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I'm at my place just packing up to move in with Kenny when I get a text from Nick. "Hey Evelyn did you forget it's Tuesday" the text reads, "shit" I say, I've been so focused on moving in with Kenny I forgot that we have to be in Chicago for Dynamite. I hop into my car with my luggage, backpack, etc. And now I drive the long ass trip from St. Louis to Chicago.

When I get to Chicago, I turn my GPS on for the hotel. I pull in and park my car, I grab my bag and suitcase and hop out of the car. I walk into the hotel, and I head upstairs and to my room. I unlock the door and walk in and throw my bags on the bed, just then the door opens again, I look over and it's Kenny. I smile "hey baby" Kenny says "Kenny" I smile as I walk over to him. He picks me up and kisses me "I missed you" Kenny says before kissing me again "I missed you too Kenny" I smile before kissing him back just then my phone starts to ring. Kenny sets me down and I look at my phone, unknown number 901-203-2893, it reads I look at my phone confused as I deny the call as I put it back in my pocket. I walk over to my bed and sit down Kenny follows and wraps his arm around me and I rest my head on his chest.

As Kenny and I just chill scrolling on Instagram on our separate phones, I get a DM from Chris Van Vliet. I swipe over and I look at the DM and it reads Hello Evelyn Devitt it's me Chris, wait you know it's me I'm the one DMing you, I seem so unprofessional I'm so sorry. I did try to contact you before by phone call but unfortunately I couldn't reach you so I went with my second option to DM you, I am indeed in Chicago. I am unsure if you are as well or you are still in London but I was wondering if I could Interview you today or before Dynamite tomorrow, please DM me back or call, thank you for your time. And I will be awaiting your response. – Yours Sincerely Chris Van Vliet, I show Kenny "that's who was calling you" Kenny asks I nod. I move over to my phone app and I call Chris and within 3 rings Chris answers "hey Evelyn" Chris answers "hey Chris, I'm so sorry for denying your call, I wasn't certain if it was someone like you or a fan so I just denied it for my safety but I did read your DM" I say "that's good I would rather you deny a call than risk your safety, but are you in town or still in London" Chris asks "I'm actually in town I just got here actually, I would love to have an interview with you, but is it okay if we do this tomorrow" I answer "yes that is totally okay" Chris says "okay thank you see you tomorrow" I answer "alright enjoy your day" Chris says "you too" I say before hanging up.

AEW Dynamite

Kenny and I get to the venue, walk over to our locker room and just wait for the show to start. Tony walks in and closes the door "so is the show going to go down how we set it up at All in" Tony asks, "Just getting ready for All out seems like it and our beautiful Evelyn Devitt is calling out Saraya for the championship at All out" Kenny says kissing me on the forehead I smile "thank you baby" I say "so that's a yes" Tony says looking at us weird "yeah" Matt says, "alright I'll be in Gorilla if you guys need anything" Tony says I give a thumbs up "you two are so weird" Nick says looking at us. "No we're in love" Kenny says, squishing my cheeks and moving my face up to look at him and eskimo kisses me. "So I need to get ready" I say, grabbing his face and dramatically kissing him "okay okay we understand" Matt says covering his eyes and looks away.

I grab my bag and I walk over to the restroom. I grab some black jeans, a cropped Elite shirt, I curl my hair and some dramatic makeup,

I walk out of the restroom and walk over to Kenny "aw my beautiful baby" Kenny says, he stands up and kisses me on the cheek so he doesn't mess up my lipstick, "I need to get to my segment" I say

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I walk out of the restroom and walk over to Kenny "aw my beautiful baby" Kenny says, he stands up and kisses me on the cheek so he doesn't mess up my lipstick, "I need to get to my segment" I say. "Okay good luck my baby" Kenny says, kissing me again I walks out of the restroom.

I walk out to the segment station where I see Renee talking to Toni. I wait for my que "I can't trust anyone, everyone's tell me to call down and I can't" Toni says, my que I walk in and grab the mic from Renee "I'm so sorry Renee but you can go I'll take this over" I say looking over to Toni as Renee walks out of frame, "I would say congratulations but you lost to your best friend, I lost too and I will admit that, but I wasn't the one that got pinned so" I pause I superkick her, "Saraya, Saraya, Saraya. As I told your best friend Toni here" I say looking to the ground "you never pinned me so I have four words for you, You me All Out" I say before dropping the mic and walking off. 

In Love|| Kenny OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now