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Present Day May 2023

The Blackpool Combat CLub and The Elite have been going back and forth and today Kenny and Jonathan have a steel cage match. I wake up next to Kenny, I sit up and slowly make my way to the restroom. I undress myself and then jump into the shower. As I do I shampoo with my eyes closed, because if you don't close your eyes you're a psycho, when I open them there's Kenny I open my eyes wide which in hand lets the excess shampoo creep into my eyes and I yell in pain. "Let me get that for you" Kenny says, dipping my head into the water and washing my eyes. "Baby why are you in here" I ask "the bed was lonely so I decided to join you in here" Kenny says "baby you have a match tonight, we can't do this right now" I say "yes we can" Kenny says wrapping my leg around him "are you sure in here" I ask "yes in here" Kenny says holding the back of my head and pulling me in for a kiss. I kiss him back which leads to a whole makeout session. I run my hands through his hair, Kenny releases as he opens his eyes "uh baby I may or may not have" Kenny tries to continue but I cover his mouth "I know" I say kissing him on the cheek "and you're not mad" Kenny asks "no I could cover it up for tonight" I say. We continue to shower, I brush my teeth then jump out of the shower. I change into my clothes. "Hey love are you ready" Kenny asks "yeah" I say.

We get to the arena and we head to the EVP locker room. "Hey you guys" Nick says "hey Nick" I say "you ready for your match with Jonathan" Matt asks "yeah I'm going to beat his ass" Kenny says "that's what I'm talking about, my confident man" I say placing both hands on the sides of his neck, Kenny leans down and kisses me. The guys and I continue talking when the door opens, I look over and there's Don, I roll my eyes cuz I could feel some tension. I look over to Kenny and his face drops "it's okay my love" I whisper as I place a hand in his, Kenny nods. "I'ma go" Don says walking out the door "what's up with him" Nick asks "just tension between him and I" Kenny says.

"Alright my match is next so Imma go get changed" I say, I grab my bag and head to the restroom. I unzip my bag and get my gear on, I brush my hair and throw on some makeup. I throw on my boots and kick pads then spray a bit of perfume before heading out of the restroom. "You look gorgeous" Kenny says walking over to me "I know" I smile Kenny wraps his arms around me, I turn around and he places his head on top of mine. "The rematch that has been 8 months in the making Toni Storm vs Evelyn Devitt next" Excalibur states "I have to get to Gorilla" I say "alright I'll walk you" Kenny says, he lets go of me and we head to Gorilla.

My music hits and we walk out "Introducing first accompanied by KENNY OOOOOOOOMEGA, she is from Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland, Evelyn Devitt," Justin announces. We head down to the ring. Toni's music hits "walking down to the ring she is the AEW Women's World Champion Toni Storm," Justin announces.

The bell rang, I tackle her (AJ LEE way) and I start throwing left and rights, I get up and flip my hair back, slowly stretch my arms and stand there for a second. I pick her up slowly and start throwing jabs, getting her into the corner. I start throwing shots at her gut and she sits down. I grab the ropes as I look at the crowd then I start washing her face, I run to the parallel corner then run back and kick her in the face and I just stand like that for a moment, for dramatic effect.

The match is getting to the tail end I take over to the match and Toni takes it back. Toni tries to hit her finisher but I reverse it with a spear. I'm on the ground over her, I look over to Kenny as I slowly get up. I get her up, I look around at the crowd as I set her up for the One-Winged Angel and I execute it. The referee jumps into position and starts counting 1,2 but the bitches Saraya and Ruby pull him out of the ring. I roll out of the ring and start throwing lefts and rights, I hit Saraya with a spear, I get up and look at Ruby and I hit her with a Cross Rhodes. I look at Kenny as I roll into the ring. And I get hit in the face with the Championship as Aubrey rolls into the ring Toni throws the belt. But Toni forgets to do a very crucial thing, and pull me to the middle of the ring. Toni pins me a 1,2 and Kenny places my leg on the ropes. Toni gets annoyed, I slowly get up and hit a DDT on Toni then get her up for another One-Winged Angel and I pin her a 1,2,3 I roll onto my back and I just lay on the mat for a second. "AND NEWWWWW AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPION EVELYN DEVITTTT" Justin Roberts announces. Kenny gets the title and rolls into the ring. I try to get up but I feel something wrong, I lean on the ropes and Kenny walks over to me and gets on one knee and hands me the title, I hug him and whisper in his ear "something's wrong" I say. "Oh shit what's wrong" Kenny asks "I don't know I think it's something with my ankle" I say "alright I got you" Kenny says before rolling out of the ring, I roll out and sit on the apron. Kenny turns around and I hop onto his back and we head to the back.

I hop off him and I land on my left foot and drop from the pain "oh shit" Kenny says he picks me up bridal style and he walks us to the doctors. And he sets me on the bed, "what happened?" Sampson asks "I think I landed on my left foot wrong" I say "okay let me check this out" Sampson says Kenny unties my shoe and slowly takes it off. Sampson starts checking it out, asking if it hurts here, so on and so forth. "Alright good news it's definitely not broken, yet you did sprain the left ankle" Sampson says. "That is wonderful news" I say "you definitely can walk on it but I recommend you not walking on it if you don't need to" Sampson says "sounds wonderful thank you" I say, I hop off the bed, grab my title and try to limp back to the locker room but Kenny scoots me up bridal style and walks us to our locker room. I open the door and we head inside and he sets me down on the couch. "What happened" Nick asks "I just sprained my left ankle" I say "oh shit are you okay" Matt asks "yeah I'm alright just upset that I just came back and I'm injured again" I say "Eve you're not injured again that will pass in a week or so" Kenny says, I lay down on the couch annoyed "but at least I have this" I say before laughing I hold up my belt before tossing it on the table, "I'm so frustrated and so annoyed, wrestlers do get hurt all the time but not back to back like this, I think it's time to hang up the boots but as I said once I'll say it again I'm not ready to hang them up"

Finally, the main event, I throw on a cropped Kenny Omega t-shirt, some ripped jeans and a pair of jordans that the bucks bought me. "How are you feeling" Kenny asks "I'm fine, but this is fucking killing me" I say pointing down to my ankle "I know baby but it'll pass" Kenny says hugging me, I hug him back "you ready" Kenny asks looking down at me "yes" I say grabbing my title and we head to Gorilla. Kenny's music hits, Don Kenny and I head out. Don and I start clapping as Kenny does his pose. We start walking down the ring when Jon walks up to him and they start fighting.

They get to ringside and Claudio and Yuta ambush Kenny, Claudio walks up the ramp and the bucks gives him a superkick. Yuta comes to Claudio's rescue but gets a superkick to the face. Callis and I walk to the other side of the cage. Finally Kenny gets into the ring while some security holds Jonathan back. Jonathan gets into the ring and the bell rings.

Barb Wire chairs, broken glass, the top rope being removed and Jonathan uses it as a weapon, Blood shedding, Kenny hits a BTE Trigger and the cage breaks, Kenny gets stuck and the famous screwdriver. BTE Trigger and the One-Winged Angel. Kenny pins Jonathan a 1,2 and just then the heartbreak of the century Don Callis strikes Kenny with the screwdriver. I cover my mouth with my hands in shock. Jonathan pins him a 1,2,3. I just stand there in shock. I get into the ring, Don lifts Kenny's head up "DON what the fuck" I yell Don drops the screwdriver and whispers at him and kisses him. I drop the my knees and lift up Kenny's head as I look at Don walking to the back. "Kenny baby are you alright" I ask. "Yeah I'm fine Eve" Kenny says with a smile.

In Love|| Kenny OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now