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KOTA IBUSHI IS THE FIFTH MEMBER ON THE ELITE TEAM, THE GOLDEN ELITE IS BACK HELL YEAHHHHH. I'm in the locker room alone and I jump in excitement. HOLY SHIT I forgot about Ibushi. He is the best person to have stayed in New Japan Pro Wrestling. And sure yeah, whatever Pac is the last member on the BlackPool Combat Club but the boys are definitely going to win.

It's Wednesday and you know what that means. BLOOD AND GUTS! I finally wake up in the hotel room, I sit up and walk to my bag and grab my gym clothes, change out real quick. Before leaving I grab my airpods and phone then head out, walk down to the lobby and go to the small gym that is in the hotel. Then I start doing my reps and sets.

I finish up my leg day and I head back to my room. Kenny sits up in the bed and looks over to me "tonights the big night" I say with a smile "I know finally getting my hands on Takashita" Kenny says "my beautiful man is walking out this match with another W in the books" I say walking over to him, I sit down on the bed next to him and he wraps his arms around me. "Babe I'm all sweaty" I say "I don't care" Kenny says giving me kisses on my neck "oh my god Kenny" I giggle. I wrap my arms around him, Kenny lifts his head up and looks at me "happy anniversary baby" Kenny says "wait it's our anniversary, oh shit it is isn't it" I say "you forgot about our anniversary" Kenny says making a sad face. "I'm sorry Kenny" I say kissing him on the cheek, Kenny kisses me on my cheek, I move my head and kiss him, he kisses me back. "I love you baby" I say "happy six year" Kenny says "happy six year" I say. Kenny sits back up, I sit up and look at him "what's wrong" I ask "Evelyn so I've been thinking" Kenny starts but before he could say anymore I cut him off "are you breaking up with me" I ask "no of course not what would make you think that" Kenny asks "just the way you said it" I say "no baby I love you too much to break up with you" Kenny says, I just look down and he places a hand on my leg. "So I was thinking, we should announce to the fans that we're together" Kenny smiles "on our six year anniversary" I smile "why not" Kenny asks "let's do it" I smile.

After a few hours of me and Kenny going back and forth, bouncing ideas off each other on how we could announce that we're together. "What if we just post a picture" I ask, "that is simple but effective, let's do it" Kenny smiles, "I love you" I say wrapping my arms around his shoulder Kenny hugs me back and pulls me down to the bed, when my alarm goes off "oh my fucking god" I say annoyed, I wiggle out of Kenny's arms, I turn off my alarm and head to the restroom. I close and lock the door, undress and jump into the shower. As I shower I hear the door jiggle. "Why is this door locked" Kenny asks "because I knew for a fact that you wanted to come in" I say annoyed "whatever are you almost done" Kenny asks "yeah just brushing my teeth" I answer. I finish brushing my teeth, I unlock the door and open it. Kenny's sitting down against the door "oh my god Kenny" I chuckle "we need to get to the arena" Kenny says "I know let me just get changed" I say walking over to my suitcase, I drop the towel as I unzip the suitcase., I grab some undergarments, a cropped hoodie, a pair of jeans and my air jordans, I change. I zip up the suitcase, I grab my phone and suitcase, and Kenny grabs his suitcase and we walk out of the room and down to the lobby. We head to the rental and then we head to the arena.

Kenny turns into the parking lot, I turn off my phone as Kenny parks the car. I open my door and head to the trunk. Kenny pops it and we grab our suitcases. I pull the handle out and head into the arena. Kenny and I walk to the EVP locker room, I drop off my suitcase then head to catering and there I see one of my new best friends with Darby "hey Nick" I say walking over to them "hey Evelyn" Nick says "you did one hell of a job last week" I say "thank you so much Evelyn that means so much to me" Nick says "and I believe you will do one hell of a job in the Royal Rampage" I say "thank you Evelyn" Nick says "well I just wanted to tell you that, I need to go get some food and help Kenny get ready for blood and guts" I say "alright tell him good luck for me" Nick says "definitely, Darby good luck to you too" I say "thank you Evelyn" Darby says.

It's time for the Blood and Guts Match! I walk the boys down to Gorilla, Claudio is the first man in the ring and I hear Kenny's music hit, I hug him, he walks out and to the stage. Then down to the ring, and the bell rings. I start watching intently, and I see Kenny take the match over. Anxiously awaiting the count down for the second Blackpool Combat Club member to come to the ring.

The Bastard Pac is the third man to come into the cage, which means it is a two on one situation. Pac starts to destroy the broken down Kenny Omega. But it doesn't take long to even up the odds when Adam Page comes down to the ring. "Lets go Adam" I say clapping my hands, I could feel Nick looking at me "even though I am a wrestler myself I am still a fan at the end of the day" I say looking over to him "I didn't say anything" Nick responds.

Slowly the ring gets filled with wrestlers and weapons; steel chairs, broken glass. The anxiety grows when I see a bed full of nails brought in by Mox. He grabs Kenny and drop kicks him into the medieval torture device, Mox gets him once more and bodyslams him onto the nails. But finally Kota Ibushi comes out, Wheeler runs down and tries to blindside him. Mox stomps Kenny's hand into the bed. Kota kicks Mox into the bed of nails then goes for a standing shooting star press. I start passing back and forth, I have been in a deathmatch before but that was nothing like this. This is frightening! Even though I hate the BCC I feel for everyone in this match and I hope that they are all alright and nothing bad happens in this match. Matt pours thumbtacks on top of the cage and Nick starts superkicking everyone.

Nick grabs a table as Kenny continues to look for something. Kenny gets Pac up and hits a shooting star and Nick hits a frog splash. My heart, Pac stomps Nick through the table, the anxiety. My heart is racing when all the BCC attacks Kenny. When some miss communication happens with Pac and Claudio when Pac walks out of the match leaving the BCC there to fend for themselves. Kenny hits Mox and Takeshita with a dragon snap suplex. Hangman hits Claudio and Wheeler with a bugshot. Takeshita walks out of the match. Nick presses Wheeler's face in Matt's shoe. Hangman chokes out Wheeler when Mox says the words I quit. And the bell rings. I jump in excitement and I walk out of the backstage area and I run down to the ring, walk up the stairs and join the boys in celebration. I hug the bucks "hey are you two alright" I ask "yeah I think so" Matt says "yeah I'm fine but go ask Kenny he had the rough end of this match" Nick says I nod, then I walk over to Hangman hug him and ask if he's alright he answers yes. I walk over to Kota "だいじょうぶですか" (are you alright) I ask, "はい、ちょっと腰が痛いです" (yes, my back hurts just a little) Kota answers "ああ、裏に行ったら確認してみます" (oh, we will go check that out when we get to the back) I respond Kota nods. Finally I walk over to Kenny and he just hugs me immediately "I'm so proud of you" I say "my back fucken hurts that bed of nails is no joke" Kenny says "we'll go to doc Sampson when we get to the back" I say "ah I love you so much" Kenny says "I love you too Kenny" I say we all stand in a line and I raise the guys hands when Kenny grabs me and kisses me, my eyes grow wide as Kenny goes in for another kiss. I kiss him back, when the kiss is released I hug him. As the others come around us and hug us like a huge group hug when Adam says "you guys just came out to the fans here and on live television" "I know but the fans will now know who i'm in love with" I look up to Kenny and smile, Kenny smiles back to me.

We finally make it back to the EVP locker room and pack up to head to our hotel.

In Love|| Kenny OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now