Chapter 7

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April 2022

Haneul's POV:

Today was the day everyone got their report and parents' evening will be after school. The report showed the grades that we got in our mocks in the first column and in the second column were the grades our subject teachers expected us to get if we carried on working like how we did before mocks.

Like I said before, mocks did not go well.

But, I didn't think I did that bad.

Biology: C
Chemistry: D
Mathematics: B

I knew I did so bad in all subjects but a D for chem? How did I do better in Biology than Chemistry???

I was left so confused and someone else could tell.

"I'm guessing you don't like your report?"

I looked over at the person who spoke to me, "Jisung, I did so bad. I did better in bio than chem for Christ's sake, look!" I handed over my report to him.

He sighed, "Haneul, you did better than me" he said, as he handed me his report.

English: D
History: D
Politics: D
Psychology: U

I couldn't even say anything back.

For a few seconds.

"You know what, Jisung? It's honestly fine. We will get all As at the end. We only have like two months left. As long as we work hard and pattern up, we will be fine."

"You know what, Haneul? I couldn't agree more"

Turns out, Yuna got the same grades as Jisung for English and Psychology, but got a D in Maths and a B in art.

"I understand how I did so bad in English, Psychology and Maths. BUT A B IN ART?! HOW COULD THEY?"

"Yuna, don't worry. We still have time and you will definitely get an A for not just art, but all your subjects too"

"Easy for you to say, Jeongyeon. You got all As in your report"

That was true.

"That's because I worked hard for them, you guys can get those grades too!"

But that was the question.

Could I?

I arrived home and my meetings were going to start soon. My mum hadn't arrived from work yet and I haven't told her what my grades were so already I knew, tonight was going to be a very long night.

My first meeting was Biology. For every subject I have, I have two teachers and thank the Lord my Biology meeting was not with Miss Choi but was instead with Mr Yoon. He was very nice and gave me good advice on what to do next. But, when the meeting ended. My mum had a lot to say.

"C? Honey, how?"

"Mum, I tried so hard you don't understand"

"No. I know what the problem is. You're on your phone too much"

"No I'm not!"

Yes I was.

"Haneul, if you stop using your phone, you will do better. Just listen to your mother"

"Mum, I understand that I may be addicted to my phone but, I can't just stop using my phone"

"Yes you can"

"But I also wanna talk to my friends"

"Ah, so that's the problem. Your friends"

"My friends are not the problem"

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