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Present Day 2022

Kenny and I woke up in our hotel ready for All Out. I walk over to the restroom. I brush my teeth, brush my hair and just then I feel the same feeling I got when we performed in All In. Kenny walks into the bathroom and sees me, he walks over and wraps his arms around my waist "you're going to do great" Kenny whispers I turn to face him "I don't think so Kenny I'm scared I already had a handful of injuries what if I screw up" I say "I promise you nothing bad is going to happen" Kenny says before kissing me on the forehead "nothing" he repeats I rest my head on his chest "I told you eight years ago that we were going to do great things, 4 years ago we created All In, a year after we made the best company that could and definitely will overpass WWE, 3 years later we have top talents like CM Punk, Christian Cage, Chris Jericho ad soon to be top talents of the new century; Britt Baker, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, The Bucks and Kenny By God Omega," Kenny says "do you trust me" Kenny adds "I trust you" I answer he hugs me then I push him off "what's wrong" Kenny asks "soon to be top talents, Britt, Sammy, Darby, The Bucks and you" I say "baby you're already a top talent" Kenny says "well I would like to be included" I pout "okay baby soon to be top talents of the new century, Evelyn Devitt the hottest bitch in wrestling history, Britt Baker, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, The Bucks, and Kenny By God Omega" Kenny says adding me, I smile Kenny hugs me "you'll do amazing" Kenny says.

Kenny and I finally get to the arena, we throw our suitcases in the EVP locker room. I walked out, to Gorilla and down to the ring, I stand in the middle of the ring looking at the empty seats. Then I get a call from Kenny, I neither answer nor deny the call I just stand there just then I feel someone get into the ring, and walk over to me, they put a hand on my shoulder I look up at them and it's no one other than Matt "hey are you okay" he asks "yeah I'm good" I say "Kenny says that you didn't answer his phone call are you mad at him" Matt asks "no I'm not just thinking" I say "scared for tonight" I add "I totally understand that" Matt says "I was on Revolution, Double or Nothing and Full Gear but never All Out, I felt this way every single Pay-Per-View I was on for the first time, basically first time nerves" I say "you're going to do great" Matt says hugging me I just lean into the hug and onto his chest. "I'ma call Kenny back" I say "alright, oh yeah some wrestlers need to practice so they would like you out of the ring" Matt says before jumping out of the ring I roll out of the ring and go into the crowd seats. I sit down and I go through my contacts and find Kenny's number and I call him with in one ring Kenny answers "hey baby are you okay" Kenny asks "yeah I'm fine I'm out in the audience seats" I say "what's the section number" I turn around and see FLR6, I tell him "ok my love I'll be right there" Kenny says before hanging up I just sit back on the seat, a few minutes later Kenny walks up to me, I give him a hug and Kenny kisses me on the forehead "how are you feeling" he asks "kinda nervous" I say "baby I understand your first AEW championship title match" Kenny says "I want to say hi to the fans" I say as I get up "you want me to come with you" Kenny asks "no I'm okay" I answer "no I'm coming with you" Kenny says "why Kenny" I ask curiously "remember that guy that inappropriately touched you I don't want that shit to happen again" Kenny says I nod while I smile, Kenny gets up and we walk up the stairs, down to the front of the building and we see fans already lined up. We walk out and they scream and cheer. I wave, Kenny does as well. I walk over to a couple of fans with a little child "hey Eve could you take a picture with my sister she is a big fan" the older girl says "yeah totally" I answer Kenny picks up the small child and we pose for the picture and I felt the male grab my breast and Kenny notices "yo dude" Kenny says the picture hasn't been taken yet "what happened" the guy asks "you had your hand on Eve" Kenny raises his voice getting a father's attention "what happened Omega" the father says handing his child to the person with him "this guy had his hand on Eve's breast" Kenny says "dude that's not cool Eve is a person just like you, just like me, just like everyone here and she has on numerous podcasts and interviews that she suffers from anxiety and something about SA, just never put your hands on someone without their permission" the father says pointing at me, as the dad was talking to the guy Kenny and I took a photo with the older sister and her younger sister, the older sister apologized for her boyfriend's actions, I said it wasn't her fault then Kenny and I move on to other people. I sign autographs and take several pictures then Kenny and I walk back into the building and to the back area.

We get to the EVP locker room I lay down on the couch and pull a blanket over my head, "hey what's wrong with her" Matt and Nick asks "a fan touched her inappropriately" Kenny answers "again" Matt says "I think it was the same guy" Kenny says "oh my fucking god" Matt says "I'ma go check on her" Kenny says, he walks over to me and pulls the blanket off my head "are you okay my love" Kenny says "it was the same guy" I answer "did you catch his name last time" Kenny asks "no but I remember what he looks like, he was front row last time I assume he'll be front row today" I say wiping a tear away "lets go talk to TK" Kenny says I stand up and wrap the blanket around me, Kenny and I walk to TK's office I knock on the door "come in" TK says, Kenny opens the door and I walk in "hey Evelyn how are you" TK asks I look over to Kenny "he's here" Kenny says "who's here" TK asks "the guy that inappropriately touched Eve 2 paperviews ago" Kenny says "how do you know" TK asks "we walked out to see the fans and take photos and he did it again" Kenny says "oh my god, what do you want to do Eve" TK asks "last time he did it he was front row I assume he's front row again I love all the fans but I don't want him in that audience" I say "is he with anyone else" TK asks "there's a child and the kids sister" Kenny says TK nods "will you be okay going to the front and help the security then as soon as he's gone you can come back" TK says "yeah I'm fine with that" I answer "I'm coming with you" Kenny says "please do" TK answers "thanks TK" I say and Kenny and I walk out of the his office and doors open at 6 so Kenny and I walk to the front and we get there just on time "hey Kenny, Eve what's up" a security guard asks "so there's this person that is not allowed to come into the show we'll point them out but let the other two come in" Kenny says "okay" the security guard says, the doors open and a few people come in and the group comes in the guy shows the guard the tickets I nudge the guard "that's the guy" I whisper "hey sir I'm going to need you to step aside real quick" the guard says "is everything okay" the older sister asks "yeah you guys can go in" Kenny whispers, the guard pulls the guy to the side "um there was an incident involving you so unfortunately you won't be able to come into this event tonight" the guard says calm "the fuck, this bullshit, is this because of Eve she's a bitch, she's a fucking hoe what the fuck ever, whatever whatever, I don't give a fuck, it was worth it though, I don't care I got to touch Mrs. Devitt" the guys starts yelling and I could feel Kenny's blood boiling I hold him back the sisters walk over to us "what happened" the older sister asks "he inappropriately touched me when we were trying to take the photo" I say "but is that really a reason to refuse entry" the older sister asks "it wasn't only this time he did it before" I say "oh I'm so sorry Eve" the older sister says "no it's all good" I say "wait so do we have to leave too" the smaller sister asks "no sweetie you two can still stay" Kenny says "oh okay because I really wanted to see your guys matches" the smaller sister says I smile "I knew it when I first started dating him back a few months ago he was so obsessed with you it was around Forbidden door time" the older sister says shaking her head I look up to Kenny.

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