Prologue pt 1.

191 4 0

May 2021

Haneul's POV:
Finally exams are over, but now I have sixth form to worry about.

I check my emails on my phone and see that Yeogang High School sent me an invitation for a taster day. Which is in 3 days. Wait. 3 days??

"Haneulll how was your final exam?"
"Not that bad but bro, you applied to Yeogang right?"
"Yup, did you get the email too?"
"Yeah my taster day is this Thursday, how about yours?"
"Sameee we can go together!!"

Of course I didn't forget that Ryujin applied to Yeogang, it's the school she really wants to go to and she's been talking about it ever since exams started.

"Ah Ryujin, I hope we can go Yeogang together for sixth form"
"But what about Chungdam High School?"

Chungdam High School is said to be the best high school in Seoul filled only with very intelligent students. Everyone at school says I'm so smart and they say they can see me going there and can even see me going Cambridge or Oxford. Haha. Of course they are exaggerating.
I wouldn't have even considered applying to Chungdam if it weren't for my friends forcing me to apply there. I get that they want me to go to an amazing school but really, I think I'll rather stay at Apgujeong for sixth form because most of my friends are doing so and I already know how much I'll miss them if I go to a different school. But, once my mum found out about Chungdam I had no choice but to apply.

"Ryujin, did you forget that I got rejected from Seoul Science High School? There's no way I'll get into Chungdam"

Seoul Science High School was initially the one I wanted to go to until Chungdam came into mind so if you really think about it, if I got rejected from my second choice school there's no way I'll get accepted to my first choice. Right?

"Oh Haneul shush, you're literally the smartest girl I know. If Chungdam doesn't accept you they really are just blind and it's their loss"
"I don't know but you should've applied there you know"
"Yeah, no"
We both burst out laughing.
"Anyways, Haneul I gotta go. You must be tired now but hey, at least exams are over"
"Yeah I'm gonna go and take a nap probably until Thursday to catch up on my sleep"
"Ryujin, why are you laughing like a hyena?" I hear her father ask in the background.
"Ok gotta go bye Hanhan!!"
"Bye bye Ryujin"
We cut the call and I smile to myself while shaking my head. I am sure gonna miss her if we end up going different schools.

Thursday came and I was waiting outside the library that was near the school so that I could go in with Ryujin. I didn't want to look like a lost puppy so I pretended to be on my phone when in actuality I was just swiping through my Home Screen.

I screamed, nearly dropping my phone. I look up to see Ryujin.
"My gosh you scared me bro" I sigh while holding my chest.
She gives me a smirk and then puts her arm around my shoulder "my bad bud, let's go now"

We head inside and already there were many students seated in rows, chatting amongst themselves while waiting for the assembly to begin.

"Oh wow" I look at Ryujin.
"Oh wow indeed" she looks back at me.

We show our invitations to the staff and take our seats. Being the social butterfly that she is, Ryujin starts talking to the girls that were sitting on the same row as us while I just look around the assembly hall.

It was at that moment when I saw a boy walking down the hall finding a seat. It was evident that he came by himself and that he knew no one at the event however, he seemed quite confident and cool, might I add, because of the way he just had an emotionless yet cold expression on his face but still seemed quite approachable. The dress code was formal but what the boy was wearing looked like he came from a very rich family who was apart of the mafia. There was a seat right in front of me and it looked as though he noticed it too because the next thing you know, he comes and takes a seat right in front of me. His hair is so cool.

"I see you already have a crush, huh?"
My head turns so fast I think I cracked it.
"Shush Ryujin, he might hear you" I whisper to her.
"Oh relax, he's not gonna hear. But I think you should talk to him. Or should I talk to him for you?" Ryujin slowly goes to tap the boy when I quickly grab her arm.
"Hey hey hey hey stop!! I am not interested in him"
"Then why aren't you letting me talk to him?" She smirks at me.
I pause.
"I mean, it's not like I'm actually going to see him again. He might go here while I might go Chungdam"
"You never know" Ryujin shrugs "it could be fate"
And that was when the headteacher came to signal the start of the taster day. All I know was that it was going to be a long day.

The taster day ended after what seemed like forever. Chemistry was so fun mainly because the chem teacher was so funny. Biology went so badly but that's because I hate the subject with a passion. Maths went beautiful because it's my easiest subject but I was late to my further maths class because I got lost. I waited outside to say goodbye to Ryujin since we take different routes to go home and turns out I was right, because I didn't see the boy again. Oh well.

"Haneul, you didn't have to wait for me" Ryujin laughed.
"Are you hearing yourself? You're one of my best friends, of course I had to"
"Get home safely, ok?"
"You too!"
"See you on results day, Han!" Ryujin says as she waves goodbye.

Oh. My. Gosh.
Next time I see Ryujin will be in August when we get our results that our future sixth forms will have to see. Results that will determine whether or not we get into certain sixth forms or not. I am not ready.

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