Chapter 9

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July 2022

Haneul's POV:

I started off the summer holidays by going to my favourite bookstore. Reading has been a thing that I loved to do ever since I was little but, another reason why I loved going to that bookstore was because two amazing people work there.



"Welcome back, kiddo! It's been a while"

"I missed you too, Yoongi"

I met Hayoung and Yoongi in May 2020. My mental state was so bad that year that I needed an escape from reality and that's when I found that bookstore which seemed so magical. When I first met them, they were dating and treated me like I was their kid, even though I was only younger than Hayoung by a year. However, they are now broken up and the last time I spoke with them, they weren't on good terms.

"Sorry for not coming here after a while, I had to focus on exams"

"Ah it's fine, don't worry! At least you're here now" Yoongi replied, to which Hayoung nodded in agreement.

"Imma go check up on the computers" Yoongi stated, Hayoung nodding again before he left.

"Sooo" I started, "You guys good or...?"

Hayoung laughed, "Yeah, we are good now"

"You guys plan to get back together again?" I asked, wriggling my eyebrows.

Although Yoongi was now her ex, part of me wished for them to get back together again since they did look so cute as a couple.

Hayoung laughed again, "Nope, we decided we should just stay as friends. Besides, he is not a good boyfriend"


"Yeah, I broke up with him for a reason. Did he not tell you why we broke up?"

After I found out they broke up, I thought it was best not to bring the situation up or ask anything about it so, all I did was check that they were both okay at least.


"Of course he didn't, why would anyone admit they did something like that?" Hayoung muttered.

I looked at her in a confused state, her realising a few seconds later.

She bent over the counter and whispered the reason.



"What happened??" Yoongi asked frantically, running over to us.

Hayoung and I quickly looked at each other trying to think of an excuse.

"Uhh...I just realised I forgot to do something at home! Yeah, I need to be working on my personal statement, bye guys!" I shouted before running away, leaving Yoongi standing confused whilst Hayoung just laughed nervously.

I got home and still couldn't believe what Hayoung told me. I had to make sure I heard it right so, I texted her on insta,

Me: I don't think I heard you right, what did you say the reason was for the break up?

Hayoung 🐹: yoongi kept forcing me to send nudes all the time and do other disgusting stuff like go on call and have phone sex

Me: you should've broken up with him the first time he asked

Hayoung 🐹: ah I wish it was that easy but he was so pressuring

Me: at least you finally broke up with him

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