>13 : All Too Well<

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Rui's POV

After Tenma and Kamishiro had realized that Tsukasa didn't feel safe around me, they decided to leave SEKAI.

It hurt knowing Tsukasa didn't feel safe around me. I loved him, I really did... but he couldn't stand to even look at me without going into a panic attack or something.

I felt terrible.

"Rui, do you know how you got here in the first place?" Kamishiro asks, turning to look at me as if my answer would give him a hint.

I hesitate. "Well, okay, after me, Tsukasa, and the others had escaped that weird lab thing me, Kaito, and Nene were all held in, Tsukasa felt like his skin was burning or something, so I went to check, and his skin was burnt pretty badly. After that, one of the people who have the ability to use fire and fly all at once, Seiryuin, came along and somehow sent us here. Its really confusing." 

He sat there, thinking for a moment. "Seiryuin, as in Seiryuin Sakurako?" He mutters.

I nod. "..Yeah? How did you–"

"She's one of the actors at PXL." Kamishiro says.

What..? So there's another version of her  here too?

"We'll have to ask her tomorrow if she knows anything about the other Seiryuin," he adds, yawning a bit. "I'm a bit tired, so I recommend we go to bed soon."

"I'm used to being awake for more than 48 hours, so I think I'll be fine," I say, crossing my arms a bit. I was tired, but I wasn't just about to trust that this guy wouldn't try and experiment on me in my sleep. I mean, he did experiment on Tsukasa earlier... Is Tsukasa even okay after that?!

Kamishiro sighs. "If you're that worried about me doing something to you in your sleep, you don't need to be. I'm not like that, nor am I like you."

Hearing my voice say that irritated me. It was unusual to hear my voice sound so generous and kind. It was more of so me being jealous by how good he has it.

"...Okay." I mumble.

It didn't take that long for Kamishiro to set up a mattress, pillow and blanket for me to sleep on.

It wasn't the most comfortable thing to sleep on, but it was definitely more comfortable than what was given to me as a child.

Right... my childhood.

Even if Kaito had taken me in at a young age, I still could remember what my parents were like. It didn't matter to me that they both died when I was really young, I still remembered all the bullshit they put me through.


"You birthed a fucking monster!" my father screamed.

My mother scoffed. "Then kill him! I don't give a shit!"

Kill..? me..?

Nefarious Hell // Project SEKAI // Villain/Hero AUWhere stories live. Discover now