>15 : Hated By Life<

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Tsukasa's POV

Nobody spoke to Rui for days after what happened. He didn't even try talking to anyone. Not even Emu could get him to talk.

He would come out of his room to eat and then go right back in. There were times where he'd just leave the "hide-out" completely. He would wander off for hours and return as if he was here the entire time.

He was distant. Too distant.

Nene had mentioned to me that Rui said we wouldn't have to remove his powers despite his lack of love for them. Emu also said that Rui told her that he wanted to disappear..

What did that even mean? Disappear? From what? Life? As if he would do that.

I sigh, continuing to walk down the hall. Kaito had left me his room as I've mentioned so that's where I was headed. I wasn't aware that Rui would be stood outside his door when I got there.

Maybe this'll be my chance to talk with him!

"Oh! Uhm, Rui..! Can we talk?" I say, a bit scared of what response I'd get.

He doesn't answer. Rui stands there, looking at me. He turns his back to me and then enters his room.


I felt like a shitty person for snapping at him like that. I felt guilty and shameful of ever saying I hated him. I said he was a freak in my mind..

I take a deep breath, walking slowly over to his door. Just open the door and force him to speak with you.

I open the door. "I-Im going to speak with you whether it's by force or not! You can't just ignore me forever, Rui!" I mutter.

He groans. "Oh my Aphrodite, what do you want?" he crosses his arms.

I smile. Finally, a full sentence! "I want to sort this all out, okay? I don't hate you, and I don't know why I even said I did." I shut the door, walking over to him.

I kept my head low, careful not to make eye contact. I heard a light chuckle from Rui. "Heh, you seriously think I distanced myself from everyone because of you? How selfish of you to think I care that much for you.." His voice cracked. He sounded like he was hurting himself just by saying that. "I-I mean why would I care for some weak, helpless, winged blonde?"

I know he doesn't mean that. He couldn't say that in a truthful way even if he tried. "I know you're lying, Rui. You're not going to get me to go away by hurting my feelings. I'm sure the worst thing you could have done to hurt me is what's already been torn off." I laugh a bit. I found it amusing as of recently.

"Ah.. Right.." He murmurs, drifting his voice off. "I'm.. sorry about that, by the way.." he forces a smile.

I frown. "Don't force yourself to smile, it's not pleasant to see." I grab his wrist. "I don't need your pity."

He sighs. "Okay, im sorry."

"Sorry" is all I ever heard from him... But dont snap now Tsukasa..!

Nefarious Hell // Project SEKAI // Villain/Hero AUWhere stories live. Discover now