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The day Kenny has been waiting for it's the day he has a shot at the world title. It is Dynamite: Winter is Coming. I wake up in this amazing hotel in Jacksonville Florida, I sit up and see that the restroom light is illuminated. I get up, walk over to the restroom, turn the doorknob and open the door. I see him with his head in his pales, his knees to his chest and he sits leaning against the tub. I walk over to him then elan down to my knees. I place my hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me. "Are you okay my love" I ask Kenny doesn't answer he just looks to the side "is this about your title match" I ask Kenny looks back at me "it is, isn't it" I say Kenny puts his head back in his hands. "Baby I promise you, you're going to do great" I say "I know I'm getting the title but what if I get injured I can't have that happen I love wrestling but if I get injured I'm not going to be able to do the thing I love" Kenny says "baby you are the safest wrestler I know you're going to great don't think negative" I answer him "baby you're right I'm sorry I don't know why I feel this way" Kenny says "baby you don't have to be sorry I understand you are nervous about this match" I say "Kenny" I add "yes my love" Kenny says "I love you" I say Kenny smiles "I love you too" Kenny says wrapping his arms around me I smile as I wrap my arms around him. "Evelyn" Kenny says I look at him "I love you baby" Kenny says I smile and place my head on his chest Kenny wraps his arms around me, I sit down on his lap and we just sit like that for a minute or two when I realize we're on the dirty hotel floor, I get up but Kenny grabs my arm "where you going" Kenny asks "to the bed" I answer "alright I'll be out in a second" Kenny says "okay" I say before walking out of the restroom.

Kenny gets out of the restroom, I brush my teeth, hair before walking out of the restroom. Kenny is sitting on the bed shirtless on his phone, I walk over to his side and sit down on the bed. Damn I'm thirsty. I walk over to the mini fridge, grab a water, I open it and feel arms wrap around me and pick me up. I swallow the water "oh my god Kenny" I say Kenny walks us to the bed and suplex me onto the bed "oh my god Kenny" I chuckle Kenny gets on top of the bed and I get up and he gets me up for the one winged angel and pins me "one, two three" Kenny says, he finally lets go of me I roll over and look at him "really Kenny" I say "I was bored" Kenny says "oh my god Kenny" I say as I place my hands on the side of his neck. He leans in, inches away from my face "Kenny" I smile, Kenny kisses me. When the kiss is released Kenny looks at me "what time is it" Kenny asks I look at the clock on the side table "one" I answer, Kenny smiles "really want to do that now" I ask "we have to get to the arena at three" Kenny answers "are you sure about this" I ask "I want to be with you" Kenny says pulling me in by the waist. I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck, Kenny gets on top of me "I love you baby" Kenny says before kissing me, I wrap my legs around him Kenny starts kissing my neck "no hickeys" I say "you have my word" Kenny says as he leaves a trail of kisses down my body.

I'm out of breath, I rest my head on his chest, Kenny wraps his arm around me "never did that" I say out of breath "that was amazing" Kenny says kissing me on the forehead, "By the way... you were my first" I say patting his chest "I was your first" Kenny asks looking at me "the first I enjoyed I should say" I explain "you enjoyed that" Kenny smiles. "I'ma go shower" I say walking to the restroom.

We're at the arena and it's time for the main event. Kenny is all ready for his match. I throw on some ripped jeans, a Kenny Omega t-shirt, a pair of jordans and some light makeup. We are ready and we head to Gorilla to meet with Don and Nakazawa. Kenny's music hits and we head out to the stage Kenny poses and we head down to the ring. No, we wait for Jonathan's music to hit. He comes down to the ring and the bell rings.

From all the rights and lefts, to the miss falls Kenny gets the upper hand and hits Jonathan with the one-winged angel and a 1,2,3 I jump with excitement I get into the ring and jump into his arms Kenny hugs me "the winner and NEW AEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION KENNNNY OOOOOOOOMEGA," Justin Roberts announces. I jump off him and The ref hands Kenny the title and Kenny falls to his knees. Kenny grabs the ropes to help him up and the ref raises his hand Kenny holds the title. I hug him again "I love you baby I'm so proud of you" I whisper into his ear "I love you too baby" Kenny says. Kenny asks for a mic and he talks to the crowd before we head to the back. Once we are backstage I place my hands on the side of his face and kiss him, Kenny kisses me back. "We have a new champion" I announce "baby shhh" Kenny says. We head to the locker room, the bucks are in there and as soon as we walk in Nick pops a bottle of champagne. "Congratulations Kenny" Matt says 

In Love|| Kenny OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now