Prologue pt 2.

84 3 0

August 2021

Haneul's POV:
Results day.
I am absolutely terrified.

"Hey Haneul, you ready to go?" My mum called from the front door.
"I'm coming!!" I rushed out of my room and put my shoes on.
"Don't worry sis, I already know you did amazing" my brother tells me as he leans against the door frame of the living room.
"Yeah you're Lee Haneul, it'll be a surprise if you did so bad" my sister laughs while I freeze, looking at her, terrified. Her smile quickly fades away as she says, "yah relax!! You'll be fine"
"Your siblings are right, you'll be fine Han" my mum reassures me "now let's go before you're late"
"Bye Yongbok! Bye Chaeryeong!" I shouted as I waved goodbye and closed the door.

Before my mum started the car, she looks at me and rests her hand on my shoulder, "whatever happens, just know that I'm proud of you Haneul" she smiles "but of course, you're definitely going to get the grades for Chungdam" she smiles cheekily and starts the car.
"Wow mum" I laugh.

Although my mother can be strict at times, she does sometimes act younger than me and she looks young too, but not younger than me of course hehe

We arrive at Apgujeong but unfortunately there's no parking available near the school.
"Go inside and check your results, I'll find somewhere to park in the meantime" my mum tells me.

I go inside and immediately see my other close friend who completes the trio with Ryujin and I.
"Lia!! Did you check your grades??"

I give her a big hug as I see her tearing up. Lia is one of the smartest people in the school so I was not surprised when she told me she got As and above. I persuaded her to apply to Chungdam with me but one of the subjects she wanted to do wasn't available at Chungdam so she decided to stay in Apgujeong instead.

(In case the next part gets confusing, here's how the grading system works:
9 - A**
8 - A*
7 - A
6 - B
5 - C)

"I got two 7s and three 8s but I got six 9s!!"
Again not surprised.
"Omg and you know how every year the top 6 students get to be on the newspaper? My envelope was on a different table and the lady told me I had to come back to take a picture, that means I'm in the top 6!!"
Not surprised. Again.
"And guess what?? I saw your envelope on the table too!!"
Wait what.

I run over to the table, Lia closely behind. And there I saw, my envelope. My hands start to shake as I reach to get my envelope. Oh. My. Gosh. Am I really in the top 6??
"Ah you have to come back to take a picture, ok?" The lady smiles at me.
I was too stunned to speak. Seriously. So I just nodded and walked away. And then proceeded to start squealing with Lia. Yes, I started to sound like a pig. That's how mad I was.

I start to get a call from my mum so I said bye to Lia and then answered the call.
"Hey honey, did you check your results?"
"Woah woah woah" my mum laughs "slow down child"
"Wait mum, wait for me outside the gates, I'll just come to you"

I leave the hall and walk past Jennie and Lisa, two people who I also consider to be in a trio with.

"Hey Haneul!!" They both said in unison.
"Hey guys! Happy with your grades?" I ask with a thumbs up.
"Meh I got Bs in some but who cares?" Jennie says
"Yeah as long as I got the grades to stay in Apgujeong I'm fine" Lisa shrugs "how about you?"
"Ah I haven't opened mine yet but-"
I turn around to see Ryujin with her jaw dropped.
"WHAT??" Jennie and Lisa asked in unison.
"Haha my mum is waiting for me, bye guys!" I run off, leaving them all speechless.

I see my mum at the gates and instantly run towards her giving her a big hug, tears rolling down.
"Mum I'm in the top 6" I cried out.
"Oh my gosh" my mum starts to cry too "I am so proud of you honey"

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