Chapter 15

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January 2023

Haneul's POV:

The winter holidays felt like a blur, it went all so fast. Christmas didn't feel as special as last year and neither did New Year's but, that was probably because I was too focused on A levels and university.

My sleeping schedule was so messed up over the holidays and it showed because I felt a splash of water on my face one morning by Chaeryeong before she yelled at me saying, "IT'S 7AM YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!"

I quickly checked my phone to see if she was correct and indeed she was.

I didn't even have time to eat, I just got ready, left the house and got to the bus stop at 7:40

I was definitely going to be late for school.

While I was panicking, I felt someone approach me.

"I never knew you took the bus here"

I turned to see that it was Sunwoo.

"Oh, I usually take the bus earlier but I woke up late today. We're going to be late today, aren't we?"

"Nahhh, I take the bus at this time everyday"

"And you're not late?"


"Hmm, that's weird. If you were to take the 101 right now then you will definitely be late"

"That's why it's better to take either the 456 or the 626. Those buses get to school quicker and all you need to do is walk for like five minutes after you get off"

"Oh wow, I didn't know" I nodded. "So, what bus do you take?"

"The 456 or 626" Sunwoo laughed.

"Oh right" I laughed too before mentally face palming myself.

Of course he takes those buses if he suggests that they're better.

Few seconds later, the 101, 456 and 626 came to the bus stop.

"Which bus are you getting?" I asked him.

"The 626, you should come with me"

I thought about it for a moment.

Do I take the 101 and be definitely late to school, or do I take a bus that I've never been on before and trust a guy like him to take me to school?

"Comeee" he whined, causing me to follow my second option.

I followed behind him as we approached the bus, hearing him quietly cheer "Yay"

We tapped our bus passes and got on the bus, going upstairs to take our seats with him sitting in front of me and both of us putting our bags next to the seat beside us.

"After this journey, you'll want to get on this bus every day from now on" he said as he turned around to me.

"We shall see"

"So, any uni offers yet?"

"Nope, how about you?"

"Since I'm applying for med, we hear back later in the year. What are your predicted grades by the way?"

Of course he was going to ask that.

"I'm not saying"

"Alright" he chuckled. "I'm guessing it's A*A*A?"

I was quite honoured that a person as smart yet egoistic as him could think that my predicted grades were that great, even though in reality it was wrong by one grade less.

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