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The day me and the boys have finally been waiting for. I take a deep breath while I look in the mirror, with my hands on the counter. Kenny walks into the restroom "are you okay" Kenny asks "nerves" I say "we're going to do great, Eve, sweetie about 4 years ago I promised you we're going to do great things and tonight we are having one hell of a show" Kenny says kissing me on the forehead and hugging me I hug him back. I shower, change and we head to the arena.

"Eve" Cody says hugging me "we couldn't have ever done this without you Eve" Nick says "you were the brains of this operation" Matt adds "we all contributed but on the other hand is everyone here" I ask "about we are still waiting on Maxwell" Cody rolls his eyes "I'ma go to the women's locker room and I'll call him" I say then I walk away. I head to the women's locker room to see; Tessa, Britt, Chelsea, Madison and Allie. "Hey Evelyn" the girls says "hey we can talk in a second I have to go call someone that needs to be here in about an hour" I say walking over to the restroom, I pull out my phone and dial Maxwell's number and in the third ring he answers "Maxwell where are you" I say "oh shit we have that event" Max says "tell me you're in Hoffman" I say "I am I'm in Hoffman I'm just in the hotel but I'll be there in less than an hour" Max says "thank god please don't be late" I say "I won't" Max says "also you're first match" I say "alright be right there" Max says then hangs up. I don't know why everyone thinks Max is mean because he is so nice to me. I walk out of the restroom "are they coming" the girls ask "yeah they just blanked but they should be on their way" I answer "cool" Britt says "I'm a go tell Kenny and the others that" I say before walking out of the locker room I find Max in our own locker room "is Max coming" Kenny asks "yes baby, Max is coming he just blanked but he's on his way" I answer "baby" Cody questions "oh we never told them" I say looking over to Kenny, Kenny wraps his arm around my waist "we're dating" Kenny miles i look up at him "oh my god finally, y'all had this weird fucking thing going on but now you guys made it official I'm really happy for you" Matt says "thank you, I'm so happy" I smile looking up at Kenny.

Finally it's show time and my nerves are through the roof. I take another deep breath, I have my gear on because my match with Allie is coming up. Kenny and I head to Gorilla and my knees weak, arms are heaving, and I haven't yet ate moms spaghetti. This is my dream to be in a huge event like this. "Breath, baby breath" Kenny repeats as he holds my hands. Just then my music hits I take my last deep breath Kenny kisses me and I'm on my way out to the ring I stop at the stage, pose then head down to the ring. Now I wait for Allie to come down. Finally we are both in the ring, I take my last breath. The bell rings and the match is on its way. Allie and I lock up, I take her for a headlock takeover and drag her to the ground and pull of a submission.

The match goes on. I get Allie up for a one winged angel and pin her 1,2,3. I get up and jump to the top rope and sit down on the turnbuckle facing the crowd. I take a deep breath, hold out my arms and cock my head back, as I sit just hearing the crowd. I get off the turnbuckle and make my way to the back. I walk through the curtains and I just feel arms wrap around me and pick me up "I'm so proud of you" Kenny says I wrap my legs around him "I was hella nervous" I say "you did amazing" Kenny says looking up at me I look down at him and lean down and kiss him. The kiss is released. I jump off him and we head over to our locker room. Kenny walks to the restroom and gets changed, I couldn't help but cry Nick walks over to me and hugs me "what's wrong" Nick asks "this time last year Kenny told me, we were going to make history and that's what we're doing, he said that we were going to do great things and that's what we're doing" I say, Matt and Cody looks over to me "man I love him so much, he keeps me grounded" I say I didn't notice it but Kenny walked out of the restroom when I said that "I love you too baby" Kenny says walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me.

The show goes on and it is amazing. SoCal Uncensored won their match so did Chico El Luchador, Matt Cross beat Maxwell which got Max pissed, Christopher Daniels won his match, Tessa Blanchard beat the other 3 females in her match, Cody won

In Love|| Kenny OmegaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz