>08 : Reunited<

442 6 89

TW: arguing (if that even counts)

Miku's personality in this is a mixture of niigo miku and vbs miku !

Tsukasa's POV

"I haven't found anyone yet, what about you Akito?" I mutter.

Mizuki was still looking around while I had mistakenly bumped into Akito. "No, nothing but a bunch of Rui's robots." He says.

Where could everyone have gone?

"Akito! Tsukasa! I found someone!" Mizuki shouts.

We both turn our heads to face Mizuki who was running towards us. A girl with blue pigtails walked behind her. Hastune Miku?

"Miku?!" I gasp.

"I was sent a message from Kaito and I came here. He told me that there was a chance that every villain were to be captured." Miku says.

"Captured by who?" Akito asks.

"TAC, The Administrative Control. I'm sure you've heard of them,"

"You're kidding, how the fuck did they allow themselves to get captured by them?!" Akito snaps. "and no wonder the name Asahina was so familiar to you, Tsukasa! Mafuyu Asahina! She's that girl who was put under the control of them!"

"She– she escaped though?" Mizuki mumbles.

"Even with her escape, the villains weren't able to remove the power that Keiko had over her." Miku sighs. "Another reason we couldn't succeed was because Kanade was so angry with Rui that she didn't even want our help anymore."

"Wait, what did Rui do?" I ask.

Miku glared at me. "He almost killed her."

Not much of a surprise at this point.

"That seems like a common theme for him now, doesn't it?" I say.

Miku nods. "Even if we saved her, Keiko was able to capture her again. This time, he must've made it so she can listen to anything he said." she says. "Because of that, he may be able to do the same to the villains."

"If he gains control of any of them, we're screwed. Especially if they are able to control Emu or Rui." Akito hisses.

"Yeah, which is why we need to hurry the hell and up and stop looking for other people." A voice that came from not me, Akito, Miku or Mizuki snaps.

I turn around to find Shiho. "If we waste anymore time, we won't have much time to stop the TAC from controlling them." She says.

"How are we meant to do anything if we don't know where they're located?" Mizuki asks.

"When Rui helped Mafuyu escape, him and Kanade planned out a map. There's a chance he kept it." Miku mutters.

"Yeah, I think I've seen something like that in his house." I add. "I believe there was also a copy in his room here."

"If you could, go grab that." Shiho says. "Akito, Mizuki, go find any weapons that you can."

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