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Finally I'm finished with my sets. I grab my phone and walk over to Kenny and I see him finishing up his last rep of bench presses. I walk over and there I notice who was spotting him. "am I jealous" I thought. "And 10" the female says and she holds out her hands and they gently place the bar back on the rack. Kenny sits up and notice me standing there with my I'm not jealous, jealous look, Kenny stands up and walks over to me "Eve this is Mia shes' a fan of mine, Mia this is my lovely friend Eve" Kenny says I look up at him "wait aren't you Finn Balor's sister" Mia asks "yeah I am" I say "well thank you Mia" Kenny says "you're welcome" she says before walking away. Kenny looks back at me "why are you jealous" Kenny says lifting up my head with his index finger and his thumb "no" I say pushing his hand away "awe" Kenny says I roll my eyes and start to walk away out the building Kenny follows me, I jump into the Suburban and Kenny walks over to the driver side and I lock the door, he unlocks the door and we fight as I lock the door and Kenny unlocks it. Until he unlocks the door and pulls it open at the same time. I sit back on my seat and he jumps into the car, he looks over to me and I look at him annoyed. He buckles himself in and starts the car, we drive back to his place.

When we arrive Kenny parks the car. Before getting out Kenny turns to me "are you really mad at me" he asks I look at him "no" I say "are you jealous" Kenny asks as he smiles, I look at him before getting out of the car. I walk up to the house and unlock the door then walk over to the bedroom. Shortly after Kenny walks into the room. "Are you okay" Kenny says walking over to me "yeah I'm okay" I pause "you're not my boyfriend" I finish "and you're not my girlfriend" Kenny says "but I don't want you to see nobody else" I say Kenny smiled "oh is that what you want" Kenny asks wrapping his arms around my waist "no I don't want you to see nobody" I say looking up at him "okay" Kenny says looking down on me then leans down "I won't see nobody" Kenny adds I look away "I need to get to Chicago" I say "okay" Kenny smiles before kissing me on the cheek.

I walk to the bedroom, shower, change into a hoodie and a pair of jeans. I grab my overnight bag which has a pair of night clothes, a pair of street clothes, a spare charger and some toilet trees. I grab my phone and keys then walk out where Kenny is sitting on the couch. I walk over and I place my thumb and index finger on his jaw and turn his head to look at me, I smile "you're going" Kenny asks I nod. Kenny gets up and walks over to me, I look up at him, he wraps his arms around my waist. "I'll miss you" Kenny says "Ima miss you too" I say placing a hand on the side of his face. Kenny leans down and just stays inches away from my face "awe you're a tease" I say pushing him away. I start walking away but Kenny grabs my arm and turns me around he places a hand on the side of my face and kisses me. When the kiss is release I feel like my legs are jelly "a tease, you say" Kenny asks, "no you aren't a tease" I stutter Kenny smiles "well have fun with Prince and please tell him I say hi" Kenny says I smile "alright well I'm leaving my key on the counter if you want to go somewhere" I say before walking out of the apartment leaving Kenny alone in my place.

I walk down to my car, my 2018 Audi A5 Sportback Black car, I start the car and start to head down to Chicago.

Finally after a 4 and a half hour drive from St. Louis, Missouri to Chicago, Illinois. I text Rey Mysterio for the location of the venue and I finally get the address. I put it into my GPS and headed to the venue. After another 25 minute drive I finally arrive at the venue. I text Charlotte and tell her what I'm planning and she texts me that she is coming to the doors. I jump out of my car and head towards the doors she opens them "who's this" a security guard asks "she's with me" Charlotte says the guard gives her this weird nod we walk inside and head to the women's locker room "Eve" Alexa says hugging me "Lexi how are you" I ask "I'm great what are you doing here" Alexa says "I'm here to surprise Finn" I say "that is so cool" Alexa says "does he have a match, does anyone know" I ask "yeah he has a match against Roman Reigns" Liv says "for the Universal Title" Ruby adds "no way" I say, Liv nods "damn my brother is growing up" I say "he was the inaugural champion" Alexa says. "Damn" I smile a proud smile.

I'm at Gorilla just watching Prince's match. He's way better than the last time I saw him. I feel like I just blinked because Prince was going for his finisher, the coup de grace, but Braun Strowman came out with the money in the bank contract. Roman goes to pin Prince and he loses the match. Braun goes down to the ring and cashes in his contract but I could care less about what was happening in the ring because Prince is coming back any second. I stand up and wait for him. Just then I see those curtains pull back. I run over and I finally see my brother for the first time in forever and he sees me. I just burst into tears as he wraps his arms around me. "Eve" Prince says "Fergie" I cry "I haven't seen you in forever" Prince smiles "I missed you so much Fergie" I smile back as I look up to him "how's the boys" Prince asks "they're good they're good, they miss you really they do" I say "don't cry" Prince says wiping a tear away "let's go" Prince says he wraps his arm around my shoulders "we can talk later" I say "no I want to talk to you, how have you been, hows New Japan" Prince asks just then I feel arms wrap around me and pick me up, I turn my head and it's Styles "Allen" I say as he sets me down I turn around and hug him "I haven't see you since I left New Japan" Styles says "I know how have you been" I say releasing the hug but holding his arms "I'm good actually a couple years ago I won the wwe championship" Styles says "no way that is so cool" I say "well I'll let you spend time with Finn" Styles says "okay Allen let me give you my new number" I say "yes if it's okay with you let me share it with Gallows and Anderson" Styles says "yes please do I miss them too" I say as I give him my number and he walks away I turn back to Prince "I'm so sorry Fergie" I say "no you're good" Prince says "so let me know everything, what's new" Prince asks "Kenny lost the IWGP US championship we have a couple new members in the club, Nick and Matt are the IWGP Tag Team Champions. Everything is so cool it's bitter sweet, like I wish you were there but it is so cool" I say Prince just smiles "I really have missed you but you're still a nerd" Prince says playfully punching me I roll my eyes "well at least I'm not still annoying" I say playfully punching him back.

The show finished. I walked out with Prince to the parking lot. I walk over to my car and he walks to his and we drive to the hotel.

In Love|| Kenny OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now