baby" I say looking up at him Kenny just puckers his lips, I go on my tippy toes and kiss him, we make our way to our EVP locker room, the boys shower and change out.

My match ends with me hitting Toni with a one-winged angel, and a 1,2,3. I raise my arms up, the referee hands me the title, I roll out of the ring and make my way to the back where Kenny's standing, I walk over to him and he picks me up I wrap my legs around him "I'm so proud of you my love" Kenny says before kissing me "thank you my love" I say hugging him, he hugs me back, I jump off him and we make our way to our locker room. I jump into the shower and the door's open "baby you forgot your bag in the other room" Kenny says puts the bag down "oh I'm sorry" I say "no you're alright" Kenny says before closing the door.

The show is finally over we walk over to the monitor and we start watching the media scrum, first it is CM Punk, and he starts it off by talking about the reporters and how they been basically dragging his name through the mud, then he talks about the EVP not doing their jobs correctly the boys get up I can see that they're pissed off. I get up and hold Kenny "did he say that, did I hear him correctly" Kenny asks "yeah you did he was talking shit about us" Nick says.

Punk finished up his interview and I follow the boys to the Media Scrum room, Punk walks out and Kenny punches Punk "Kenny no" I say, they start fighting, Sammy and Swerve in our Glory sees what's happening and they pull the boys off Punk "baby it's not worth it you could get in serious trouble" I say putting my hands on his chest just then TK walks out of the room "what is happening out here" he asks "nothing" Kenny says looking at Punk "the four of you in my office now" TK says. Swerve, Keith and Sammy let go of the boys and they walk over to Tony's office following behind me and Punk and behind us TK.

We walk into the office and TK closes the door "what the hell" TY yells Punk looks over to the boys "what happened" TK asks "we got in an altercation" Kenny says hanging his head down but looking at TK "I will not tolerate this all five of you will be suspended and stripped of your titles" TK says "no Eve didn't do anything don't let her be punished" Kenny says "oh I'm sorry Eve I didn't see you there" TK says "no you're okay" I say "so do you guys understand you know what just go home" TK says Punk stands up and walks out Kenny takes a deep breath "I need to get back to the scrum" TK says walking out of the office "oh my god" Nick says I place my hand over my mouth in disappointment, the boys get up and they walk out the room Kenny holds the door open for me and we walk to the EVP locker room, grab our stuff and we head out to our cars Kenny opens the door for me I jump into the rental car and Kenny closes the door and walks over to the driver side, and we drive to the hotel in complete silence. 

In Love|| Kenny OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now